I Obey God Not Biden

The enemy of our souls is a crafty liar whose singular purpose in existence is to lead people astray; specifically the “children of God,” i.e., born-again Christians. The axiom that “a fish rots from the head down” is a truism that explains why Satan works to mislead Christian leaders and specifically those in the clergy.
I know the difference between truth and lies. I also know that compliance to the lexicon and mandates of Satan’s progeny will cause me to lead people astray in support of lies. True Christians, specifically those in leadership, do well to remember God judges us harshly for doing same.
For those who would point to Hebrews 13:7 (KJV) note it refers to leadership authority in the Church not government; Romans 13:1ff (KJV) refers to officials but it doesn’t tell us to disobey God to obey wickedness.
I refuse to comply with anything that insists I disobey my God. That means I’ll continue to speak out against the sin of homosexuality. Homosexuality is sexual sin. The practice is an abomination before God and I’ll not sanction it on any level, not least of which in the Church. I will under no circumstances downplay the amorality of same, by foolishly calling such decadence “gay.” It’s not “gay;” it’s sexual sin and godlessness debauchery, and I will address it as no less. I’ll love those caught up in said sin, but I won’t embrace their disobedience.
That includes all of the other divisive assignations including those based upon skin-color hyphenations.
There’s no force on earth, none-zip-nada that would compel me to refer to a man as woman or vice versa. Biden’s assistant secretary of health, Richard Levine selfishly placed his own debaucherous sexual fantasies over the well being of his wife and children. His kind demand the world participate in their delusional dysphoria.
To accommodate either of the aforementioned sin is to support lies. And the Bible makes clear God hates a liar. Submitting to such sin it Satan’s way of having us call good that which God condemns.
I’ll continue to speak out against abortion because it’s murder and the abandonment of personal responsibility. It’s the industrialized extermination of human life. The Word of God instructs us to love others as ourself. How does murdering children love others as oneself? Where is the “choice” for the child about to be murdered?
As for those in the Church, I will continue to stand upon the Word of God as my only authority, which means I won’t permit the progeny of Satan to dictate when and how I worship God. No godless atheist is permitted to control worshipping God in my church.
By now I’ve stepped upon the toes of many, but I would encourage those who are offended by what I’ve said to not wait for an apology.
I see the political and cultural zeitgeist under Biden as being no different than the government that Daniel, Mordecai, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, the Apostles or any of the first century Christians endured.
I condemn Biden, just as John the Baptist publicly condemned the tetrarch Herod Antipas, for taking his brother Philip’s wife and many other wicked acts.
In Biden’s case not only did he steal his friend’s wife, but also he lied about the circumstances surrounding the death of his wife and child. His son Hunter is credibly alleged to have engaged in “inappropriate behavior” with his underage girls, allegedly including his niece (Biden’s granddaughter), in addition to having a sexual relationship with his brother’s wife. Furthermore, Biden is guilty of approving the murder of more children than Herod had murdered upon his finding out about the birth of Christ.
I will encourage people to stand upon the Word of God, not the lies and treachery of Erebusic politicians, their cronies, and sycophants.
It’s long past time for Christians to be obedient to what Christ Jesus has called us to do in Matthew 28:18-20 KJV. We’ve arrived at the mess we’re in today because we’ve been disobedient to God’s Word. And even more egregious, the disobedience is defended by claiming it’s somehow synonymous with doing God’s work.
We’re to stand upon the truth of God’s Word. We’re to raise up Christians in the Church who are committed to doing the work of the Lord. That means turning people to Christ, not wasting God’s resources on unsaved dishonest politicos.
Why on earth should I be afraid to say no to evil, but think it’s okay to dismiss God’s Word? I don’t fear evil godless Democrats anymore than I do contumacious Republicans. It’s they who should fear, because the Word of God says it’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Every one of these politicos is going to die. If they were as smart, as they would have us believe every one of them would be on their knees before God seeking redemption through Christ and repenting of the evil and wickedness they are guilty of committing and devising.
God will have the final say; “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” (1 Peter 4:18 KJV)
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here