‘I Feel the Presence of The Lord’  

"I Feel The Presence of The Lord" is a personal collection of devotions intended to encourage the reader to seek and see the Lord in every aspect of their life.
The enemy of our souls would have us subscribe to the mentality of being endlessly busy, and therefore it being excusable to relegate God to a Sunday morning church service, if that. Thus, many in our churches today are powerless Christians and/or Christians in whom faith and fellowship with God is sorely wanting.
I Feel The Presence of The Lord is not just a book to be read as part of our daily devotions. It is a collection of thoughts and instructions to inspire the reader to meditate upon the Lord and His Word.

Democrats and Mike Johnson, Neither Can Be Trusted

The difference between an ophidian and an elapid is the elapid has long curved fangs and they’re poisonous, while the ophidian does not. They both suck dust slithering around on stomachs, and regardless of those who for some inexplicable reason call them pets – they’re both snakes and at the end of the day, you can never trust a snake.

Thus the validity of the contempt I have for 99.999 percent of Democrats, because they’re elapids, and a great percentage of feckless Republicans, because they’re ophidians. Speaker Mike Johnson, is making a strong effort to own the title “feckless Republican.” But, I’ll get back to him.

The one thing I find most contemptible about Democrats is the shameless sincerity with which they lie.  It’s as if they believe all they need do is tell one lie after another and the public will immediately suspend all common sense and remembrance of their dishonesty.  With the able-bodied loyal lapdog assistance of the apparatchiks in the media, it’s easier to catch and hold greased pigs than any of them. Pun intended.

It is not naïveté or necessarily the result of criminal educational failure and menticide of the public schools and the higher education system. It is the conscious promotion of Democratic Fabian Socialism.

It is their allegiance to a malicious panglossianism that purports true happiness can only come about by having the boot of government control asphyxiating us.

The clearest example of this was the practice of Jim Crow, which Democrats codified thereby making it illegal to treat people with oppressive cruelty and humiliation. Today this practice has transmogrified into a moral opprobriousness that far exceeds the oppressive cruelty and lies of the Jim Crow years.

Dems claim to be for We the People, but everything they do is contrary to the health and well-being of We the People. In years past they weaponized the Ku Klux Klan. Today they weaponize our institutions, medical services, and social interactions, even our churches.

They are pernicious demonic liars. There’s no good deed they won’t corrupt and no truth they will not deny. And, not surprisingly, thanks to the lapdog propagandist media, the factual truth of historical fact is portrayed as a non sequitur.

I vividly remember the social battles and claims of civil rights violations as court battle after court battle was waged by rabid feminists who were not interested in having an equitable availability of participation; rather they were interested in domination and redefining the culture war, thus making it easier to exploit the system in the upcoming decades.

Their plans were successful until President Trump made sure, for the time being, that they would not be successful. For all of the legal battles and jaundiced accusations, its near impossible to believe women’s sports would be threatened by men as they have been the past years.

But, change the definition of what a man is, to a man can be whatever animal he presumes himself to be and/or he can be a woman just by getting out of bed one morning. He doesn’t even have to have his private parts chopped off, just in case he wants to use them in a year or two. Real women who were born with the requisite body type and chromosomes, suffered ignominious defeat. Their complaints and court battles fell on deaf ears.

Women weren’t having operations and having body parts chopped off and male body parts strapped on, taped on or stitched on, just so they could play football for the Tar Heels or Clemson or Southern California or to play professional golf. It was subpar male athletic failures, who despite being barely able to qualify in the men’s competitions dominated the women’s divisions, and as an added bonus got to surround themselves with naked nubile college babes for several months each years. What guy wouldn’t want to land on that planet? Sarcasm intended.

So what if a few women were beat nearly to death or maimed or suffered life-altering injuries. Its sports and accidents happen is now the Democrat position.

Should we not condemn a political party like the Democrats that are willing to redefine a women just to satisfy the debaucherous perversions of the leader of their party? Keep in mind, that this began when Obama called for sexual perversion to be part of kindergarten to 5th grade classroom instruction.

If a Mike Tyson type of fighter decides they are a woman and have a right to fight for a couple boxing titles what do democrats care if he maims or kills a couple real women?

Democrats are the first and most vociferous when it comes to the claims that any tax cuts or real fiscally responsible legislation or opposition to not sending our tax dollars around the world supposedly as aid for whatever scheme they have going at the moment, is a gift to rich “white men.” Now that President Trump is exercising financial responsibility by having Elon Musk and the Dept. Of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E) doing what every business, responsible non-profit and/or group does, i.e., account for their spending habits – Democrats are upset shrieking like rats with their tails caught in a shredder. Apparently they believe graft, blackmail, government extortion and promoting programs and behaviors that We the People object to, is their divine right.

They are obdurate in their position that financial responsibility is an injustice to the needy as they define need.

This brings me back to Spkr. Mike Johnson. He should be bringing legislation forth to codify the Executive Orders that President Trump is signing. Right now we have critical majorities on both sides of Congress. Johnson is a failing to commence doing his job. The Laken Riley Act was a lay-up. The only reason Democrats were able to pooh-pooh the passage was because of Johnson’s poor leadership.

A Newt Gingrich type could have passed that measure without any of the drama we saw with Johnson. The Senate is advancing the budget bill(s) President Trump is calling for, because Johnson isn’t getting anything accomplished in House.

Johnson is jeopardizing President Trump’s efforts, by slow-walking and doing nothing. He is sending out emails begging for money, which is a sure bet to be funneled into down-line campaigns to help elect more feckless losers like him

If he doesn’t get his act together and I mean quickly; I will argue he’s phony and RINO that uses religion as a shield to hide behind. You and I must be aggressive in our demand that these people not betray President Trump or We the People. We must let them know: “We are mad as hell and we refuse to take anymore.”

I support President Trump, not the feckless do-nothings who is failing President Trump and We the People.

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Mychal Massie

About the Author

Mychal Massie

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here

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