Have You Been A Paul Or A Timothy? — Sunday Thought For The Day

Recently I had breakfast with a dear friend and brother in Christ who played a pivotal role in my Christian life. My friend and I met literally only days after I had accepted the Christ as my Savior. Now nearly 40 years later we have many memories.
My friend shared the memories he held dear that corresponded with his 50 plus years of walking with the Lord. We reminisced of the ministry work we had been blessed to do together. It was a blessed time of fellowship, that included spirit-filled memories of what we have been blessed to see God do. It included tears of joy when speaking of some and tears of sadness when speaking of others.
My friend is now 82 years old and still active, serving our Lord every day as the Spirit of God leads him. He not only was a guide to me at the beginning of my Christian life, he was also an example of how to serve and walk with the Lord. In a matter of speaking he was my Paul and I was his Timothy.
Many people today like to play Christian and still many more like to believe they are leading a Christ centered Christian life just because they go to church and occasionally pray. Some may find those words harsh, but the test is who will look back today or years from now and not just say but can quantifiably attest to the fact that they are the man or woman servant of God they are because of you?
At the end of our lives how many people will say that they are the Christian they are today because of the Christ-centered example we set for them? How many people will we leave behind to carry on the work of the Lord that we transpicuously exampled?
As my friend and I drove our separate ways that Thursday morning a few days ago, I knew that God had used him to make me the Christian servant and minister I am today. And I also knew that God had used me to show him the blessings of his obedience and in no few ways I was used as a conduit for God to answer my friend’s prayers that led to an even more expansive legacy of ministry.
Who have you inspired for God? Who is a better servant of God today because of the witness of the Spirit of God in you? We do not live for ourselves. We live to lead people to Christ and to teach them to observe all things that Christ has commanded us to do. We live to serve.
When we pass on will people simply mourn because another secular figure has died or will they shed tears of joy and thankfulness to God Almighty because we had made a difference in their Christian life?
READ:2 Timothy 4:1-10
4 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here