‘Inescapably Stupid’ Defines Hillary
When I was in grade school the word “retard” was an adjective we used to describe a person or persons who were “inescapably stupid.”
Which, notwithstanding my being unapologetically politically incorrect, brings me to Hillary Clinton and her minions. She and her sycophants epitomize the definition of “retards” as stupid or foolish people. Let me explain.
Thanksgiving Day I received a quasi-personalized letter from Hillary (click the image to read it), sent by one of her front groups named “Onward Together.” The letter claimed: “You’re receiving this email because you’re a member of a team of big-hearted people who are committed to building a fairer, more inclusive America.”
But the abject stupidity didn’t stop there. The email letter began with a feigned familiarity that soured my stomach, and concluded with: “In a hard year, it can seem impossible to take the time to be grateful. But even as we’re doubling down in the fight to defend our shared values, there is so much to be thankful for. Time with our loved ones. The victories we’ve seen recently. A resistance that is refusing to be silenced by hateful, divisive rhetoric. … And Mychal, I’m grateful for you. … This warm, smart, big-hearted team has given me so much – from your support during my past campaign to your kind notes, hugs, and well-wishes. Now I’m asking you for one more thing: not to give up.”
Her letter concluded by asking me to add my name to a list that would show my solidarity for her and the aforementioned group and best wishes, blah-blah-blah. It was signed “Hillary.” With a derisive smile I thought to myself that the foolish people comprising the group she referenced, might be more selective regarding what email lists they steal, buy or borrow.
The truth is that I was abundantly grateful this Thanksgiving, even more so than last Thanksgiving; and my gratefulness is not just because of what God has done for me. I am also grateful for what God did for our country in keeping a shrill, rapacious, old harpy like Hillary Clinton out of office.
I agree with the evil harridan. I, and those like me, are “doubling down in the fight to defend our shared values.” Unfortunately for Clinton, the values right-thinking Americans share are antithetical to everything thing a repulsive malignancy like her stands for.
For the record she was right; Americans such as myself are refusing to be silenced by the hateful, divisive goons who support her vision. Additionally, there is no scenario known to man wherein I would send her a note of comfort. I have made it my policy to not embrace that which we wipe from our shoes before entering the house after walking through a chicken yard. Which is only marginally less accurate than what I truthfully view Clinton as.
As for the “well wishes” she claims I sent her since her campaign, I can assure you that any wishes I would send her would have to do with where she spends eternity.
This letter shows that even in defeat Hillary cannot be truthful or honest with herself. She lost the election because voters understood that she belonged behind bars not in the White House. Voters understood what she’s done to our country and denied her the opportunity to do further harm.
I am grateful for President Donald Trump. He shares my love for America and believes that the interests of America and her citizenry come before the interests of those sworn to destroy us. He is working to “Make America Great Again” whereas Hillary and those like her are “Alinskyite progressives” committed to destroying the institutions that made America the envy of the civilized world.Hillary and those like her are “Alinskyite progressives” committed to destroying the institutions that made America the envy of the civilized world.
Mychal Massie
I am grateful beyond measure at the victories we have enjoyed thus far because of President Trump. I am appalled that Hillary, Obama, and the Bush family see nothing wrong with open borders and a welfare system in which entitlements are viewed as a responsible career choice.
The Clintonites instructed people to insult family and friends during Thanksgiving gatherings if they supported the President. At our Thanksgiving table, family and friends, old and young, conversed about the greatness and majesty of our God, and we also discussed our appreciation and gratefulness for President Trump. And thus another baneful plot by Clinton cronies ended in failure.
Hillary is a mean-spirited, evil woman who hates herself as much as she hates Christian values. She hates the foundations America was founded upon and only an inescapably stupid anti-American would be saddened by her not being elected.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here