Another Harridan Demands Special Treatment

There are none more stenotopic when it comes to the pursuit of rejecting modernity from cradle to grave, than hate-filled Negro women who behaviorally redefine harridan. That’s not ipse dixit. It’s a fact verifiable on every quantifiable level.
In fact, so much so, that I’m beginning to wonder if there’s a pill that the pimps and harlots responsible for the prostitution of skin pigmentation and the discord sown by same, take each morning that enables them to slither through life spawning and sowing lies and the rejection of modernity for self promotion.
The latest elapid to enter the metaphorical societal garden is called a NBC reporter going by the name of Char Adams.
I thought Jam-mu (sic) Greene, Stacy Abrams, Joy(less) Reid, Maxine ‘drip-drip’ Waters who is as mad as a hatter, the Obama woman et al, were among the most spiritually and emotionally diminished of their species, but apparently Adams has decided to make the contest for same a horse race.
Everyone of the women I reference above have tried to elevate themselves to the top of the pile of stuff Mrs. Truman spent 25 years trying to get President Truman to call fertilizer.
Adams has made a herculean leap in the ascension of the referenced pile. She has done it by inventing a complaint that truly forces all others into the bottom division. This lacquered face woman has lodged complaint against society arguing that: “black people need ‘safe spaces to go camping and just experience the outdoors’ due to past racial discrimination. According to the sentiment was echoed by CNN, which has highlighted the “adventure gap” or “nature gap” in outdoor recreation, attributing it to a lack of diversity in what is often seen as a “White-dominated space.”
To address this gap, Adams proposes the creation of outdoor “safe spaces.” One individual interviewed in the article, Newton, explains the historical barriers faced by black people in accessing national and state parks, stating, “There is trauma related to being outdoors… It’s our natural birthright to be there, and there’s a lot of healing that we as a Black community must do in order to reconnect and deepen our relationship with the outdoors.”
This is beyond ridiculous! It is beyond reaching for something to complain about that doesn’t exist. What would it take for bi-pedal life form to have a more corrosive mentality? When did she and her kind truthfully become so enamored with hiking, camping and pitching tents? What are the numbers of melanin dominant people who frequent the camping stores and hunting stores. Perhaps it has escaped Adams’ neo-Leninist polluted mind that not everyone is interested in hunting, hiking and camping. What gives her the right to dictate who can go in the woods? Talk about irony: her kind go to Africa and never go into the jungle. They lounge around hotel pools and shopping districts. And, not suddenly, we’re supposed to believe they’re interested in establishing a segregated Walden Pond? How about they do what normal people do and build a place in their backyard?
One would think that considering all of the neighborhoods the people she is referencing have burned down, the only thing missing for a true camping experience was the hotdogs and burgers.
To address this wholly bogus gap, Adams proposes: the creation of outdoor “safe spaces.” One individual interviewed in the article, Newton, explains the historical barriers faced by black people in accessing national and state parks, stating, “There is trauma related to being outdoors… It’s our natural birthright to be there, and there’s a lot of healing that we as a Black community must do in order to reconnect and deepen our relationship with the outdoors.”
The need to go to this extreme to claim harm is indicative of a truly damaged mind. It’s also imperative proof that the lies of racism and social inequality don’t exist in America. If they existed there would be no plausible reason to invent something so poorly reasoned.
It might be a hard pill for Adams to swallow, but it’s everyone’s “natural birthright” to enjoy the great outdoors. My wife and I spent weeks in the Blackfeet Nation, in Yellowstone National Park and touring the Grand Tetons.
Our son and his wife have hiked and camped some of the most wondrous mountain ranges and national parks, etc. in the world. No evil melaninless people jumped out to disrupt them in the outdoor habitat.
Adams and her kind are the progeny of the marriage of agitprop and socialist alchemy in higher education. Her kind goes into the educational community and falls prey to the lies and Marxian propaganda. As William F. Buckley noted: “We see how a number of energetic social innovators, plugging their grand designs, succeeded over the years in capturing the liberal intellectual imagination. And since ideas rule the world, the ideologues, having won over the intellectual class, simply walked in and started to run things.”
Suffice it to say, that no group of people have been more disaffected than the contentious, mean-spirited women coming out of colleges and universities today, who base even their oxygen intake on being a crayon color.
These people are a shameful display of wasted opportunity. They should be concerned about teaching women to be more than sperm repositories for men who have no intention of making a life with them. They should view themselves as more than cash machines for Planned Parenthood. Adams’ efforts would be best spent advocating for two-parent homes juxtaposed to boorish commonality and the rejection of modernity.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here