Chelsea Clinton Has Morals of Her Mother and Father

We know that Chelsea Clinton is as much a degenerate reprobate liar as her mother Hillary and it isn’t a reach to say that she is every bit as delusional. The only unanswered question, for right now at any rate, is whether or not she secretly exhibits the violent debaucherous concupiscence her father has publicly displayed his entire life.
We do know that Chelsea is married into a family whose mere name causes decent people to rinse their mouths out. Her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, is the son of the former Congressman and convicted felon, who was nicknamed “fast talkin’ Eddie.” The FBI said that his fraudulent activity permeated nearly every one of his business deals between 1980 and 2000. In an article by J.J. Duncan, November 30, 2009, his father was referenced as a “pioneer scam artist,” who pioneered Nigerian money scams. “The FBI described him as a one-man crime wave.” (See: Ed Mezvinsky, Father of Marc Mezvinsky, Pioneered Nigerian Money Scam)
Suffice it to say Marc Mezvinsky’s mother, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, was a real “peach” as well. Worm infested, but a peach. Thus the allegations of massive corruption between Chelsea’s husband’s hedge fund and her parents’ (cough-cough) “charitable foundation” come as no surprise. The corruption allegations are compounded by the fact that her husband quickly shut his hedge fund down immediately upon Hillary being crushed in the general election by Donald Trump.
But the Clinton daughter marrying into a family with a pedigree similar to her own family isn’t the point of this article.
The point of my article is that I want to know how this genetically predisposed “caudal” of corruption finds the temerity to claim that President “Trump degrades what it means to be an American?”
With a family tree like hers, not to mention the genetic code she married into and spawned children with, perhaps she could tell us just what her husband, her family, and her in-laws, did/do to elevate being an American? Maybe the Chelsea grew up watching gangster movies and revels in such criminality. Maybe she grew up with Jesse James, John Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, and Frederick “Kevin” Coe the South Hill Rapist, as her heroes.
Because there is nothing that President Trump has I would venture to say, even thought of that compares to the pattern of crime, corruption, rape, and sexual abuse that is endemic in family and the family of her husband.
Why didn’t the interviewer question her about the things I have just listed? This is why I should be interviewing her kind. I would very quickly put an end to these pernicious infestations of diseased reasoning lying with impunity. The American public is tired of having con-artists like Chelsea Clinton go unchallenged when they stare into cameras and lie.
The other point of my writing today is to ask under what cloak of law does Chelsea Clinton get a pass in calling for violent demonstrations that could threaten the life and physical well being of President Trump and those with him? As well as I might add as the British dignitaries and onlookers?
Chelsea Clinton said: “If I lived in Britain I would show up to protest…” I see no scenario wherein her words cannot and should not be taken as veiled encouragements to incite violence during President Trump’s scheduled visit to the United Kingdom in July of this year. Then as if to reinforce her call for violence she boasted of taking her young children to several demonstrations and violent protests. But insofar as she is Hillary’s daughter, she probably lied about that as well.
Riot, mayhem, and violent protest is precisely what the Clinton/Obama minions have used to their advantage for years. They then have the their lapdog mainstream media sycophants claim the people are justified in their violent outbursts because President Trump’s policies are so divisive.
I submit that a few three a.m. knocks on her door by secret service agents would quell such behavior. At the very least it would remind her kind that invoking code-speak as a call to do violence to our President isn’t something that is taken lightly.
Chelsea Clinton epitomizes her mother’s brazen attitude of entitlement. She is above the average person. Her good deed is to smile and wave to the “little people” as she is ushered by them. How nice, how absolutely frickin’ nice of her, to expend energy giving a fake smile and an indifferent wave to the little folks as she whisks by them.
I submit that Chelsea Clinton has no more moral character than her immoral father and amoral mother. I say that because she has chosen to follow in their footsteps – the paths of lies, corruption, and Erebusic machinations to destabilize the Presidency of Donald Trump. We the People elected President Trump and we stand with him and beside him. The day President Trump starts raping women and having oral sex in the secret hallways of the Oval Office like Chelsea’s father maybe then we’ll change our minds.
Until that time, if Chelsea Clinton wants to condemn people, let her condemn her mother for not lifting a finger to help Ambassador Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, and Glen Doherty who were murdered in Benghazi. And, for as scathing as this piece has been, I would be remiss if I didn’t say she should be more concerned about where she spends eternity than using code-speak to incite violence against President Trump.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here