I’m A Republican Who Wants My Party Back

In 2005 I washed my hands of what the Republican Party had become. Do not misunderstand, I remain a card carrying Republican but I do not support Party leadership directives; and I pledge my absolute best to see the progressive Republican elites defeated.
The final straw for me was George W. Bush lying to us in order to get reelected in 2004. By 2004 Bush was spending like a drunken sailor. He was increasing government and it appeared that he had forgotten why Christian conservative groups had supported him.
The late Paul Weyrich (co-founder of the Heritage Foundation), the late Phyllis Schlafly, and a select group of others met with Bush advising him that we were tired of his spending and growth of government. The then proposed highway bill had been our breaking point. Bush was informed in no uncertain terms that if he signed the massive expenditure he could forget our support in getting him reelected. He assured us that he had heard our concern and would oblige us. That was early 2004.President Trump is a threat because he cannot be bought, bribed, or persuaded to turn against you and I. He is a man of his word and that makes him a threat to progressive RINO Republicans.
Mychal Massie
I was personally informed in late summer that Bush had not tossed the highway bill; instead he had just pushed it to the corner of his desk until the Christian conservative groups got him reelected. And as we saw, Bush not only signed the highway bill in August 2005, but he signed it for $286.4 billion, an increase of nearly $30 billion from the original bill we had been assured he would toss. It was not the first time nor was it to be the last time that Bush betrayed those of us who had loyally carried the water to have him elected to two terms.
After my experience with the Karl Rove – George Bush White House you can appreciate my visceral contempt for Rove and the Bush family’s openly trying to sabotage the will of We the People vis-à-vis Machiavellian machinations against President Trump.
The number of years I spent on Capitol Hill gave me first hand insight into how the game of politics is played and how the rewards for sabotaging the will of the people are meted out.
To that end, it was in 2003 that I started warning people to stop donating to the Republican Party and their ancillary Party groups/organizations. I encouraged people to donate directly to the candidate(s) of their choice, because when we donate directly to the Party apparatus they take the money – thumb their noses at us, and us our donations to fund whom they please. That said; the candidates they support are without exception the candidates we can use fewer of and/or want removed from office.
The monies the Republican Party finance arms, e.g., Republican National Committee (RNC), National Republican Senate Committee (NRSC), withheld from Judge Roy Moore were monies that you had donated to the Republican Party believing it would be used to elect true conservatives. Instead it was used to bankroll the opponents of Judge Moore. They were used to bankroll John McCain’s reelection bid, and other despicable contumacious candidates who are openly antithetical to everything we want for America.
They see nothing wrong with taking our money and then sticking it to We the People by sabotaging conservative candidates. The Republican elites are doing everything they can to undermine President Trump’s agenda and they are using our money to bankroll candidates committed to doing same. Take a look at the very bottom of the emails you are receiving that are supposedly from President Trump. You will see that it is “paid for” and coming directly from the RNC. They are using President Trump as a cash cow but the money is going to undermine him.
I sincerely thank God for President Trump. We the People have been lied to long enough by dishonest Republicans who are no better than Democrats. Shall we list the lies Republicans and the Republican leadership has told us over the years?
Let’s start with their lies about repealing obamacare. Let’s go back to 2010 when Reince Priebus and Karl Rove sabotaged the then RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, in his effort to be reelected as the Party Chairman. The treachery perpetrated against Michael Steele surpassed any witnessed in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.” Let’s look at the treachery perpetrated against former Rep. Allen West. There was the sabotage of Herman Cain by Rove, et al. Most, myself included, firmly believe Karl Rove was responsible for sabotaging the Tea Party movement because the Tea Party movement was responsible for electing true conservatives that Rove and company could not control. However, they were able to corrupt no few of those the movement was responsible for getting elected. I have argued for many years that Rove was responsible for the NAACP, and other delinquent skin color groups labeling the Tea Party movement as racist. And let me not neglect reminding you what Republican elites did to Sarah Palin.
I thank God that thanks to President Trump, the public is now seeing what I, and those in positions like me have witnessed for many years. Thanks to President Trump what I have been telling you is now publicly displayed. President Trump is a threat because he cannot be bought, bribed, or persuaded to turn against you and I. He is a man of his word and that makes him a threat to progressive RINO Republicans.
Looking at the Republican Party of today, John Wilkes Booth and Benedict Arnold could be leaders of the Party. Rove could go on FoxNews with his chalkboard explaining why they were best for America.
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About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here