Support Rallies For Chick-Fil-A: Are Dangerous Cocktail For Obama
I, along with my son and my best friend and his wife, had dinner at Chick-Fil-A last evening. We went as a show of support and to show our opposition to Obama’s vicious assault on free speech and private enterprise.
I do not eat chicken–and no it’s not because I’m a vegetarian–it’s because I hate chickens and chicken, (truth be told, I’m not particularly fond of eggs either, albeit I do eat them on occasion). It was my first time in a Chick-Fil-A, but those with me had frequented them before. And, if you are wondering what I bought to eat, I had a chocolate chip cookie and a large iced tea.
The thing that struck me as I moved about listening to the conversations, and talking to people in line around us, was that the common complaint was enough is enough. The people I talked to and eavesdropped on spoke about attacks on the church and on the people of faith in general. The first tee-shirts that caught my eye upon arriving were worn by a husband and wife, and had a picture of the “Cross” with the phrase “This shirt is illegal” above it.
It took us approximately 90 minutes to get through the door and another 35 minutes or so to receive our order. The crowd of several hundred people was festive and celebratory. I gave special attention to see how the children and babies were handling the wait–and I can tell you that I did not hear nor witness children crying, screaming, or acting out. The people were friendly. There were no strangers that I observed because the people were all talking congenially amongst themselves and the others there.
I, along with my son and my best friend and his wife, had dinner at Chick-Fil-A last evening. We went as a show of support and to show our opposition to Obama's vicious assault on free speech and private enterprise.
I spoke to two couples on a wide range of subjects from Christ to politics. I overheard others talking about any number of things: from what their pastor had said, to the husband’s work, to their vacation. Americans of every color and sexual persuasion were there, that’s right I personally observed and overheard the conversation between two homosexual men, and in the course of conversation, was told by someone else that they had seen two other men who looked and sounded like homosexuals.
I did not hear coarse vulgarities. I did not hear complaints about waiting. I did not get a sense of people being frustrated at having to wait; as a matter of fact, I heard several people saying that they came expecting to wait. I should also mention that the restaurant lot was immaculate. There was no littering.
But there was one thing that was consistent throughout the crowd. I personally moved in and out among no fewer than a hundred people and the one thing that I repeatedly heard was “Enough is enough.” There was a palpable undercurrent that people were blaming Obama for this attack and they were counting the days to vote him out. I am not exaggerating; as festive as the crowd was, the contempt for Obama and his policies was tangible–followed closely by disgust for the media. I digress to say that the entire time we were there, not one media outlet was present. Not the local television news reporters, no radio, no print media.
It is important to note, as well, that I did not hear people saying untoward things about Obama nor did I hear them saying derogatory things about homosexuals.
Which brings me to my point. People are not looking at Obama and hating him because he’s half-a-Kenyan; they’re looking at him saying “Enough is enough.” I heard people speak in opposition of homosexual marriage, but I did not hear one word or hateful reference made about homosexuals.
In my opinion, that is what made the rallies to show support for Mr. Cathy the Chief Operating Officer of Chick-Fil-A such a threat to Obama and those who support anti-traditional values. What I heard from friends who attended other rallies to support Chick-Fil-A was almost exactly the same thing. That means these people are not acting on emotion; they are rational people who have evaluated what is being done and are resolute in putting an end to it.
That is a lethal cocktail of contempt for Obama, his policies, the radical homosexual agenda, and the mayors of San Francisco, Chicago, and Boston as they hypocritically attack free speech, free thought, the expansion of business and the creation of jobs.
I didn’t see Tea Party signs, but I heard the words “freedom of speech” and “Who is Obama to tell me” and “enough is enough” over and over. I spent money at Chick-Fil-A and I would eat rocky mountain oysters before I would eat chicken.
The rally to support Chick-Fil-A showed more than just objection to Obama. It showed there is a current spreading across America that the media isn’t reporting and that arrogant politicians on both sides of the aisle are ignoring. And they are doing it to their own peril.
You can only push people so far before they turn and push back. I believe the rallies that took place across America, in support of Mr. Cathy and his family’s restaurants, give very strong indication that there is a quiet cacophony of ever-growing indignation toward Obama and all that he and his ilk represent.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here