Michelle Obama: More Evidence That Proves She Is A Bigot
I have repeatedly said that the Obamas are race-mongers and that Michelle Obama is even more so than her husband. August 15, 2012, Charles Johnson, writing for The Daily Caller, drove home my point with more proof of same.
He wrote:
During her third and final year at Harvard Law School, first lady Michelle Obama — then named Michelle Robinson — penned an article for the newsletter of Harvard’s Black Law Students Association (BLSA), arguing that Harvard and its students were perpetuating “racist and sexist stereotypes” by not intentionally hiring minority and female law professors on the basis of their sex or skin color. (http://dailycaller.com/2012/08/15/in-harvard-essay-young-michelle-obama-argued-for-race-based-faculty-hiring/#ixzz23ep0RyLZ)
He continues: “The 1988 essay, titled ‘Minority and Women Law Professors: A Comparison of Teaching Styles,’ ran in a special edition of the BLSA Memo. The future first lady justified her demands for more black and female law school faculty by attacking the ‘traditional model,’ in which law students were educated through the Socratic method.”
This is the future First Lady I write about in my syndicated article, “Michelle Obama’s Inner Demons”: “Barack Hussein Obama, originally known as Barry Sotero, claims two mentors and two people of greatest influence in his life – the race-baiting, hate-filled Jeremiah Wright and his race-conscious, bitter wife.” (WND.com; 4/6/08)
This is the woman who has Obama’s ear. This is also the woman who arrogantly said she had been ashamed of the America we love, her entire life–at least until she was in the White House and able to influence Obama’s agenda.
Johnson writes: “She opposed the traditional meritocratic hiring principle, where professors with better legal pedigrees were more often hired, arguing that it limited the success of women and blacks.”

Michelle Obama graduated from Harvard Law School in 1988, and was admitted as a lawyer by the Supreme Court of Illinois on May 12, 1989. Following graduation, she joined Sidley Austin, a corporate law firm in Chicago. But a few years later, in 1994, while working for the Public Allies project in Chicago, Obama voluntarily surrounded her law license under clouded circumstances.
In other words, she was demanding that Harvard ignore those with superior credentials and legal pedigrees in favor of those who could be at the bottom of the proverbial barrel, as long as they were black and/or female. Of course, it’s my guess she would have protested just as much if too many white women were hired.
Johnson’s incomparable article further calcifies that which many have known from the beginning and that is the Obamas are race-conscious Marxist-Leninists who want Van Jones and Eric Holder types to control our lives.
In my syndicated article referenced above I write:
She views life and America through a prism of segregative bias based on her own inner demons. She castigates universities as being designed to cater socially and academically to white students. In reality, schools are to cater to educating the student, but thanks to the very vehicle she used to attend Princeton and Harvard, education is overshadowed by racial diversity. Her Princeton thesis concluded with her excoriating other black alumni because they identified with inclusive American culture more than they valued the color of their skin.
Johnson noted that:
. . . [S]he praised the teaching of several professors who didn’t use the Socratic method, including the far-left academics Martha Minow and Charles Ogletree. Minow’s father, Newton Minow, later recruited Michelle and Barack Obama to Sidley Austin, the Chicago law firm where the two met. Ogletree, who mentored both Michelle and Barack at Harvard, admitted during the 2008 election that he had concealed a videotape of Obama praising ‘critical race theory’ architect Derrick Bell. Michelle also gushed praise for critical race theory itself — the view that law is an instrument of the powerful against the powerless, rather than an effort to seek justice.
And as if we needed more proof of her Erebusic influence over Obama’s presidency, Johnson notes that the language she used “bore clear similarities to the ’empathy’ test Obama promised to use when deciding on nominees for the judiciary.”
The clear and present danger of these two along with their cabal of racist Marxist-Leninists which includes Valerie Jarrett, cannot be ignored. The only thing remotely close to the threat they present is the realization that Republican hierarchy will do everything in their power to prevent true conservatives from being elected.
It is one thing to have the Obamas committed to transforming America into a Communist state–it is another to have Republican hierarchy aiding and abetting them by pushing candidates we cannot support.
Read Also:
Michelle Obama’s Inner Demons: http://www.wnd.com/2008/04/60963/
Michelle Obama Law School BLSA Essay: http://www.scribd.com/doc/102879345/Michelle-Obama-Law-School-BLSA-Essay
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here