DEI’s Homos, Lesbos and Dumbos

Progressives are a boorish lot. They are contradictions to the reality they claim to represent. Their bastardized mantra of inclusion fails to exhibit the tangible outcomes defined as even modest examples of success. They are churlish Mohocks who use their ill-gotten positions as cudgels.
The Biden-Harris-Obama administration is the picture perfect representation of all such failure. Diversity, equity and inclusion were the official mantra for what they presented as proof of concept. In truth, those “given” such positions were proof positive representations of failure that is consistent with those who skill sets are based upon being homos, lesbos, and dumbos.
Of all the White House press secretaries, Karine Jean-Pierre has been without equal in the failed performance of the position she held. But, in her mind and in her own words, she being the press secretary made her a historic figure. In reality she was unqualified and an unmitigated failure on every quantifiable level.
Her only redeeming qualities and indeed the only reason she was hired is because she is a lesbian with the proper complexion and presumably a woman.
California’s commitment to place homos, lesbos and dumbos in critical positions has showcased an unparalleled absence of skill, understanding of how to perform the jobs they were given, and disdain for propriety and decorum.
Karen Bass, mayor of Los Angeles, was on urgent business in Africa while Los Angeles was burning to the ground. Gavin Newsom the failure who masquerades as governor of California made his prime-time appearance. Unfortunately his skill sets are bleached teeth and coiffed hair, neither of which have any leadership value in the midst of firenados and uncontrolled raging fires of biblical proportions.
And, if the rumors are true, Kamala Harris will probably be the next governor of California. If that happens, and my belief is – if she runs she will be elected, because the political class of California give all new meaning to the late George Kelly’s studies on “Personal Construct Theory,” which argues: Psychological disorder is any personal construction, used repeatedly in spite of consistent invalidation, i.e., repeating the same thing failure after failure, is a psychological disorder.
In brief, it is a truism that progressivism, like liberalism, is a mental disorder.
But, that sums up the extent combined skill sets the progressives. They are graduates of the reputed finest institutions, but going to a heretofore academically respected learning institution is nothing more than an assignation today juxtaposed to what same represented in times past.
Affirmative action and the right connections are the qualifiers for entrance into Harvard, Yale, Columbia and the so-called top schools today. The students attending same are not educated; they are inculcated with lies, hatred for America and menticide.
The caricatures that filled the Biden-Obama political landscape are disgraceful reminders to the once great American institutes of learning.
As I said during a discussion several days ago, the California progressive ruling class will not learn from the mistakes that have led to the devastation they are now confronted with; they will double down, arguing that the disaster is the result of their progressivism not going far enough, which is exactly what they are now doing.
Nero may have fiddled as Rome burned, but the California progressives led by Newsom have amassed a $50 million war-chest to underwrite legal defenses aimed at fighting President Trump’s policy efforts.
California wants you and I to foot the bill for the irresponsible negligence of the progressives they continue to elect.
Being a homo or a lesbo does not encase a skill set to be a skilled leader. And, being a dumbo by definition diminishes the requisite management/leadership skills. Yet, those are the abominable practices that the Biden-Obama camarilla applaud and promote.
Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s transportation secretary, accomplished less than nothing in his official capacity, and truth being told, he didn’t have to. He was the first homo guy in his position. That was all the skill set he needed. Just ask the people of Ohio. I’m certain they will applaud his deviancy as the skill set they needed when ‘Pete the pervert’ failed them following multiple train derailments. And let us not forget his failure with the airlines. But, he is a homo, and that trumps being competent.
It is the demonic perversion of the wholly amoral that has progressives and their ilk serenade songs of mythical achievements for homos, lesbos, and dumbos.
Speaking of dumbos, is there any more accomplished one than Kamala Harris? The ability to read words on a screen with a minimum of blinking is not scholardom. But, don’t tell the ever-diminishing number of Rachel Maddow viewers.
It is the farthest thing from ipse dixit to argue that the Obama woman and her husband are the other version of the Clintons. They hate one another, but stay together for the sake of mutual convenience. The sick sexual practices we hear about these four Fabian progressives, takes perversion to new heights.
But, their grotesque deviance is not synonymous with good leadership, even though progressives would have us confuse the two.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here