Harvey Weinstein’s Exist Because Jane Fonda’s Protect Them

I was assailed some years ago when I said both Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama were liberal women who couldn’t succeed without men. That’s the dirty secret of liberal women, and the recent Hollywood revelations prove it.
Liberal feminists talk big but at the end of the day, they cannot make it without men, which I contend is the reason they hate men. Thus the reason they use words like “sexist” and “male dominated.” It’s because in the liberal world that’s the way it is – and Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton, Obama, et al proves it.
Hillary Clinton, who today is only marginally bipedal without the physical support of a man, saw Bill Clinton was her ticket to success. She was either incapable or too ill prepared to be successful on her own, so she prostituted herself to Bill who like all pimps proceeded to treat her like dirt. She rid herself of her pride, dignity, and self-esteem. After surrendering those qualities, she was stripped of her womanhood by Bill’s publicly flaunting his sexual prowess with other women, and I’m not only referring to the women she was forced to attack after he had molested them. Hillary became a public joke, the punch line being that Bill Clinton would rather sleep with “anything” but his wife.
Liberals laud the Obama woman and Hillary as the smartest women in the world, the most gifted, the most powerful, blah, blah, blah. But how smart can they be to attend the finest schools in America, graduate and immediately become chamber pots for despicable men who are by definition pernicious pathological liars, whoremongers, and wife abusers.
Despite the accolades used to describe them, at the end of the day Hillary and Michelle Obama knew they couldn’t get ahead unless they swallowed their pride and submitted to serial humiliation doled out by their husbands. Which makes them mirror copies of the Hollywood crowd.
Sexual assault is crushing for a woman, but enduring repeated sexual assaults because the woman places a higher premium upon making fame by pretending to be someone else, is prostituting one’s humanity.
Jane Fonda, et al, are lauded as feminist icons but at the end of the day they are nothing more than shallow frauds that sold their dignity and self-esteem for a billboard. Additionally they are forced to endure repeated surgeries that in many instances leave them as caricatures of their former selves.
These are the women who are responsible for the Harvey Weinstein’s of the world. They are responsible because just like those before them they are cowards and charades that sell their soul for mammon and a few hours of supposed fame.
Harvey Weinstein is just one in a succession of Hollywood players who promised what these women wanted – for a price. Anyone of the women coming forth now could have stopped this caldron of incest and debauchery anytime they wanted it stopped. Angelina Jolie and Jane Fonda could have come forward and blown the lid off this pot long ago. Fonda comes from Hollywood royalty and Jolie has only marginally less royal Hollywood bloodlines. Are we to believe they were powerless?
Fonda, Clinton, et al, speaking out now shows they are opportunists as much as they are enablers. They’re still selling themselves for gain.
Weinstein, Bill Clinton, and their ilk belong in prison, but they persist because liberal women protect them. It was Democrat Congresswomen who marched to the Congressional steps in support of Clinton even though his sexual abuse of Monica Lewinsky and other women was undeniable. And yet many of these same liberal women slammed Arnold Schwarzenegger as unfit, because he was a Republican gubernatorial candidate who they condemned because he pinched heinies on movie sets.
Liberal women cannot have it both ways. They cannot claim to be pro-women’s rights when in fact they are offering themselves in a manner consistent with prostitutes on a corner.
Their kind provokes and encourages this predatory behavior because their silence covers it up.
Shirley Temple wasn’t the only child actress sexually victimized?
The grand dame of news, Barbara Walters, in her infamous 2013 interview of child actor Corey Feldman, tried to silence him and downplay his accusations that a powerful Hollywood person had molested him and other children. Walters’ interview made it clear she was more interested in protecting powerful Hollywood pedophiles than protecting vulnerable children.
I contend this is a contributing factor regarding why these people hate Christian conservatives. We refuse to sell our souls like Hillary, Michelle, and liberal actresses, and we still see enormously successful Christian women who enjoy loving and respectful treatment from their husbands, families, and co-workers. And they do so while retaining their dignity and self-respect.
The Harvey Weinstein’s of the entertainment/news industries are the rich white men liberal women accuse conservatives of being. Yet they lash out at all men for the sins of those they grovel before.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here