‘I Feel the Presence of The Lord’  

"I Feel The Presence of The Lord" is a personal collection of devotions intended to encourage the reader to seek and see the Lord in every aspect of their life.
The enemy of our souls would have us subscribe to the mentality of being endlessly busy, and therefore it being excusable to relegate God to a Sunday morning church service, if that. Thus, many in our churches today are powerless Christians and/or Christians in whom faith and fellowship with God is sorely wanting.
I Feel The Presence of The Lord is not just a book to be read as part of our daily devotions. It is a collection of thoughts and instructions to inspire the reader to meditate upon the Lord and His Word.

I Don’t Believe Crooks Shot President Trump

Either the standards for employment as Secret Service agent on the presidential detail have been lowered to a skill level beneath that of a playground monitor, in the relentless leftwing pursuit of diversity or President Trump’s Secret Service team failed on a level consistent with the Keystone Cops characters or there was planned and intentional failure. I don’t accept for an instant that the assassination attempt of President Trump nearly succeeded based upon a calamity of errors.

The errors made Saturday, at the Butler, PA rally, either represent gross failure on the part of President Trump’s protection detail; near successful assassination attempt or a successful message delivered.

I’ve long ago learned that conspiracy theories, in many instances are not theories at all; which brings me back to the still unfolding plot in Butler, PA.

After watching replays of the Butler, PA shooting, the very first question out of my mouth to a colleague were: “Was it an assassination attempt or an assassination warning?”

The Secret Service presidential details are supposed to be the best of the best of the best. Best or even good, weren’t in this detail’s lexicon. Despite the crapola the politically correct, everyone gets a trophy for participating the talking heads were spewing, about how well the Secret Service did their job(s).

As a former Law Enforcement Officer wrote to another and myself: “Eight shots, within 500 feet, from the most obvious rooftop position in the area…no drones, late choppers… WT[H] SS?” My friend could not be more accurate.

Am I expected to believe it was merely poor training or a procedural faux pas?

President Trump isn’t just a Presidential candidate; He’s the former President and soon to be again, barring the nefarious subversionists stealing the election again through malicious machinations including obviously murder.

Another Law Enforcement person, responding to one above and myself said:

I have watched several critiques by former FBI and Secret Service members. They all are appalled at the response. AT BEST, there is major training and procedure issues. 

Two stated that a “SECOND SHOOTER” scenario is standard training.  The FBI agent stated that the SLOWNESS and MANNER in which Trump was removed from the scene was terrible. They are supposed to get the POTUS into a getaway car ASAP and we see this did not happen quickly. Also, the FBI agent pointed out that letting Trump stand up as they did gave a second shooter ample opportunity to fire a kill shot.  SS agents are supposed to make him stay ducked down and yank him into the car.  

There is an old government saying: Never attribute to malice what is likely incompetence” BUT seems like both happened here.

WORSE: it appears the Secret Service sniper may have allowed the assassin to fire shots fired FIRST before engaging. 

Australian TV is running news shorts and close ups on the female Secret Service agents – two of whom appear totally inept.  One could not get her gun holstered, and two are looking lost as to what they should be doing.  One SS woman is shown bent over grasping Trump as though she is seeking shelter behind him.  The Australian news was done by an Australian woman so it is not “sexism.”

My friend concluded by saying: “Utter incompetence or planned opportunity.”

I go back to my initial response to my colleague on Saturday: Was it an assassination attempt of an assassination warning?

As another Law Enforcement friend wrote me: “Mychal…This had to be planned from the top. There is no way that sniper gets that close unless permitted. I now pray that those involved see justice!”

Someone tell me, how, apart from it being a planned attack this went of as smoothly as it did? Keep in mind, the alleged shooter was seen climbing to the roof and on the roof with gun in hand. People alerted law enforcement to his presence and position on the roof. Are we supposed to accept those charged with the President’s protection simply blew this off? Personally, I cannot envision any true law enforcement officer not immediately taking action upon receiving such information – unless, of course they were part of a plan or the plan to do harm to President Trump.

Jameson Myers, a schoolmate of the alleged shooter reported: “He didn’t just not make the [rifle] team. He was asked not to come back, because how bad of a shot he was, it was considered like, dangerous,” he said.

Other classmates say he wasn’t a popular student. He was a “nice kid who never talked poorly of anyone.” Yet, the media is leading us to believe he was an angry loner. Who is responsible for planting that story?

How does someone who was such a bad shooter that the high school rifle team coach viewed him as a threat to safety, telling him not to try out again, master shooting to the level of being able to make the 130-yard shot on President Trump that he did? It’s one thing to make that shot at a still target or even just firing randomly into a crowd. But, firing a single shot in that environment at that target takes a skill set Crooks didn’t possess.

Also, where did he practice to reach that level of ability so quickly? Where did he buy his brass, i.e., bullets/ammunition or did he reload his own?

There are more questions than answers for those of us who understand shooting and those who understand and are experienced with this type of protection environment.

It’s my opinion that we will never know who the real perpetrators are; but, one thing is for certain: When all else fails and panic/fear takes over – desperate people do desperate things.

It’s further my opinion until I definitively know different, it wasn’t the young man who was the “monster”; the monster is those who orchestrated the plan.

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Mychal Massie

About the Author

Mychal Massie

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here

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