Imprisonment Now The Price For Free Speech by Robert Socha

Free Speech is no longer an enforced Right in these United States. Yes, its enumeration in the First Amendment to the Constitution gives the appearance of its power, but the bastardization of speech to include sophomoric labels reduces the Amendment to an unfamiliar bias.
A prime example is that people on the political Left can argue their belief (true or manufactured) in stolen elections with impunity: Stacy Abrams’ 2018 Governorship in Georgia, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential election, and Al Gore’s 2000 Presidential election are three high-level protests that immediately come to mind. On the other hand, the weaponized DOJ indicting, arresting, and humiliating a former President, his attorneys, and key staff, whose administration’s leaning significantly to the Right caused great consternation to his political opponents, is a stark contrast to the right to criticize and object to not only those in power but the outcomes of current events.
Consider that five Proud Boys have been sentenced by Judge Tim Kelly to 82 years (total) in jail for their participation in the events that happened in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2001. I abhor the fact that a mob mentality took over on the Capitol steps that day, and the venerated building’s desecration was on public display. Still, the punishment seems cruel and unusual. Yet people who heinously destroyed cities, set precincts on fire, and killed defenders of private property in 2020 as a protest, have mostly gone unscathed and even been financially rewarded for their barbary.
Additionally, last week (end of August 2023), Nathan Hughes, from Fayetteville, Arkansas, was raided and arrested at gunpoint by the FBI. I understand if he genuinely broke the law and committed a crime, Justice must be served, but this man is not so dangerous that he required multiple heavily armed agents to arrest him in front of his business, ransack his private residence, and humiliate and terrify his girlfriend. The men who made the decision to arrest with such force are intentional in this over-the-top display of power, knowing full well its intimidation. Maybe I’ve missed the headlines, but where are the arrests coming for the men who committed atrocious acts, including murder, during the Floyd-related riots of 2020?
Here in Michigan, a Trump elector, Hank Choate, attorney Matt DePerno, and former State Representative Daine Rendon, have all felt the wrath of the Left, including lawsuits and lost jobs. I still question the results of 2020, especially since over 350,000 non-conforming 2020 ballots have been found in Arizona and Georgia, more than compensating for the margin of victory; neither do I believe 2022 was above board.
Segue: One immediate way for me to trust in election integrity is for there to be a requirement to prove your identity and vote in person on election day, after which you dip your finger in a vat of purple ink! No more “I voted” stickers; the finger proves your participation.
Have these targeted arrests and intimidations cowed the Right into silence? Not entirely, but they have the desired effect of keeping people in constant angst and agitation, hesitating to speak out or participate. I tend to wonder if I should continue, if I’m a target, if I’m next, and my voice is comparatively weak. Sure, we will converge on the latest keynote speaker who touches that part of our soul desiring Liberty, but how many leave those charged theaters with the conviction to act? Too few.
Yet, here I am, doing one of the only things I know to be corbrect: to speak my mind through this electronic medium and raise that weak voice, hoping it will help galvanize support and the continued pursuit of true Justice. If one man in a small town is willing to write, hoping that the battle for the soul of our nation and the souls of men will not capitulate to hedonistic and tyrannical entities but continue to speak and know the Truth, rooted and grounded in Scripture, for that Truth is what will set a soul free, maybe a vast array of voices will rise together in unison and destroy these demonic works of division and destruction. I am desperate to see men unite under the banner of Liberty, put aside their petty differences, and fight for the restitution of decency, civility, and order.
Freedom, not found in the 4,543 words of the U.S. Constitution, but found in Christ alone, will comfort and guide us to raise our voices in defense of Liberty, the pursuit of Justice, love of mercy, and to walk humbly before our God!
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here