Great Awakening By Blacks or A Continued Coma?

Candace Owens described “Blexit” as: “A national movement of minorities that have awakened to the truth. It is for those who have taken an objective look at our decades-long allegiance to the left and asked ourselves ‘what do we have to show for it.…Beyond anything else, BLEXIT is a chant of freedom. It is a chorus of voices from across the country whose hearts are exploding with the realization that we are more than the color of our skin.” (BLEXIT: In My Own Words;; 10/27/2018)
To the extent that Candace is on the right track, the truth is that “Blexit” is the blood draining from the head of Democrats to their feet. “Blexit” is the tips of the toes of Democrats curling upward like the toes of shoes worn by elves. In truth, “Blexit” is the long feared worst nightmare for Democrat Party leadership.
Observing their movement from a distance, I embrace what is hopefully the next “great awakening.” While we are each responsible for our own actions, I would be remiss if I didn’t make the point that it is more than possible for one person to lead another astray. If that were not so, the solemn warning of Jesus Christ in Matthew 18:6 would not be necessary.
To that end, it cannot be denied that Democrats are responsible for leading blacks down the primrose path of promise to the stagnant confines of immiseration, poverty, godlessness, apostasy, anger, dissolution of family, and the murder of more than 20 million of their unborn children; and remanded them to the emotional plantation of anger and animus.
Democrats have mastered the technique(s) of keeping blacks barefoot, emotionally and intellectually anemic and societally malnourished. I make those observations only marginally allegorically. Democrats have never wanted blacks to succeed on merit apart from running, jumping, punting, passing and making three point shots.
Democrats need blacks to be subservient and sullen towards anyone and everyone who does not mirror their antipathy of all things white and specifically, white conservatives.
Even more stunning Democrats have used other blacks to enforce their codex of “How to keep blacks angry, bitter, and in bondage on a psychological plantation of self-defeat.” Democrats could always count on Jesse Jackson, the Congressional Black Caucus, Al Sharpton, et al to ensure that urban blacks had instant access to “Let’s Go Riot Central.” They used blacks to scorn other blacks they deemed not black enough.
It is one thing for blacks to mistreat one another – it is another thing for them to be agitated into doing same because it benefits Democrats.
Notwithstanding, just as it appears that there is a new great awakening taking place amongst blacks, we see those akin to the evil demons Agares and Aka Manah of mythology double their efforts to constrain and control blacks for exclusive usage by Democrats.
NewsOne trumpets itself as being all about black news. Predictably, this so-called news site attacked Candace claiming she stole the term “Blexit” from a radical black movement to have blacks only do business with black owned banks. This site not unlike the demon Argares, is doubling down on the efforts to freeze blacks with machinations of fear and community ostracization to make “those who run stand still.” In other words, keep blacks in the same place while the violent storms of Democrat failure swarm over them.
NewsOne should be reminded that Bob Gibson didn’t invent the fastball or the curve ball but there are few who benefited more than him as he conformed its usage to fit his needs. Robert L. Johnson didn’t invent cable or television but he certainly did find a way to maximize the potential of both to his advantage. Is either of them guilty of stealing another’s idea?
As I referenced, there is also the demon Aka Manah who in mythology was recognized as the demon of “evil intention, evil mind, and evil purpose. Its function was to prevent people, for the sake of my argument black people, from fulfilling their moral duties.”
I ask you, is that not exactly what Democrats have done to blacks? I remind you that at the time of the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 87 percent of families were in married two-parent homes. 40 percent of blacks owned their own businesses.
Today, thanks to Democrats, the moral biblical centered code that black men and women embraced when I was a child has been destroyed. Democrats are responsible for the abandonment of black men from the home. Rules were enforced in low-income housing projects that prevented all men from staying in the home overnight. In the early 1970s I vividly recall men I knew not being allowed to stay in the apartment with their common-law wife and child. Democrats have encouraged black women to abandon morality resulting in blacks being safer on the battlefield in the Middle East than they are in their mother’s womb.
Hillary and neo-Leninist Democrat politicians promise black women they will fight to keep the murder of babies legal, just as Margaret Sanger wanted.
Blacks have blindly followed the Party that supported slavery; the party that was responsible for the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow, and the Party that Hillary Clinton opined that blacks were essentially animals who belonged in jail. Showing even more disdain for blacks, Hillary only days ago made the public statement that all blacks look alike in reference to Cory Booker and Eric Holder.
However, NewsOne defended her comments as they attacked blacks that support President Trump for blasting Clinton for her racist stereotypical comment. This clearly shows the pernicious duplicity that has infected the minds of so many blacks. We need a great awakening of blacks. They have been asleep far too long.
Let’s hope “Blexit” is the start of it.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here