For The Left Lies Are Truth by Robert Socha

“And you shall know the Truth, and the truth shall set you free!” John 8:32
Lies and deceit have conditioned us for our entire lives. The media lies to us, and thanks to President Obama’s amending the National Defense Authorization Act in 2013, foreign propaganda can be used inside the United States as news. Sure, the amendment’s language does not explicitly use propaganda terminology. Still, according to the U.S. Agency for Global Media, “Section 501 of the Smith-Mundt Act was amended in 2013, allowing the Agency to make program materials available domestically, upon request, whenever doing so is consistent with all statutory authorities, prohibitions, principles, and standards.” In this writer’s estimation, that statement is open to a broad interpretation.
It seems like yesterday, insane, ever-changing COVID policies caused the firing of Federal Employees because they refused to take an experimental subcutaneous injection, with nary a word of protest from our Left-leaning cousins. Yet today, with the advent of DOGE and the cuts it attempts to produce, there is a deafening cry of unfair practices by those same fearmongers.
When Pilate confronted Jesus because of His accusers, and He said He came to testify to the truth, Pilate responded, “What is truth?” John 18:38
We have the same argument ensuing today, “What is truth?” The current administration is looking for it in the vast bureaucratic underbelly of these United States of America and exposing the madness daily. The depths of depravity and corruption run deeper than anyone’s wildest imaginations could scarcely conceive. When Musk comes out and reveals another scandalous expenditure, it is difficult to believe because the truth in our government has experientially been elusive at best.
The House of Representatives just passed a Continuing Resolution (CR), to keep funding the government at current levels through September of this year. Without taking the time to peruse the stopgap funding details, this CR might be an awkwardly slow start to stopping the bleeding of pork belly spending. Unfortunately, when only a few billion dollars are on the chopping block, they simply put lipstick on a pig. And acquiring a 60-vote majority in the Senate to send the bill to the President’s desk seems like a tall order with seven Democrat Senators needing to cross the isle. Crazier things have happened.
Hopefully, the advent of Trump 2.0 and his DOGE allies will continue to reveal the truth in government. I didn’t even start with any of the other agencies exposing truth in health care, truth in law enforcement, truth in military operations, espionage, and more. If there is a constant trend toward things that we, the people, can easily identify and parse to find deception no longer rules the airwaves, truth in government can restore faith in the integrity of our institutions. A tall order, yes, impossible, probably, but where would we be without a bit of hope? Whatever the outcome, it will be a long, arduous journey requiring patience. In the meantime, we can take solace in the fact that one unchanging, irrefutable truth came to take away the sins of the world, and His accomplishment is not dependent on Washington, D.C.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6
About the Author
Robert Socha
Robert Socha, BIO Robert Socha (so-ha), was born in southern California. He served 5 years 3 months active duty in the United States Air Force; honorably. After his service he took an Associate’s Degree in Practical Theology, where, through his studies, developed a deep love of God and Country and sincere appreciation of the value of Liberty. Robert and his beloved wife of 21-plus years are raising 4 beautiful Texan children. They moved to Hillsdale, Michigan, in 2013, to put their children in Hillsdale Academy. Robert is a sales professional. He and his wife consider Michigan a hidden gem, and absolutely love this city and state (current political environment notwithstanding) they’ve adopted.