Girl Scouts Recruiting Ground For Planned Parenthood?
I’ve been on Obama’s hate list since 2004 when I penned the syndicated column “Darth Democrat.” But his minions have lists of groups they hate, as well. And no groups are more hated by liberals than pro-life groups, and at the present no pro-life group is more hated (and summarily feared) than
“LifeNews has brought international attention to the link between the Girl Scouts and the Planned Parenthood abortion business and the national boycott of Girl Scouts cookies sponsored by pro-life groups.” (Girl Scouts Threaten LifeNews, We Need Your Help; 2/17/14)
The Girl Scouts have sent a letter demanding LifeNews stop reporting the truth pursuant to their relationship with Planned Parenthood, “their hiring abortion advocates, and their promoting abortion activists like Wendy Davis.” In the letter, the Girl Scouts USA organization has threatened to sue LifeNews. They’re upset because LifeNews has reported the truth.
And in telling the truth, LifeNews has not only exposed the link between Planned Parenthood and the Girl Scouts, but the boycott of Girl Scouts cookies has impacted one of the Girl Scouts’ cash cows, i.e., their cookie sales.
I stopped purchasing Girl Scouts cookies years ago for a completely different reason. As I wrote in a syndicated piece at the time, a friend of mine who considers herself bi-sexual told me she would under no circumstances ever allow either of her daughters to become a Girl Scout or be involved in any of their activities. She confided in me that her reason for said position was that the Girl Scouts were a (I’ll say alleged, albeit, she did not) breeding ground for lesbianism and other perversions.
I was forced to consider what I was being told. The woman, who has been a family friend for many years, who is by her own admission bi-sexual, and yet she refuses to allow her daughters to be involved in the Girl Scouts. What struck me is that the person who shared same was also a liberal.
The discussion took place while I was doing interviews for a lengthy work I was compiling pursuant to the sexual assault of women and young girls. I interviewed female college students who had been sexually assaulted. True or not, and I to this day have no reason to doubt what I was told, I determined no more Girl Scouts cookies. I determined I would not support a group like that.
The bottom line is that it is easy to understand why the Girl Scouts would be such an attractive relationship for Planned Parenthood. If they are able to convince girls at an early age to embrace the murderous and reckless philosophy of Planned Parenthood then many of the girls would be supporters for life including passing said philosophy down to their children, specifically their daughters.
This is serious, and it is going on behind the political curtains; it is not out in the open. I have written about this before and LifeNews is on the front lines of combatting this evil, and let there be no doubt that Obama’s minions are not happy about that.
There is a price we cannot be afraid to shoulder if we are to share the truth. It’s not that these groups expect to win if there is a lawsuit. Their objective is to make us spend money. They do not expect to shut down my site; they expect to cost me money to repair it.
I encourage everyone reading this to not be afraid to speak and/or share the truth. If we band together we have strength in numbers. Our enemies have the purse strings of some of the biggest donors in liberaldom, but they are bitter and angry because conservative groups with much less funding continue to prevail. And we prevail because the truth is its own defense.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here