I Thought Biden’s Job Is To Protect America by Robert Socha

Five months ago, the Chinese sent a balloon across the United States, taking detailed data pictures. The current administration handling the United States government’s executive function did nothing until after it had crossed the entire country. Why would an office whose role is to protect and defend ignore such a bold provocation?
China owns us, or at least they have incredible sway over the current administration’s policy. They have purchased our debt. They buy our real estate. And it appears they are buying our politicians, especially the family that occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The man who sleeps there pledged to restore dignity and honor but has defiled and disgraced the White House with lewd behavior and illegal drugs. I digress. The Chinese are building up their military and preparing for physical confrontation, i.e., war. Meanwhile, our stalwart defenders of liberty promote and install gender-affirming individuals. Some of whom were arrested for their illicit behavior.
The NBA? For the most part, they are puppets of the Chinese while we are entertained.
In 2015 the Chinese hacked into our national human resources database. They’ve got all the psych profiles on all of our top military leaders, on all of the people who had to take a psych profile to get into three-letter agencies like the FBI and the CIA. How is this possible and we’re doing nothing about it? When is the last time its been discussed in any form of media? China owns us as far as the media (Hollywood) is concerned, as far as the National Basketball Association and our military are concerned. Whoever you choose, the elites don’t care about anything but getting paid, and they know they’re going to get paid as long as they cooperate with the Chinese Communist Party. I’m just a little inflamed.
I remember President Trump having lunch with Xi Jinping at Mar-a-logo during his first term. While eating, the President sent a missile strike into Iran or Pakistan, sending a clear, keenly heeded message. On the other hand, the Biden family has been using its political clout to extort lucrative partnerships for years, one recently being exposed in some of Hunter’s uncovered emails.
Have you ever wondered when do we get to say we’re at war? Not a traditional guns-blazing war, but one that is tearing the fabric of Western culture asunder. I listened to a Prager-u stories-of-us video by Jack Posobiec. He was talking about how Eastern thinking, like in China, you don’t wage war on fronts like we do in the West. It’s very asymmetrical. You either join the party or bend a knee to it.
Remember, in February, there were three train derailments of exceedingly toxic chemicals in one week: Ohio, North or South Carolina, and Texas. And then a truck full of nitric oxides that killed its driver spilled in Tucson, AZ, and everybody went into lockdown. We quickly forget about these happenings aside from all the other psyops going on pushing gender dysphoria and sexualization of children and trafficking and fentanyl and balloons and UFOs, the petro-dollar collapse. Long-time “allies” are looking to build another world reserve currency, causing uncertainty and runaway inflation.
There was a photograph of the acting President on the beach in Delaware recently. He looked weak, frail, and alone. Not one person engaged the most popular President in our lifetime at the beach in his hometown. (Meanwhile, his opponent draws crowds of 50,000 plus 1,000 miles away from home.) Our enemies see these shortcomings and weaknesses in every aspect of our government, from activist justice appointments to mentally ill department secretaries to a war machine more interested in their feelings than defense. And they are pouncing.
About the Author
Robert Socha
Robert Socha, BIO Robert Socha (so-ha), was born in southern California. He served 5 years 3 months active duty in the United States Air Force; honorably. After his service he took an Associate’s Degree in Practical Theology, where, through his studies, developed a deep love of God and Country and sincere appreciation of the value of Liberty. Robert and his beloved wife of 21-plus years are raising 4 beautiful Texan children. They moved to Hillsdale, Michigan, in 2013, to put their children in Hillsdale Academy. Robert is a sales professional. He and his wife consider Michigan a hidden gem, and absolutely love this city and state (current political environment notwithstanding) they’ve adopted.