An Open Letter to the Google Hierarchy by Barney Brenner

Before anything, kudos. It’s astounding what you’ve accomplished. You’ve put the knowledge of the ages within the reach of most people on Earth and never in history has anything remotely duplicated your success.
Even better, you could be facing the prospect that your future accomplishments may be greater than your former.
But there are crucial steps needed before reaching that goal: you must realize that much of what you’ve been led to believe about our country and our president is an assortment of lies, distortions and false narratives; you must stand against tyranny worldwide; and you have to eliminate in your organization the efforts to skew the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
Third point first: While Google is too big for one person to know everything going on within it, with the revelations from former employees and whistleblowers Zach Vorhies, and Greg Coppola, as well as the unguarded comments of Google’s Head of Responsible Innovation, Jen Gennai, it’s no longer deniable that there are employees who are determined to do anything within their power to deny Donald Trump reelection. Further, scholarly work by Dr. Robert Epstein, former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, shows that Google’s search engine manipulation was already used to influence millions of voters in 2016.
If you care about your company being the objective platform you claim it to be, you must eradicate these efforts.
Next, our country: It was established on great, timeless, and universal principles. The blemishes such as slavery were common to all mankind and throughout all of history. What was unique about us was that we sowed the seeds for slavery’s eradication in our founding documents and we accomplished it in the shortest time of any nation in history.
We’ve been in the forefront since our founding of benefiting people worldwide. Our freedom to innovate – which has fostered your spectacular success – has created more wealth and well-being for more people than anything else ever has. There isn’t even a remote second place. We’ve stood against tyranny in two world and multiple other wars and we seek to promote liberty and free enterprise for peoples everywhere. This in the face of a foolish and growing push for socialism, especially ironic as we’ve watched it take Venezuela from riches to ruination.
But our modern education system has become one where not only can’t you get this vital information which would give you a powerful appreciation of just how good we are compared to any other country, but the correct information has been replaced with denigration and lies. And the major media is worse, especially when it comes to our current president.
Regarding our President: Whether it’s racism or Russia, Charlottesville or children in cages, the popular narratives painting Donald Trump as racist, misogynistic or colluding are not only wrong, but easily debunked. The data is not hidden. You know where billions of people on Earth are at any given moment, you can easily get to the bottom of all these issues. (Ironically, a video at Prager University which corrects the record about Charlottesville got restricted by your subsidiary YouTube.)
You can hardly help but to have noticed some of the glaring fallacies promoted by the leftist media, some indication that their façade of lies doesn’t add up. Act on that notice. It’s unimaginable that you could be proactively seeking to undermine the country that gave you your success. It makes much more sense that you believe these untruths. For the sake of your future, our future, and the world’s, you must seek sources outside the leftist media bubble. Tens of millions have woken to the fact that little of what that media writes or broadcasts can be taken at face value – and much is deliberately misleading.
Take the shackles off your search engines. Give equal time to the good our country and our president have done. Be the unbiased medium that it’s your birthright to be. Live up to your unofficial slogan, “Don’t be evil.” One of the foundations of this country is free and fair elections. Help make sure the next one is just that.
Sergey Brin, your family fled a totalitarian regime where even thinking a certain way was a crime. Don’t stifle free thought in your adopted country. Larry Page once said that “governments fight [internet] users’ freedoms at their own peril.” But now the organization which he co-founded is fighting against those freedoms – and folding before tyrants. Sundar Pichai once said, “a lot of work Google does is to help Chinese companies.” But without their government’s approval, free and independent Chinese companies do not exist. Recognize dictatorships for what they are and refuse to appease them.
You have unprecedented power to penetrate the current iron curtains and to do good for hundreds of millions. The old media has been misleading us and kowtowing to dictators at least since the days of the New York Times’ Walter Duranty in the 1930s. But you’re the new media. You can get it right! Work toward that goal and your legacy will be even more astounding.
About the Author
Barney Brenner
Barney Brenner grew up in New York City and has been a resident of Pima County since 1972. He graduated from Francis Lewis High School, lettering in varsity handball and bowling. Barney had an early start in the working world by helping out at his dad’s dry cleaning store in Brooklyn. During his early teens, he ran three newspaper delivery routes every day and also started a business doing paneling and other minor remodeling for neighbors. Arriving in Tucson at age 20 with little money and a dying VW van, he became interested in auto repair. Friends soon started asking for help with their cars and within two years, Barney bought a small property on East Prince Road near North First Avenue and opened a repair shop. He designed and built a three-bay garage addition on the property a few years later. Barney married the former Carole Dickinson in 1976, and while they were still in their twenties, they designed and Barney built the home they lived in until Carole’s untimely death in 1995. In 1982, after expanding into engine building and machine work, Barney’s company was featured in the Arizona Daily Star “Neighbors” section for its exceptional customer service. Barney would help do-it-yourselfers, even teaching them to assemble their own engines. He would do the precision machining, answer their questions, and sell them parts from his growing inventory. When Mr. Brenner moved into the retail store and warehouse he built on West Prince Road near Romero, the company became a full-scale auto parts operation, Barney’s Import Parts. Three weeks after 9/11, Mr. Brenner bought a struggling competitor’s auto parts store and turned the company around, despite the difficult economy. He duplicated that feat with another store purchased in December 2003. In 2005, when Barney was 53, he sold the 30-employee, three-store chain and retired. Mr. Brenner has completed a number of other building projects of his own including, just last year, a garage and workshop at the west-side home where he and the former Sharon Tucker live. They were married at that home in December 2000. Because of his personal construction endeavors, Barney is familiar with Tucson and Pima County building permit processes, having been down that path more than a dozen times. In addition to his other activities, Mr. Brenner developed an interest in local politics. In 1996 he was campaign manager for David Morales when the former Marana Town Councilman and Legislative District 11 Chairman made a run for the Arizona State Senate. In 1999, Barney walked precincts, gathered signatures, installed signs, and helped with fundraising and photography in Tucson Mayor Bob Walkup’s first campaign. In 2001 Mr. Brenner was elected president of the Pima County Republican Club and held the office for three years. Barney’s other accomplishments include earning a black belt in American Tae Kwon Do karate and a United States patent for a VW heating system, which has sold in the thousands to date. He earned a commercial pilot’s license for hot-air-balloon flight, and has helped to raise thousands of dollars by donating balloon rides to dozens of local charities. He has been a volunteer with Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and he was a columnist for the Tucson Citizen in 2006 for their inaugural “My Tucson” series. He has also had numerous other op-eds published in both the Citizen and the Arizona Daily Star. Barney announced in March 2008 that he is a candidate for the District 3 seat on the Pima County Board of Supervisors. Ora Mae Harn, the former Mayor of Marana, is his Campaign Chairman.