Facebook Censoring Factual News

I have been in a battle with Facebook per my Constitutional right to free speech and my Constitutional right and duty, as a member of the press to provide truthful, factual, news — now over four years.
Not only am I recognized as one of the most trustworthy essayists in the nation, my blog “Mychal Massie—The Daily Rant” (https://mychal-massie.com) is without question one of the most trusted sources for factual news and opinion. If a person is contributing to my website it is because they are good, not because they are popular.
However, apparently Facebook has a problem with award winning essayists, such as myself, who provide erudite opinion and cogent facts. As you will see further down in this article Facebook sanctioned me, shutting down my Public Figure Page for seven days as punishment for my having written an article providing real time reporting complete with government emails, memos and directives for U.S. citizens in Venezuela. This was on May 2, 2017.
As I explained in my article, a friend and contact in Venezuela sent me real time photos of what was taking place in that country along with U.S. State Depart. issued emails. I provided straightforward unimpeachable facts and photographs taken by my contact and Facebook shut my page down for seven days. But more on that later in this article.
On Monday April 23, 2018, RoseAnn Salanitri, a contributor to The Daily Rant (https://mychal-massie.com), had her Facebook account shut down for 30 days. She was sanctioned because she wrote an intellectual article examining where those in the Nazi party settled after Hitler.
RoseAnn’s article on my website is titled: “The ‘Nazi’ Coup.” She never used crude, inflammatory language nor did she make unfounded assertions. Everything she wrote could have been discussed in any classroom or in any term paper today. I should also note that what RoseAnn hypothesized has also been part of an ongoing discussion in programming on the History Channel television network. It must be asked: “When asking questions and intelligent hypothesizing became worthy of condemnation?” What is happening to America when free speech is only valued if it is anarchistic and the antithesis of patriotism and goodly conduct.
Even though Facebook is a privately owned site, their blatant contempt for factual intellectual discussion is stunning.
RoseAnn’s article is posted on my website and was the lead-in column for this week. If you have not already, I encourage you to read her article and leave a comment letting her know you stand with her. Had I not led with another piece as my Facebook post on Monday, my Facebook page would no doubt have been shut down for 30 days as well.
Facebook is a private site and as such they have the right to be as oppressive as they desire. This should bring you to the conclusion per how important it is to support sites like Mychal Massie—The Daily Rant.
I received the following April 27, 2017, from a contact living in Venezuela. The country is on the brink of collapse. It is important that Americans know what is taking place because there is absolutely no chance the American mainstream media is going to report the truth that Venezuela is another example of a failed Communist government. Despite the best efforts by neo-Leninist elements in the United States, Venezuela is more proof that Communism and socialism does not work, never has worked, and never will work.
MY CONTACT WROTE ME THE FOLLOWING: FYI…thought I would pass this on to bring you up to date with the protests that have been going on and escalating for the past three weeks. This weekend could get ugly. This schedule is for Caracas, but these will be going on all over the country, including the island.
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “acsvenezuela@state.gov”
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 6:03 PM
Subject: Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Venezuelan Labor Day Holiday Weekend Protests (27 April 2017)
Seal with white background
Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Venezuelan Labor Day Holiday Weekend Protests (27 April 2017)
The Embassy has received reports that numerous opposition and pro-government gatherings, marches and demonstrations have been called for Friday, April 28, 2017 and the three-day holiday weekend through the Monday, May 1 Labor Day Holiday. If necessary, travel during this period for all Chief of Mission personnel may be restricted to the Santa Fe and Valle Arriba areas.
Dates and areas for potential demonstrations may include, but are not limited to the following:
Friday, April 28: La Mesa de la Unidad (MUD) has called for gatherings tomorrow. Starting rally points have not yet been announced, but more specific details may be divulged at a later time.
Saturday, April 29 and Sunday, April 30: While specific details regarding this protest remain unclear at this time, several social media outlets report that students are expected to gather at various points throughout Caracas.
Monday, May 1: “El Día del Trabajador” is a holiday in Venezuela and has historically been a day of large gatherings and demonstrations in the past. The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) has announced large rallies for this day, the details of which are unclear at this time.
U.S. citizens are strongly encouraged to monitor local news constantly. Affected areas will likely experience traffic disruptions, and it is also reasonable to expect the heavy presence of police/military near these locations. Clashes between demonstrators, counter-demonstrators, and Venezuelan security forces are possible.
