James Clyburn: An Angry Black Racist Who Hates Trump

Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) is a pathetic hater whose greatest measurable achievement is serving 14 terms in Congress.
According to his Wikipedia page, his South Carolina congressional district includes nearly all of the mostly black precincts in and around Columbia and Charleston, as well as almost the entire rural region within South Carolina. In those areas he has successfully turned pimping hatred, skin color, and an annual fish fry with white bread, into the viscous substance that lubricates his political flim-flam machine.
In a recent interview with Neil Cavuto on FoxNews, Clyburn attacked the unparalleled historic economic gains by blacks under President Trump’s leadership stating: “I’m saying that the African-American unemployment is not the lowest it has ever been unless you count slavery. We were fully employed during slavery.”
In a December 9, 2019, article titled, President Trump Is Creating Jobs, Democrats Promise Abortion I quoted Michael W. Chapman of CNSNews who wrote:
“Vice President Pence told Charles Payne: Let’s take a step back and recognize that over the last three years, thanks to President Trump’s leadership and the agenda we’ve been able to advance, we’re living in the best economy in the history of the United States of America. The stock market has grown by more than 50 percent. That’s a real difference in people’s pension and 401(K)s. There’s more Americans working today than ever before in the history of this country. Average household incomes have grown by $5,000 a year. Wages are rising all across the country, and the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low – THE LOWEST EVER RECORDED FOR BLACK AMERICANS AND HISPANIC AMERICANS.” … The Vice President continued: “I would submit to you this is the result of a combination of policies that President Trump has advanced. We cut taxes on individuals and businesses…The President’s also been willing to use the power of this economy and access to this economy and tariffs to leverage changes in our trading relationships with nation’s around the world…It’s that combination that’s working for American workers, that’s working for the American economy.” (See: VP Pence: We’re Living in the Best Economy in the History of the USA; Michael W. Chapman; CNSNews; 12/4/2019)
Gloria Tinubu who ran as a Democrat in South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District in 2012, said of Clyburn, [Look what Clyburn has gotten us], we are one of the poorest states. We have the Corridor of Shame, an area that was named that because of the poor conditions that our public schools are in. A third of which are in Clyburn’s congressional district…South Carolina has not done well [under Clyburn]. (See: Rep. James E. Clyburn Under The Spotlight After A Week Fraught With Controversy; Cleve R. Wootson Jr. and Paul Kane; The Washington Post; 6/20/2019)
In 2018, President Trump appropriated over $360 million to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), which surpasses what Obama appropriated for them. In December 2019, President Trump signed a bill restoring funding for HBCUs and dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of black and Hispanic students that permanently provides $250 million annually. It should be noted that Clyburn and his Democrat counterparts had allowed funding for these schools to lapse.
Clyburn supports Hilary Clinton who called black youths in gangs “super predators who need to be brought to heel.” “Heel” as in the way you command a dog, while seeking support of criminal sentencing reforms in 1996. Unfortunately, she shared no such perspective regarding the “super predator” serial molester she is married to.
Clyburn curtsies to Hillary Clinton even though when she and her husband left office in 2001 (you remember, she told us, “You get two for the price of one” indicating she and Bill would act as co-president in 1992), blacks were the most incarcerated demographic in the U.S. thanks to their sentencing reform; which amounted to lock blacks up and throw away the key.
President Trump has made prison reform a priority vis-à-vis his First Step Act in 2018 and his 2019 Second Chance Hiring initiative to help former incarcerants to successfully transition into society by making it easier to obtain meaningful jobs. (See: Trump Delivers Second Chances for Black Inmates Reentering Society; Patrice Lee Onwuka; NewsMax; 6/14/2019)
Clyburn calls President Trump a racist, and scorns the unqualified success his agenda has been for all Americans on every quantifiable level, and specifically for black Americans.
But Clyburn steadfastly supports and defends Joe Biden whose 1994 crime bill many argue led to mass imprisonment of black people. Clyburn calls President Trump anti-black but he stolidly defends Biden’s comments at a New York fundraiser, when boasted about working with segregationists. Clyburn defended him even as other black Democrats condemned Biden for his remarks.
Clyburn’s claim that the massive economic gain by blacks under President Trump somehow compares to slavery is the Erebusic rhetoric of a loser.
Some years ago during a BBC interview Oprah Winfrey said, “Older white people who were born, bred, and marinated in prejudice and racism should die if racism is to disappear.” Winfrey was inexcusably wrong to say that. It’s not old white people who need to die; it’s people like James Clyburn who must disappear, never to be heard from again, if the inculcating of blacks with pernicious acrimony is to end.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here