Blacks Today: Disgrace To Dr. King’s Legacy

This is the final installment of my three-part series examining how much blacks have devolved since the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King. In the nearly 55 years since Dr. King’s crowning achievement of civil rights for all Americans, blacks have romanced failure and devolvement; so much so, that blacks today would be unrecognizable to Dr. King.
Americans, and specifically Americans who are black, celebrated the late Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday on January 21, 2018. President Reagan signed legislation making King’s birthday a holiday in 1983. It was officially observed three years later. It was officially observed by all 50 states for the first time in 2000.
Dr. King was born in April 1929, into Jim Crow Georgia. There’s a need to detail what the segregated South was like at the time of his birth. I think we should examine the mentality and character of blacks today juxtaposed to the zeitgeist when Dr. King etched his name into history, in his epic battle for equal rights for blacks. In brief, how have blacks progressed since Dr. King’s crowning achievement of seeing blacks given full civil rights?
If it were possible, Dr. King would be spinning in his coffin. Dr. King has been dead for nearly 51 years. He lived long enough to see the equal rights guaranteed all Americans by the Constitution become a reality, fortunately he died without seeing the regression of blacks to a near sub-species level of behavior.
Dr. King dedicated his life fighting for inclusion and equal rights, but many blacks today proudly, albeit foolishly, demand segregated campus housing, segregated college homecoming events and graduations. How does such idiocy advance the cause Dr. King fought to bring about for blacks?
While speaking at a church in St. Louis, in 1961, Dr. King said: “We have to do something about our moral standards. We know there are many things wrong with the white world, but there are many things wrong in the black world too. We can’t keep blaming the white man. There are things we must do ourselves.”
Blacks today have made a mockery of “moral standards” behaving in ways that are counter productive to every quantifiable level of propriety. Based upon athletic ability black players attend colleges and universities that Dr. King could only dream of seeing blacks attend. But many of these athletes are absent the morals Dr. King referenced. They engage in rape, gang rape, drugs, violence, and irresponsibility resulting in out-of-wedlock babies that most times grow up fatherless.
Dr. King fought for blacks to enjoy their God given right to attend any institution they desired and were qualified to attend. Today blacks are dropping out and flunking out of institutions of higher education at an alarming rate.
During Dr. King’s life, black performers took pride in their appearance and public and private image. Today, most black entertainers claim debauchery, reprobate behavior, drugs, violence and morally opprobrious dress and speech are the culture of the so-called black community.
Dr. King lived through a period in time, when the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) threatened to murder blacks and he condemned same. Since his death over 20 million black women have murdered their unborn babies at the urging and applause of a so-called black president. Obama seized every opportunity to foment discord based upon skin color, but not once did he condemn Planned Parenthood for abortions that have reduced the aggregate number of blacks by 30 percent in 44 years.
Dr. King spoke reverently of God and he besieged the God of heaven to protect children. Today a so-called black president invoked the blessings of God upon Planned Parenthood, the primary exterminator of blacks; as he smilingly said Planned Parenthood does good work.
In Dr. King’s lifetime, the KKK wasn’t close to being as prolific in exterminating blacks as Planned Parenthood or even blacks themselves. In 2015, blacks were responsible for killing 8,000 other blacks annually. “Between 1976 and 2011, 279,284 blacks were killed, with 262,621 of them being killed by another black person. That means 94 percent of all blacks were murdered by another black.” (See: Razing Statues Won’t End Blacks’ Destructive Behavior; 9/11/2011)
Dr. King was concerned with family and self-determination. When Dr. King participated in the signing of the Civil Rights Acts in 1964, 87 percent of families that were black, had married two-parent households. Forty percent of blacks were business owners. Today over 70 percent of black children grow up in single parent homes, in which the parent can barely afford a pizza.
Blacks are not yet finished trying to reach absolute bottom. Today their complaints are that white people owe them sleep because of slavery. Today blacks condemn Jesus because he is too white looking. Demon-led imposters teach that blacks are from a lost tribe of Israelites. I will agree that these people are a tribe and they are lost.
Blacks are guilty of everything Dr. King recognized as immoral and anti-social. Dr. King spoke of content of character not color of skin. Today most blacks exhibit no character but worship skin color, which probably explains why they are Democrats.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here