Democrats Will Use Caravan of Criminal Refugees To Punish Blacks

The world is watching as a horde of 7,000 illegals is surging toward our southern border. The reality is that if we’re being told the number is 7,000, by the time they get to our border the number will be in all likelihood 10,000 or more.
Ultra-liberal Democrat groups are all in favor of this and with the help of George Soros’ money the so-called refugees are getting closer to America by the day.
The Conservative Daily News reports: “Several major ultra-liberal [read Democrat] foundations and corporations have supported the asylum-seeking migrant caravans, and Soros’ funding has been tied to several groups that have spearheaded the [so-called] ‘refugee’ invasion coalition – also dubbed ‘the Soros Express.” (See: Caravan Swells to 7,000, Vows To Reach U.S.; Jim Clayton;; 10/22/2018)
This should outrage Americans and it should specifically outrage Americans who are black. Blacks have, in the first 23 months of President Trump’s administration, experienced employment gains, income gains and pension gains not seen since 1972 when Republican President Richard Nixon was in office.
But without question not only will all Americans suffer if these so-called refugees are permitted to “bum-rush” their way into our country, but blacks will be most disaffected. Blacks should be outraged by this threat that is being forced upon America by progressive Democrats.
For the first time in nearly 50 years blacks are making progress economically thanks to President Trump’s policies and Democrats, by supporting these so-called refugees, are going to set the very demographic group who are least able to absorb this invasion back economically, just as blacks are legitimately beginning to see the light of financial security at the end of the tunnel.
These people are not refugees; they are criminals being paid to invade our country. Many of them are illegal-aliens who have been deported for heinous crimes. These people are coming from Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and other countries on foot. But they have food and sustenance. They have clothing and medical attention. How can that be if they are supposedly refugees fleeing poverty? It costs thousands of dollars per person to make this trek and Soros money is paying for it. Liberal Democrat groups are standing at the ready to defend them in court with the best lawyers Soros money can buy. Once here, they will be given housing, medical treatment and food stamps.
Blacks who are trapped in low-income projects and in neighborhoods where the order of the day is violence should be outraged. They should think about the times when they couldn’t afford the basic things in life before President Trump. And now, just as things start to improve, they are expected to once again take a seat at the back of the bus, thanks to liberal Democrats.
I am not trying to spin this issue. I am speaking common sense facts. Americans must ask themselves: “If this is what Democrats are willing to do now, what can we expect if they gain control of Congress?”
This is America and Americans do not get a free pass for breaking the law. When the poor in America break the law they get court appointed public defenders. These illegal alien invaders are going to be given legal advice and legal services that in truth many Americans cannot afford.
If there were ever a time to lock arms and say “NO” to Democrats, this is the time. This is not a hard question for those just getting back on their feet reason. These invaders will take jobs that should go to Americans. They will take services that should go to Americans. They will commit crimes and form vicious gains such as MS-13 that will result in Americans being injured and killed.
Americans should be outraged and black Americans should realize that Democrats are determined to keep them underprivileged and angry. It doesn’t matter how many tweets President Trump sends out; what matters is that he has and is putting America back to work and that specifically includes black Americans. The question that begs an answer is: “Are you willing to support Democrats who are determined to end that?”
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here