CNN’s Sour ‘Lemon’ and The Bigots Attacking Kanye West

As an American who happens to be black, permit me to tell you exactly how I feel about the miserable excuses for humanity who are attacking Kanye West for meeting with President Trump. Their ideological anaplasia enslavement to abject ignorance is indefensible and worthy of the harshest scorn.
The boorish commonality and moral opprobrium infecting many blacks has been exposed in the aftermath of Kanye West’s meeting with President Trump.
It’s a fact that when it comes to morality CNN’s Don Lemon is definably autoecious, i.e., he is a parasite fungus that has spent his entire professional lifecycle, thus far, on a single host and that single host is called “amorality.” Black people like Lemon fancy themselves clever when they behave with such a profound lack of propriety. After all, they aren’t on CNN to represent a positive portrayal of character and erudition; Lemon and his kind are on CNN to example the lowest forms of commonality and they never fail to deliver.
Lemon described Mr. West’s meeting with President Trump as “a minstrel show.” Tara Setmayer called Mr. West “the token Negro of the Trump administration.” Bakari Sellers said, “Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read.” Van Jones and Jason Nichols said that Mr. West suffered from “mental illness.”
Apparently Lemon getting “pass-out” drunk, talking about the type of homosexual lover he is, and deciding to have his nipple pierced on live television, although he relented and had his ear pierced instead, as CNN welcomed in 2017 wasn’t viewed as a minstrel show.
It is a long established practice for white liberal programming to feature those like Setmayer and Sellers, whose major contribution to humanity is to behave in ways that are representative of the negative stereotypes of their kind. Van Jones was so far out of touch that it was necessary for him to surrender his position as White House advisor to Obama. As for Nichols, his greatest claim to fame is the foolish comments he made on CNN.
Not to be outdone, Juan Williams, who is the token shill on FoxNews said: “Trump used Kanye as a prop to tell White Supporters [he’s] not racist.”
Juan Williams is an incredibly offensive person on every quantifiable level. Williams was fired from NPR for telling the truth during an appearance on FoxNews, when he said: “The truth is that I worry when I am getting on an airplane and see people dressed in garb that identifies them first and foremost as Muslims.” He was given a mercy hiring at FoxNews with a job description that apparently called for him to make an ass out of himself at every opportunity. A position in which he has excelled.
These people are jealous of Kanye West’s fame and fortune. They reveal themselves as racist haters because he has determined that President Trump offers America a higher standard of life. Why wouldn’t he want that for his family? These people have exposed themselves for what they are, i.e., operose, as in tedious and wearisome.
These bigots are attacking Kanye West for exercising his God given right to freedom of thought and association, but they’re silent regarding the fact that the Bill Gates of Microsoft, his wife Melinda and their Gates Foundation have determined there are too many Black Africans.
The Gates’ have decided that Black Africans are causing extreme poverty and the way to resolve this extreme poverty is to practice the murder of unborn sub-Saharan African babies by abortion. They euphemistically call their plan “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to reduce poverty,” which is nothing more than abortion, which they call population control. (See: Rebecca Oas, PHD; Bill Gates Thinks There are Too Many Africans, Calls For Population Control;; 10/12/2018)
Remarkable isn’t it? Kanye West is ridiculed for meeting with President Trump who is responsible for the lowest unemployment in decades and the lowest unemployment amongst blacks since 1972. Mr. West is condemned for meeting with President Trump who is responsible for making historic improvements across America, and specifically for blacks.
But when Bill Gates calls for Black African babies to be murdered and Black African women to be sterilized they are silent.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here