How Many Hospitals Has The NAACP Founded?

February is recognized as Black History Month, but that hasn’t prevented a black Muslim front group in Chicago from introducing a call for economic segregation under the guise of doing same for Black History Month.
Carter G. Woodson created Black History Month, which began as Negro History Week in February 1926. It was created to showcase black achievement, not to call for economic suicide. Woodson chose the second week of February because it coincided with the birthdays of President Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. But never let it be said that blacks cannot turn even the best intentions in a dung heap of lies and ignorance. Which brings once again to “The Black Star Group.”
…blacks cannot turn even the best intentions in a dung heap of lies and ignorance.
Mychal Massie
Typically this Black Muslim front group is busy blaming whites for black children failing in schools, but now they’ve added economic segregation. In the January 8, 2018, issue of the San Francisco based newspaper BayView, the group’s founder Phillip Jackson wrote a commentary titled: “Celebrate Black History Month By Circulating Black Dollars In Black Communities.” The reason for his jeremiad is his opinion that “Black people are on [their] own;” i.e., the white government won’t help them.
I say, if only that were the truth. Trillions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted on blacks since President Nixon instituted skin-color based affirmative action, which has morphed into a plethora of tax dollar guzzling skin color based programs. The only thing to be gained from these ill-invested monies has been increased black acrimony and blacks on college campuses demanding a return to segregation.
In Douglass’ Monthly, January, 1862, Frederick Douglass wrote: “What Shall Be Done With The Slaves If Emancipated?” Douglass wrote: “What shall be done with them? Our answer is to do nothing with them; mind your business, and let them mind theirs. Your doing with them us their greatest misfortune. They have been undone by your doings, and all they now ask, and really have need of at your hands, is just to let them alone. They suffer by every interference, and succeed best by being let alone.”
Blacks have not been helped by guilt laden attempts to right a perceived wrong that Booker T. Washington, and I agree, called an “act of providence.” Said being the benefit of blacks being citizens in the greatest nation in the world. Neither Washington nor I argue slavery was not dehumanizing, but it is only those given over to the most contumelious mindset who would argue that God didn’t take that which was meant for bad and turned it into good. Notwithstanding the manner in which many blacks arrived hundreds of years ago, only a fool would argue that they would have been better off staying in the jungles.
No one is asking for genuflection from black complainers like the black front group referenced above; but I argue that it is not unreasonable to show individual and collective initiative to excel in a participatory fashion born out of the unlimited opportunities available to all Americans regardless of melanin content.
The NFL dirty diaper babies are disrespecting the America Flag and our National Anthem. But what are they contributing? They claim it is punitive behavior by law enforcement when a black person suffers the consequences for bad behavior. They find fault with a black criminal being shot in the course of criminal activity. However, there is a cacophony of silence as Planned Parenthood carries out the systematic extermination of blacks. In fact the black complainers contribute massively to the success of Planned Parenthood by supporting it vis-a`-vis black women murdering their babies.
Why aren’t these so-called protestors alarmed by that black genocide? They protest the consequences for bad behavior, but it is Mark Harrington, a white man, who started a national ministry to save the lives of babies of which approximately 2,000 babies murdered daily by Planned Parenthood are black.
Why aren’t black complainers like Colin Kaepaernick and his monkey see – monkey do sycophants, donating money to groups fighting to save the lives of babies including black babies?
The Shriners International is a civic group that founded the Children’s Miracle Network of Hospitals, where children of every color and ethnicity under the age of 18 can be admitted and treated for a variety of specific health conditions. There is no charge to the patients or their families.
The late Jerry Lewis devoted himself to helping raise monies and awareness in the fight to end Muscular Dystrophy. As a young impoverished young man, the late performer and actor Danny Thomas, was a devout Catholic who put his faith into practice by praying for divine guidance regarding what to do with his life. In obedience to God’s will, Danny Thomas was able to start St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
How many hospitals, clinics, etc. has the NAACP opened? Blacks applaud hate-mongers and self-segregationists as they complain about white injustice. But they are the first in line to claim the services of the contributions whites have made even beyond those few I have just mentioned.
I watched helicopter after helicopter ferry black dignitaries from Orlando Airport to the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida a few years ago. It was a display of conspicuous expenditure on a massive scale. The blacks attending the NAACP convention were then treated to a day of hate-filled rhetoric calling white people and white conservatives in particular “racists.” At end of day the day the luxury helicopter limousine service performed their aerial dance of decadent expense again.
But how did that help sick black children? Why haven’t superstar basketball players Lebron James and Steph Curry pooled their money with money from other NBA players and opened a free dental hospital where poor children of every age and skin color can receive dental care? Why doesn’t Oprah Winfrey and Whoppi Goldberg stop attacking white people and white Christian Conservatives specifically and open a hospital dedicated to the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, or vision treatment?
If name-calling and lack of responsibility were a skill set, blacks would top all charts dealing with personal wealth. But that isn’t the case and accordingly all we witness is the maudlin laments of immiseration.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here