For Many Blacks: ‘Keeping It Real’ Is Euphemism For ‘Keeping It Stupid’

Sadly, many blacks have yet to differentiate between “keeping it real” and “keeping it real stupid.” The fumarole through which this asphyxiating stupidity flows most freely, is any discussion and/or point of view regarding slavery that doesn’t fit the “Kunta Kinte” version born out of a plagiarized fictional book and television series called Roots. I believe it can be argued that this mythical drama did as much to harm blacks as crack cocaine has done – because it celebrates the ingesting of a lie and validates the ignorance associated with same.
Anyone with a scintilla of integrity regarding historical accuracy will acknowledge slavery an immoral, painful period of time to both the person(s) sold on auction blocks and those who purchased them. Well, maybe not the Muslims, because slave trading was a key means of industry for them, but then again I did draw the distinction of historical accuracy, but I digress.
Most blacks cleave to the idea of slavery as if it had just ended a few weeks ago. The outright falsehoods and distortions that are used to keep people ignorant and angry are legion and with good purpose.
The purpose is draconian and Erebusic, and yet it is simplistic in the genius of its application.
The most strategic element to keeping it “real stupid” is to blind people to how fortunate they are that Muslims supplied slaves to America.
In his autobiography, Booker T. Washington wrote: “…When we rid ourselves of prejudice, or racial feeling, and look facts in the face, we must acknowledge that, notwithstanding the cruelty and moral wrong of slavery, the ten million Negroes inhabiting this country, who themselves or whose ancestors went through the school of American slavery, are in a stronger and more hopeful condition, materially, morally, and religiously, than is true of an equal number of black people in any other portion of the globe. This is so to such an extent that Negroes in this country, who themselves or whose forefathers went through the school of slavery, are constantly returning to Africa as missionaries to enlighten those who remained in the fatherland. This I say, not to justify slavery…but to call attention to a fact, and to show how Providence so often uses men and institutions to accomplish a purpose. (Up From Slavery with Forward By Mychal Massie; Page 16; Pelican Publishers)
Forget the reality of developing a mercantile by blaming America in general and whites specifically for the ills of the world; would there even have been a Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, “Calypso” Louie Farrakhan, Maxine Waters, Obama, ad nauseum if Africans had not been brought to America as slaves? What would their so-called ancestors have been had they stayed in Africa? Would they have been dinner for another African or a wild animal? Would they would have been victims of drought and disease?
What are the chances that every one of the individuals referenced in the preceding paragraph would be multi-multi millionaires if their ancestors had stayed in Africa? That, of course, presumes that their ancestors are from Africa but we won’t sweat that detail.
The ungodly alliance between Lenin and W.E.B. Du Bois has been more successful than even they could have imagined. There is no place for discussion based upon facts, because “keeping it real stupid” doesn’t allow for it.
A perfect example is blacks rejecting proven, unimpeachable documented facts in favor of “keeping it real stupid.” And as if a more duplicitous encouragement were needed, there are the white liberals slithering through the sewers of lies and inculcated division ready at a moment’s notice to fan the flames of how bad their “African-Americans” have it. Blacks to them are still nothing more than puppets worthy only of exploitation, but I digress.
Specific to what I’ve been saying, writer Anthony O’Brien has found himself on the receiving end of “how dare you tell the truth about slavery.” O’Brien wrote: In the four centuries of the Atlantic slave trade, about 12.5 million Africans were brought against their will to the New World. What percentage of that number landed in the colonies that became the United States?
When I spring this question on people, the usual response is in the range of 90 percent. Occasionally someone who realizes that slavery was widespread in the New World will guess 50 percent. According to the best available data, the correct answer is less than 4 percent. (See: How Indispensable Was Slavery To U.S. Economic Growth; 9/14/2019)
O’Brien’s excellent treatise makes the point that there is a historical footprint proving economic growth in the wealthiest of modern countries today took place without slavery or very limited use of slaves not because of it; which undermines the argument that America’s wealth is based upon slavery. Yet one of the lines guaranteed to bring the loudest applause of any debate and the line that the “keeping it real” folks love to hear is: “We built this country.”
The problem is that simply isn’t true. The truth is that blacks contributed massively to the betterment of America, but neither did they build America nor was America built on their backs. There is a major difference in definition between the points I’ve just made.
Indians from British Columbia and other parts of Canada built New York’s skyline. The Japanese are responsible for the far reaching rail lines. Irish and Italians built much of the infrastructure of New York and New Jersey. How much of Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Houston, Minnesota, Nebraska, Colorado, North and South Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Hawaii, Maine, Vermont, and New Mexico did blacks actually build?
Specific to that question just how much of the South did blacks really build juxtaposed to contributing to the constructing of buildings?
What should be glaringly transpicuous is that “keeping it real stupid” blacks and white liberal Trotskyites do not want blacks or America to recognize the contributions made by blacks that helped make America the greatest nation and economy in the world.
Blacks contributed massively in the shipping industry. Black doctors are responsible for medical discoveries that have saved tens of millions of lives in America alone. Blacks are responsible for traffic safety devices including the traffic light. Blacks have accomplished advancements in the automobile industry and safety engineering industry. Black owned banks in America have been amongst the most successful. They are actively involved in financing the growth of housing, business and industry ad nauseum in the nation and the world. Black scientists are responsible for a variety of things we take for granted today including the stellar work of George Washington Carver.
I could go on; in fact I have gone on in countless speeches, lectures, articles and interviews over my public career.
Neo-Leninists and Trotskyite white liberals want blacks to think and envision small. They do not want blacks to think big. They do not want black youth to dream about careers in medicine, science, global finance and world markets, space exploration and the likes. They want blacks to think about being community organizers and protesters. They want blacks to blame America and burn their own neighborhoods down to show how upset they are when some two-bit gangbanger is apprehended or shot by police.
Instead of going to universities and demanding segregated dorms and dances, blacks need to go to universities and learn about algorithms and computers so they can be like the late Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. As much as I despise Facebook and Twitter, those who created same did not create them for select group of people. They invented looking to capture the global market.
Which should tell black students to stop being myopic based upon doing something that is exclusively geared to the projects or hood.
This is America. Blacks must stop focusing upon anger and slavery myths; it’s time to focus upon space exploration, cures for cancer and diabetes, global markets and becoming global real estate magnates.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here