The Embassy strongly cautions all U.S. citizens to avoid protests, and are reminded that even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. Recent protests encountered strong police/security force presence and the use of tear gas. U.S. citizens are urged to avoid areas of demonstrations, and to exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of any large gatherings or protests. Review your personal security plans; remain aware of your surroundings, including local events; and monitor local news stations for updates. U.S. Citizens in all parts of Venezuela are urged to maintain a high level of vigilance and take appropriate steps to enhance their personal security.
For more information:
· See the State Department’s travel website (http://travel.state.gov) for the Worldwide Caution, Travel Warnings, Travel Alerts, and Country Specific Information for Venezuela.
· Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) (https://step.state.gov/step) to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
· Contact the U.S. Embassy in Venezuela, located at Calle F con Calle Surapure, Lomas de Valle Arriba, at +58212-975-6411 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. After-hours emergency number for U.S. citizens is 0212-907-8400.
· Call 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada or 1-202-501-4444 from other countries from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
· Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Blue CA shield
American Citizen Services
U.S. Embassy Caracas, Venezuela
Thanks for your concern. I just want outsiders to know how serious the problems are here. Not much real news is getting out. Outside reporters are not being allowed in the country and if they do slip through security they are immediately sent out of the country. Product availability is low and those in the lower earning brackets cannot afford most of what is available. The government has been handing out cheap bags of goodies, but no choice in what is given and not much in the bags. They get what is handed them and for a cost less than in the stores. It is still barely keeping those alive who are able to afford the cost and to be in the lines to receive these “gifts”. I have watched the citizens losing countless pounds while they wait for “Papa Madur” to supply something for them. The long lines used to be at the local markets, but the government now has secret, ever changing, outlets so it is not so obvious to anyone caring to see this atrocity. Medicines of any kind are very scarce and hospitals cannot care for patients due to lack of medical supplies. People have been dying in the hospitals awaiting treatment, especially babies. If you would like I can send you photos and videos of what is going on here and how the government forces are treating those protesting. It is a war against the citizens for the sole purpose of staying in control and continuing this dictatorship.
Now, I ask you what did I write that warranted Facebook’s heavy-handed response? Did I write something that wasn’t true? The answer is NO!
Did I write something two days before the mainstream media carried news on it? Yes I did. Did I include things the mainstream media did not include in their on-air network programming? The answer to this question is yes. I included State Department emails and memos. I redacted the name of my contact for obvious reasons. I also included photos taken in real time from source in the country. None of the mainstream network programming included those items.
Since Facebook shut down my account for factually reporting the truth, they have actively suppressed all of my posts. I am hearing from people several times weekly that they have not been seeing anything in their newsfeed from me, despite the fact that I post to Facebook almost daily.
Facebook shut me down again when a person accused me of violating Facebook public policy by attacking her. Here is what happened: A troll from a Soros funded leftist group falsely accused me of not replying to her comment because she was white and claimed that I was a bigoted fraud who looked down on people like her, and treated her like poor white trash. I responded back that I never saw her comment but her being trash had nothing to do with her skin color, it had to do with what was in her heart and mind, and what came out of her mouth. Facebook closed my account for three days for that.
I know that I was set up by a Soros funded leftist group, because I have white progressive liberals pretending to be black posting on my VideoRant YouTube Channel, calling me and the decent people who subscribe to my VideoRant and/or comment, vulgar names the likes of which I doubt you have ever heard.
Facebook is attacking sites like mine and sites of colleagues in an orchestrated effort to silence truth-tellers who they blame for playing a pivotal role in electing President Trump. I’m also even more hated and feared because I am intractable and I preach a message that progressives and RINOs do not want American citizens to embrace. I speak out against their duplicitous double standards and skin color demagoguery.
They are trying to bully myself and others into silence out of fear of having our pages permanently shut down. Well I am not afraid of that happening nor am I afraid of Zuckerberg’s billions. His not so veiled attempt to swing the upcoming elections and the 2020 general election will not work. He is not God, he is a pawn of satan.
By Facebook reducing my reach, i.e., the number of people who see my work, it impacts my voice but it also impacts my financial bottom-line. The evil un-American people at Facebook can take their best shot though, because God is my shield.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here