It Wasn’t Putin and Russia: It Was/Is Big Techs Google, Facebook and Twitter

All we have heard since Donald Trump won the Presidency is that Vladimir Putin and Russian had interfered in the presidential election and were singularly responsible for his becoming president.
The one thing I have learned in my many years involved in politics is: When Democrats are accusing you of doing something nefarious, it’s they who are guilty of wrongdoing.
Specific to that point, it wasn’t the Russians who interfered with the Presidential race – it was Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
August 26, 2019, Sara Carter staff writer for OAN reported that: “IN 2018 ELECTION, GOOGLE’S BIAS MAY HAVE SHIFTED 78.2 MILLION VOTES TO ONE POLITICAL PARTY.”
She continued: “According to Dr. Robert Epstein, in an interview with One America’s News Network, Google has likely been determining the outcomes of upwards of 25 percent of the national elections worldwide since at least 2015. This is because many races are very close and because Google’s persuasive technologies are very powerful.
In the weeks leading up to the 2018 election, bias in Google’s search results may have shifted upwards of 78.2 million votes to the candidates of one political party (spread across hundreds of local and regional races). This number is based on data captured by my 2018 monitoring system, which preserved more than 47,000 election-related searches on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, along with the nearly 400,000 web pages to which the search results linked. Strong political bias toward one party was evident, once again, in Google searches.
These effects are nothing like Russian-placed ads or fake news stories. Russian interference, although troubling and unacceptable, does not, in my opinion, shift many votes (Epstein, 2017d, 2018a). Ads and news stories are competitive and visible, like billboards. The kinds of ephemeral effects I am studying, however, are invisible and non-competitive. They are controlled entirely by Big Tech companies, and there is no way to counteract them.”
I pause here to tell you that yesterday I tried four times to write this article directly on my Facebook page. Each attempt was met with ghostly problems as if my Facebook page had taken on a life of its own and some unseen force was not going to permit me to write the post – at least not on Facebook. It seems that the title: “It Wasn’t The Russians: It Was Google, Facebook and Twitter” upset the evil wraiths who guard Facebook from the truth, were going to great lengths to prevent me from posting it.
The first time I tried to share it complete with that title, my Facebook page began to destabilize. The more I tried, the worse it got, until it crashed and came back again a few moments later. Not surprisingly, the entire article I had written was gone.
I have spent approximately 40 minutes trying to write this piece on Facebook. Annoyed, I decided to do it as “The Daily Rant” instead. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if Facebook bans me for some contrived infraction when/if I am able to have it post there by sharing it from my website.
Democrats and their necromancers at the bureaus of agitprop, i.e., the media, continue to blame Russia and accuse President Trump of wrongdoing in the election process. It is not Russia nor is it President Trump it is Google, facebook, twitter, YouTube et al.
Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit wrote: “UNREAL: Google Buried True Meaning of ‘Covfefe’ [I Will Stand Up] Once President Trump Tweeted It.” (August 27, 2019)
Hoft wrote: “President Trump tweeted: “Covfefe” and nobody knew what he meant. If you googled the word you couldn’t find it. Now we know that the reason you couldn’t find it is because Google had it erased from its social platform! Dr. Epstein’s Senate Judiciary testimony can be read here:
Internet sleuth, Tiffany FitzHenry reported some bombshells in the Google leaks that were recently released. A few of her tweets related to President Trump’s use of the word “Covfefe.”
President Trump was mocked, scorned and accused of using a word that didn’t exist. Even if that were true, no word exists until it’s created. But I digress. Nothing dissuades me that the “Wet Wipes” attacking President Trump in all likelihood knew that Google had completely removed, erased, made the word “Covfefe” and its actual meaning disappear. I believe they did same as part of an ongoing plan to damage him. But it backfired!!
Hoft wrote: “Leaked documents show that Google raced to erase the meaning of the Arabic word “Covfefe” as soon as the President tweeted his reference to the word.”
Tiffany FitzHenry, who is responsible for exposing Google’s evil, further exposed the extremes Google went in their attempt to sway opinion against President Trump writing: “Further documents also reveal that the team raced to ‘ban the misspellings’ as well. In essence ensuring that anyone searching Google to try and figure out what “Covfefe” meant would never find the truth, no matter what they searched.”
FitzHenry reinforced her unearthed facts saying: “So, just to be clear, Google has no problem whatsoever taking it upon themselves to alter a centuries old language – deleting an entire word and it’s meaning from virtual existence – in order to carry out a completely unstated, hidden political agenda.”
Now back to facebook. They are just as guilty of using their algorithms and manipulations to steal votes as Google.
As I said, at the outset, it has been necessary for me to attempt several times to write this specifically for my Public Figure Facebook Page. But Facebook would not let me.
My plan had been to write this yesterday as a post on my facebook page and write about the ‘myth’, ‘er make that the ‘outright lie’ of there being a so-called Palestine as The Daily Rant for today. But Facebook raised my ire.
Facebook has been massively successful because they have introduced a new kind of opioid to the masses. People don’t care that they are being lied to and having their thoughts, behavior and decisions manipulated and controlled. The majority of those interacting on Facebook are completely ignorant to the fact that they are being led through the nose by faceless ghouls and trolls controlling every aspect of their facebook experience – including personal information they have no right or permission to access and share.
Facebook suspended my account when I broke the factual accounts regarding the horrific circumstances in Venezuela, complete with photos, State Department memorandums and communiqués forwarded to me in real time by friend/contacts living there. But the truth in that instance injured Facebook’s delicate sensibilities and my account was shut down.
Facebook has been suppressing my posts for at least three years. This is because I am their worse nightmare, i.e., I am willing to inform my public with the unfiltered truth.
This is why I have elected not to have Google Ads and similar on my website or any of my social sites. I will not have my beliefs and opinions controlled by necrophagous ghouls who supply the public with feasts of lies. I am a truth teller. That is what you respect and trust. I’m not here to sellout for the dollar. I’m here to keep you informed and to provide opinion intended to equip and arm you with facts and common sense Christian reasoning to use against those destroying our God given rights and national traditions.
Twitter not long ago suspended my account because I called Rosie O’Donnell a hateful old dyke who chased women because she was too heinous and skanky to get a man or something very close to that. Perhaps what I should have said was: no self-respecting woman would have anything to do with O’Donnell apart from telling her to repent and confess her sin or she is going to hell.
We are in a fight for 2020. I expect President Trump to win, but I do not expect him to have a cakewalk. The Democrat-Socialists and other far-left satanic extremist groups are not going to go passively into the night. And I’m not excluding the “never-trumpers” who are amassing in the shadows with plans to destroy President Trump as well. I speak of Karl Rove, Joe Walsh, Bill Kristol, Paul Ryan et al.
This is not a game, it is about the life and death of our country.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here