‘I Feel the Presence of The Lord’  

"I Feel The Presence of The Lord" is a personal collection of devotions intended to encourage the reader to seek and see the Lord in every aspect of their life.
The enemy of our souls would have us subscribe to the mentality of being endlessly busy, and therefore it being excusable to relegate God to a Sunday morning church service, if that. Thus, many in our churches today are powerless Christians and/or Christians in whom faith and fellowship with God is sorely wanting.
I Feel The Presence of The Lord is not just a book to be read as part of our daily devotions. It is a collection of thoughts and instructions to inspire the reader to meditate upon the Lord and His Word.

Black History Month – Super Bowl – An Anthem

Neo-Leninists have corrupted what originally was not an idea without merit, even though I would argue it was always susceptible to corruption by evil men and women, looking to exploit the intellectually deficient for personal gain.  I’m referencing specifically the exploitive shallowness of what has come to be named Black History Month.

“It’s fitting that the Circus Maximus of sporting events, i.e., the television audience viewing the super bowl, would be chosen as the target audience for social re-programming.  This hybrid paleo-cultural re-programming is intended to further reduce malleable minds that embrace the heretical lie(s) there exists such a thing as crayon color skin. A heresy, I might add, that argues the summon bonum is only that which elevates the causes of the crayon color people.

It was bad enough when the public was subjected to product commercials.  But, in recent years, a nexus between exploitation, the Super Bowl and so-called Black History Month, has been has been discovered by cultural-Marxists.  This year promises to be even more of a spectacle.

Brainwashing the mindless, has by definition never been overly difficult if you could keep the mindless seated on a couch long enough.  Accordingly, nothing says brainwashing and cultural denigration like Marxism; a mindset it has been actively advancing since 1967.

This year’s theme for the 29 days of crayon colored agitprop will focus upon African Americans and the Arts.  Herein is the foundational necessity for Marxism to be successful. As Marx put it: “Keep people from their history and they are easily controlled.”   This pursuit keeps people angry, because it is based on the mindset of zero accountability and when held accountable they become enraged and more violent.

That’s exactly what the cultural-Marxists of today are driven to do.  The Super Bowl provides the national visibility to pretend their angst is justified.

There are whole towns in America that have fewer multi-millionaires under the age of 35 than the number of same that will suit up for said game.

It’s an insult to America.  The truth is there are noteworthy Americans who contributed massively to our America after having been slaves.  But, it’s an insult the NFL is only too happy to advance.

It’s a fact that not every person with melanin prominent were slaves in America.  Many came here well after slavery had been abolished in the United States – having been slaves in Moslem countries and Communist countries. Maybe they should sing the national anthem from their Moslem or Communist country of origin.

This brings me to the detestable idea of playing a bogus crayon-colored national anthem. These demonic morons cannot have it both ways.  The fact they overlook is if they’re to recognize the hymn “Lift Every Voice and Sing” as their national anthem then they’re embracing Communism.

The hymn has its origin in 1900.  It was co-opted in1917, exactly during the time that Russian dictator Vladimir Lenin and W.E.B. du Bois (who bore striking similarity to one another) were advancing Communism into every country with melanin dominant people.  Lenin applauded du Bois for his genius ideas of turning “colored peoples” against “non-colored peoples.”

Most people who will be singing that make-believe anthem haven’t any idea they’ll be signaling their support for the boot of neo-Communism on their throats.  They’re to shortsighted to realize what living under Marxism and following Communist propagandists has gained them nothing but misery.

Marcus Garvey followed Lenin and du Bois in tandem with his back to Africa movement.  Need we discuss the fact Liberia continues until this day to be a disease riddled, poverty stricken, violent face of Africa.

The ignorance of these people is beyond astounding.  It would be laughable if not so sickening watching people destroying their own hellish arguments.  It’s kinda’ like claiming the so-called white man is killing your young people and calling for justice, even though you paid these very people to murder over 20 million of your children to date.  But, I digress.

An anthem is a hymn or psalm sung antiphonally or responsively.  Also, it seems reasonable to understand in order to have a national anthem, you must first have a nation.  A national anthem is the official song of a nation or country.

Either way these people in their rush to claim something they believe will elevate their own inferiority, foolishly dismiss definitions and reality.  But, I have a solution.

My solution would be that all Americans who truly love America and who want to work and contribute to our nation should openly condemn those who do not.  I further advocate if these crazies want a color-coded national anthem – put them on ships back to Somalia or some other hole.  No return permitted.

Of course, we could just section off a piece of California and let the lunatics name it whatever their heart’s desire.  Let them start their own government, their own system of currency, their own justice system, etc.  Let them govern it however they see fit.  But, they would never be permitted back to the rest of real American.

We have all observed that these people complain and badmouth our America; especially those with bucket loads of cash, like athletes, entertainers, actors et al.  But, besides showing off the money they have like the Obamas and Oprah Winfrey, both of whom are on record and recordings having voiced their hatred for America and people sans visible melanin, Winfrey saying they should die. These pernicious calumniators leave America only for vacation and immediately return..

They aren’t interested in leaving; they are interested pretending to be important.  They want to be lauded and hailed as the second coming.

But, they’re too clueless to realize their kind aren’t viewed with applause.  They’re viewed as annoying and offensive individuals who should find another place if America is so bad.

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Mychal Massie

About the Author

Mychal Massie

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here

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