Israel and America Hating Troglodytes Lead Democrat Party

I’ve said many times that Republicans are the country club set of the Democrat Party, who have found the best way to make money being in office, is by leading from the rear. They’ve discovered that not being in power is like an ATM. They put on Kabuki Theater of sound bites and feigned outrage, then beg us to give them money to combat the hot-button issues making it rain cash into their pockets.
But, neo-Leninist Democrats are predictably hatemongering, morally opprobrious, anti-modernity, troglodytes with wannabe’ God complexes. Collectively their great accomplishment(s) have been discovering ways to manipulate and steal elections. Thereafter, their accomplishments thereafter have been to introduce a zeitgeist of immiseration for We the People.
Their so-called female leaders are grotesque, mannish, and hate-filled. I submit for examples of same the Obama woman, Maxine Walters, and Nancy Pelosi – who has more facial contortions than something like Stacy Abrams with irritable bowel syndrome. There’s Olympian ignorance of Alexandria Oscar-Cortez, the contemptible vulgarity of Rashida Tlaib, and the collective hatred for Jewish people and specifically the Jewish people in Israel.
Hatred for Israel is embraced by them all and led by Ilhan Omar who has fewer morals than Kamala Harris who is rumored to have made her way to Washington by bedding married men in the right political positions, but not argued to have married her brother. Additionally, Harris’s family may have been slaveowners, but as I wrote in 2019: “Omar’s father, Nur Omar Mohamed, is connected to the former dictator in Somalia, Said Barre. Nur, and other former Barre accomplices, are living in the U.S. illegally.” But it get’s better: “Omar’s father Mohamed, is living in the U.S. and connected to another Somalian, Yusuf Abdi Ali, who killed thousands for Barre. Barre was a dictator and was connected to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Ali is a convicted war criminal who did the killing himself. … Omar’s father, was a party propagandist under the dictator [Barre] and was responsible for ‘ideological’ aspects of the Red-Green revolution. This included providing the ideological/political justification for the massacres of the late eighties. Both Ali and Nur were able to escape after the fall of Barre.”
These neo-Leninists believe God and prayer is bad and intrusive for public schools; but arbitrary and capricious mandates requiring children sit masked in public schools all day and be forced to have deadly toxins injected into them, is good for students.
Their view of history is one which omits historical remembrances to Civil War leaders like General Robert e. Lee, but Hillary Clinton and Obama are figures worthy of national genuflection. General Lee graduated West Point with honors and a record of comportment that remains unsurpassed. Obama was mysteriously forced to surrender his law license and boasts of fantasizing daily about have sexual relations with men. Hillary’s relational proclivities have been the subject of discussion for most of her life and in order to advance her own career she savaged innocent women her husband raped, battered and molested. Personally, I would be curious regarding if she took trips on Jeffery Epstein’s Lolita Express to his pedophile island?
The political entities I reference openly display their wannabe God complex. Rev. Raphael Warnock believes the industrialized extermination of children is Christian and views the late congressman, John Lewis as a “Christ like man” because of his support for killing babies and inciting skin-color division. While Pelosi and Biden believe that as “good Catholics” and it’s an act of faith-inspired biblical kindness to kill babies. Not to be outdone Obama invokes prayer, asking God to bless Planned Parenthood, for the good work they do.
The wannabe God complex of these people is unambiguous. They realized God was making a mistake using names like “global warming and global cooling.” (See: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry; When Young People Are Brainwashed By Climate Hoax)
- In 1969, a New York Times headline predicted “Everyone Will Disappear In A Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989” because of an alleged scientific consensus over impending apocalypse from environmental pollution.
- In 1970, environmentalists predicted, in another newspaper headline “America Subject To Water Rationing By 1974 And Food Rationing By 1980.”
- In 1970, scientists working for NASA and the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research warned of an impending New Ice Age by the year 2000.
- A 1974 Time magazine headline warned of “Another Ice Age?” and the U.K.’s The Guardian science reporter headlined “Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast.” Brown University’s Department of Geology warned of an imminent New Ice Age in a letter to President Nixon.
- In 1988, environmental scientists predicted disappearance of the Maldive Islands: “A gradual rise in average sea level is threatening to completely cover this Indian Ocean nation of 1196 small islands within the next 30 years.”
- In 1989, U.N. environmental experts told the Associated Press “Rising Seas Could Obliterate Nations” by the year 2000. Part of New York City was supposed to be submerged by 2019.
- In 2004, climate hoaxers predicted Britain would be like Siberia by 2020
So they resolved God’s epic record of failure to bring about their predictions by renaming their hoax “climate change.” Now every storm, snowflake, gust of wind and temperature change is identified as climate change. Never again will they be wrong no matter how many times their prognostications don’t occur. Because climate change is the villain.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here