Its Mental Illness – Not Athletic Skill

Men are invading women’s sports with the full blessing of the depraved and mentally ill. These sodomites are the bottom tier of failure in men and boys sports, but in girls and women’s sports they excel. Not only that, but they are losers in sport and life. Consider William Thomas who changed his name to Lia. He was a failure in life and sport. As a man he was a loser and as a fake woman he was a failed human with mental illness.
Men pretending to be women in order to participate in women sports are mentally ill cheaters. Craziness has been around for a very, very long time. It is neither attractive nor worthy of applause. Such mental illness needs treatment not applause.
But, why the push for men to pretend to be women and steal medals, scholarships, etc. from real women? Dr. Michael Brown spoke well when he wrote: “…the homosexual movement could not grow by reproduction, it had to grow by seduction. … The homosexual movement cannot grow by biological replication, so instead, it puts its emphasis on ideological indoctrination.”
This brings us back to Obama, who is alleged to have been the prince of Chicago bathhouses. It is also widely alleged that he was well known for his sodomistic adventures in the backseats of limousines. And, by his own admission, we know that he craves daily sexual gratification by sodomizing and being sodomized by men. For those paying attention, the thing he calls a wife always seemed to enjoy just a little bit to much the humping and grinding, as she pretended to exercise in front of young boys. There are plenty of videos of her supposedly exercising in front of young male school children. No president’s wife in history behaved so boorishly.
It is important to note that the intrusion of men into women’s sports began because of Obama. He was the one who forced sexual perversion on children from kindergarten to 5th grade. He was the one who forced men in women’s locker rooms and bathrooms.
Drag queens and queers pretending to hold story time in school libraries and public libraries, is nothing short of sexually grooming children. Followed by men in women’s locker rooms under the guise of being a female athlete. The end result is sexual confusion, with young men driven by their male hormones succumbing to sexual perversion; because they have been groomed for satanic perversion, not God ordained family.
Consider the depth of maniacal evil within a person, to promote such godlessness. Rumors exist about Obama’s relationship with Frank Marshall Davis:
Another key figure in Obama’s life was the child rapist, Frank Marshall Davis, who was a committed communist with ties to the most sinister of communist groups. It is worth noting that it was his grandparents who sought Davis out to mentor and tutor the then young Obama. Of all people to employ as a mentor to your child, why engage a radical communist and pedophile, who was rumored to be Obama’s real father, when they had the means to choose anyone they wanted unless they were communist sympathizers who wanted to be sure their grandson would follow in their footsteps and those of his mother? It should also be noted that the Obama shares much more resemblance to Davis than he does his alleged father.
Growing your hair long and maybe putting baggies filled with saline solution under your sweater doesn’t make a man a woman. It makes them mentally ill to pursue such behavior. It is no less mental illness for women who grow facial hair pretending to be a man; but, I digress.
It is wrong on every quantifiable level for fakes and failures to invade women’s sports, stealing scholarships, medals and opportunity from women. We should take note that women are not pretending to be men so they can participate in men’s sports. It is mentally ill men being rewarded for depriving women.
If these men were really able to compete they would do so against other men as Bruce Jenner did. He competed against men. He didn’t steal from women. William Thomas who pretended to be Lia had, what for him was a fantasy life. He got to spy on naked girls and exhibit himself naked in front of them, and he got to steal medals from them. He suffered no risk by pretending to be a woman. He should have suffered scorn and condemnation.
But, feminist women and the groups that are supposedly dedicated to the advancement of women, sit silently on the sidelines or in many instances openly supported the damage being done to women’s sports.
Being the lecherous molester that he is accused of being, Biden allowed the advancement of the subversion of Title IX.
We need to take a stand in defense of our daughters, wives, and women in general. We must not allow ourselves to be bullied into embracing the mental illness it takes to believe such insanity. We must fight against the destruction of our families and we must fight against the corruption of our children.
God does not look favorably upon those who promote such an abomination. I believe He looks even less favorable upon those who could have made a difference, and instead sat on the sidelines.
It is time for us to take a stand. It is time for us to refuse participation in any sport, etc. that allows for such perversion to take place. It is time to boycott any product that supports same. And it is long past time that we stop calling a man by a woman’s name and vice versa. Just because they want to embrace mental illness doesn’t mean we must submit to be crazy with them.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here