Jimmy Carter: What You Should Know As He Attacks President Trump

Jimmy Carter was, is and just like Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren always will be a liar. And what’s more, Carter is a ruthless bigoted racist who hides behind austere images of being a “good ole’ boy from ‘jo-jah’”
In my syndicated op-ed titled, “Nero In The White House” I wrote: “Three significant historical events have been eclipsed by Obama” the first of which is Jimmy Carter will no longer be looked upon as the worst president in American history. (9/26/2011)
Well, apparently Carter wants the title back as worst president in American history. He thinks attacking President Trump is the means to have people refresh their memories of his abysmal presidency.
Carter said he believes Russia’s meddling, “if fully investigated would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016.” He believes, “Trump lost the election and became President because the Russians interfered on his behalf.” (See: Trump Dismisses Former President Jimmy Carter’s Attacks on His Election Legitimacy; associated press; 6/29/2019)
It appears that 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants and 500 interviews, which resulted in Mueller’s limitless budget, free of boundaries and oversight, that was unable to find even a hint of wrongdoing or Russian impropriety pursuant to President Trump wasn’t enough for Mr. Peanut. Apparently tens of millions of taxpayer dollars upon tens of millions of taxpayer dollars and nearly three years of investigations wasn’t enough for Jimmy “Peanut.” This shows why Carter was a one term president and a failure on every quantifiable level. Carter made George W. Bush look like Churchill.
In August 2018, Carter opined that he has been taught to value truthfulness and because of that he doesn’t support President Trump. The doddering old peanut farmer said: “I think [Trump’s] a disaster … In human rights and in treating people equal. The worst is that he is not telling the truth, and that just hurts everything.” (See: Jimmy Carter Attacks Donald Trump’s Character Amid Calls for Impeachment: ‘He’s a Disaster’; Maura Hohman; 8/22/2018)
Carter in his manic thirst for relevance he ignores his well-documented standard of lying through his teeth. He has found that bashing President Trump gets him on late-night television programming and gives a few moments of bright lights, limousines and feigned respect for him as a failed politician.
The American people rejected a second Carter term, favoring instead Ronald Reagan in a landslide. So it’s ironic to see Democrat campaign fundraising literature promoting Carter saying: “It would be a disaster to have four more years of Trump.” (Democrat campaign fundraising letter; 9/23/2019)
Carter is a pernicious liar and morally opprobrious but as long as he attacks President Trump he is treated with journalistic amnesia by the vicars of agitprop who worship at the feet of Ba’al.
Jimmy Carter, former Jim Crow man, has accused millions of his fellow Americans of engaging in the type of race baiting that marked his political career for years, even up to the eve of the 1980 presidential election, for which he has never apologized or acknowledged.
Branding his opponents as racists is nothing new for the old, self-described “redneck.” In the fall of 1980, he and his minions unleashed one of the most vicious campaigns in recent American history against his opponent, Ronald Reagan. (See: Jimmy Carter’s Slurs; Craig Shirley; 9/24/2019)
Carter accused then Governor Reagan, who was in the process of delivering the deathblow that would limit Carter’s damage to one term, of being racist.
So untoward and viscously untruthful were the attacks by Carter against Presidential opponent Ronald Reagan that Nancy Reagan took the unprecedented step of doing a television commercial, verbally delivering the equivalent of a hard wet slap across the face for his lies, in which he accused Governor Reagan of wanting to divide America, “Black from white Christian from Jew.”
In college Ronald Reagan had taken several black members of his college football team home to stay with he and his family, because Jim Crow laws that Carter used to his advantage while ascending the ranks in Georgia politics prohibited blacks from staying in “whites only” hotel(s). Ronald Reagan quit a California country club in protest when he learned the club barred Jews. And, it’s a fact that as Governor, Ronald Reagan appointed hundreds more blacks to his administration than progressive Democrat predecessors Earl Warren and Pat Brown had done.
Jimmy Carter on the other hand loved to boast at every opportunity how his “mamma had taken care of their niggras.” I can still his reprehensible campaign references to his “mamma and the niggras.”
Carter forgot to mention that he was rabid supporter of Lester Maddox, an icon of segregation in the Jim Crow south. In 1970 Carter called his gubernatorial opponent “Cuffs” and “Cufflinks” which was a racist euphemism for saying his opponent dressed like a “nigger.” His campaign even produced photos of his opponent, Carl Sanders with black members of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team. Imagine the temerity to be photographed with “niggers,” was Carter’s unspoken message. Carter made sure to tell the media his “mamma took care of ‘their’ niggras,” but it was clear that being photographed with them as equals violated his Southern mores.
As Shirley pointed out: “Carter in the early ‘60s, supported legislation in the Georgia State Senate that would have effectively eviscerated The Civil Rights Acts, and would have prevented the desegregation of public schools there.”
Carter loves to boast about teaching Sunday school at Maranatha Baptist Church and the now fawning fraudulent so-called journalists, lap it up like flies on a manure pile. The question that begs an answer is: When will the media ask Carter why he voted to ban blacks from joining the Plains Baptist Church, which was his home church?
It’s either a form of journalistic presbyopia or deliberate ignoring by dishonest so-called journalists who see no equipoise in making it known that Carter in 1976, as a presidential candidate supported the effort called “Massive Resistance,” which opposed racial integration on every and all levels.
Carter isn’t half the man President Trump is and Carter along with his bigoted Democrat party members combined haven’t done for America in their history what President Trump has done in three years.
Carter should kiss the feet of Obama for getting him off the hook as the worst president in history. And the Maranatha Baptist Church should be questioned how they can defend having a person like Carter teaching Sunday school in their church? Is the church taking Carter’s money and closing their eyes to what he represents.
President Trump has not lied to the public about what he was before God opened his eyes to the evil of abortion and the destruction of family. President Trump despite being attacked and undermined by Democrats and Republicans alike continues by the grace of God to “Make America Great Again.”
With Carter we had daily “misery index” reports, the betrayal of the Pahlavi family in Iran, which gave way to the ayatollahs and the Iranian hostage ordeal. With Carter we had “misery index” of 22 percent (a percentage unheard of before or since), we had 22 percent mortgage rates, 70 percent tax rates, 16 percent inflation rate and unemployment rate approaching 8 percent.
Ergo, will someone please explain to me in language that I can understand on what basis Carter is applauded for calling President Trump bad, and on what basis the so-called media is given a pass for not asking Carter about the facts I’ve presented. As for his church, there was a time I would have said, “It’s a Baptist Church in Georgia, what do you expect?” But I’ve grown to have great respect for God’s people in the Southern Churches over the decades; which forces me to ask why his church lets him toss their name around as he does. As a matter of fact, I’m curious to the point that I think I will have to give the Maranatha Baptist Church a call and find out what they have to say about Mr. Carter.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here