For quite some time, I have been puzzled and troubled by Anti-Semitism, and have given it a lot of thought,
Continue readingAm I missing something? By my reasoning when you are branded a country that sponsors terrorism; a country
Continue readingAccording to the New York Times, in addition to other sources, John McCain does not want President Trump
Continue readingApparently, Chucky Schumer, D-NY, suffers from a worst case of pseudologia fantastica, i.e., “compulsive
Continue readingWhat is it with these worn out old sots who rode the coattails of dishonorable and anti-American men
Continue readingOn January 19, 2016, my nationally syndicated op-ed, titled: “Trump Is Not Conservative, He’s A Pragmatist,”
Continue readingLet me begin by saying that I have the utmost respect for Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She is a lovely, gracious,
Continue readingI have been in a battle with Facebook per my Constitutional right to free speech and my Constitutional
Continue readingCalling today's Democrats "NAZIs" may seem radical. Just speaking the name can make the hairs on the
Continue readingDuring his ABC News interview, James Comey said that President Trump was morally unfit to serve as President.
Continue readingI believe there’s something suspicious about the great number of Congressional Republicans not seeking
Continue readingRemember the lyrics to the song "War" sung by the late Edwin Starr; the 1970s R&B, soul singer
Continue readingMargaret Sanger was a rabid racist. The work that she promoted and advocated was at its core nothing
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