AOC Doesn’t Dictate What Is Best For Israel or America

It is an indisputable fact that the portion of human or animal anatomy that graces a chair or the floor is irrefutably incapable of thinking. Ergo, it is impossible for the bartender formerly called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, turned lunatic bottom feeder politician, who now goes by the anacronym AOC, to think. Even if possible to change AOC to an acronym meaning horse’s petute, which is appropriately fitting, the best she would be capable of, is flatulence and a variant form of encopresis; both of which bodily functions freely flow from her mouth now.
Thus, when she says she thinks, she is presuming we believe that she is capable of performing said function, considering the part of the anatomy she is widely referred to as.
She’s incapable of thinking, but she is guilty of attempting to brand Israel’s defensive actions taken to defend country and people, as being guilty of an indiscriminate bombing campaign,” and claiming the bombing is the political aims of violence and dehumanization of Hamas.
This is her way of pretending to sound reasoned while treating Israel the way Brutus did Caesar in the Theatre of Pompey.
What Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists did to Israel on October 7, 2023, unequivocally shows their continuation as demon-possessed mongrel barbarians. In the meanwhile AOC engages in word play, while the other members of her political kennel falsely accuse and malign Israel – it’s what the Jewish haters do.
These demonic terrorists truly represent the lowest form of life on earth. Those who support them are no less Erebusic.
Veiled projections of Jews being as inhumane as the Moslem terrorists in an unprovoked attack on Israel, is a pathetic attempt to shift the responsibility away from those it should be focused upon.
This isn’t a one-time isolated act. Repeated unprovoked global terrorist attacks is what these Bedouins are bred to do. And yet, somehow it is never viewed as their fault. Somehow, there is always, ultimately found, a way to blame Jews for these heinous atrocities.
Instead of pretending to have a reasoned conversation with the moral equivalent of humanoid shaitan; truth dictates there is no honesty with those who wish death to Israel and Jewish people.
Was it Israel’s fault that in October, 2016, Muslims murdered 250 Syrian children by kneading them in a dough kneader as they roasted adults alive in a bakery oven. The oldest child was four-years-old. (See: ISIS Kills 250 Kids In Dough Kneader, Burns Adults Alive; Jamie Schram; NY Post; 10/26/2016)
Before the Jew-haters try to dispute my comparing these groups, explain first the difference between the two attacks. Both were unprovoked; both attacks were just pure savagery and demonic barbarism.
Before someone addresses the period of time between the two attacks, that’s in part my point. Time, distance and geographic location don’t matter to these Philistines. All that matters is the carnage they are able to inflict.
Thanks to Obama-Biden Hamas, Hezbollah and whatever other of their kind, are fully funded and able to spread their satanic barbarism, murder and mayhem throughout the world.
The bottom line that these people are the bete noire of the Middle East. Gaza never belonged to them, any more than any other part of the Middle East. They are nomadic savages. They are tolerated, because they can be counted upon too be used to validate Israeli hatred.
The fact that AOC and her Halloween sisters known as “the squad” are fully in agreement, proves my position that it’s not that they hold office. It’s that they were able to find people to vote for them.
The United States must not allow itself to be drawn into another war, which results in the senseless loss of American lives, permanently injured and psychologically impaired men and women for the personal gain of private military contractors, like Blackwater.
This loss of American lives and injury to our men, women families has profited Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and countless others who drink from the spigot that President Trump was/is committed to turning off; which is yet another reason the GOP warmongers are as committed to his not being re-elected as the Obama-crat party. But, I digress.
The war Americans must fight is the war against government tyranny, the war against the industrialized murder of children and the war against the American family. Consider what the anti-God and anti-America infidels, the Obama-crats under his Biden-fronted puppet regime have been able to accomplish by infiltrating and commandeering the Church to date.
We cannot allow Israel to be used as the carrot for war profiteers to distract the true mission of the Church. We stand with Israel, we stand for America.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here