Let’s Demand ‘Reparations’ From Blacks For Riots and Violent Protests

Certainly not all, but it’s safe to say the majority of blacks openly claim or quietly believe the lie that America was built by slaves. Many people, and especially many black people, are not interested in factual truths; they’re only interested in lies and distortions that augment and support their ignorance.
The truth about slavery in America is that it existed. It was immoral but it was not illegal. At no time did America supplant any Eastern country as having the most slaves or a country that supplied slaves to other countries. America participated in slavery only briefly and only in limited locales. America didn’t invent slavery any more than America created crazed jihadists.The truth about slavery in America is that it existed. It was immoral but it was not illegal.
Mychal Massie
When the American Republic was founded in 1776, slavery not only literally existed everywhere on earth, but it was an accepted aspect of human history for centuries before Moses was born and eventually led Israel out of Egyptian bondage.
Following are facts about slavery that the purveyors of white guilt are ignorant of: Aristotle further opined that “it is clear that there are certain people who are free and certain who are slaves by nature, and it is both to their advantage, and just, for them to be slaves.” The Romans seized so many captives from Eastern Europe that the terms “Slav” and “slave” bore the same origins. All the great cultures of the ancient world, from Egypt to Babylonia, Athens to Rome, Persia to India to China, depended upon the brutal enslavement of the masses – often representing heavy majorities of the population. Contrary to the glamorization of aboriginal New World cultures, the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas counted among the most brutal slave-masters of them all — not only turning the members of other tribes into harshly abused beasts of burden but also using these conquered enemies to feed a limitless lust for human sacrifice. The Tupinamba, a powerful tribe on the coast of Brazil south of the Amazon, took huge numbers of captives, then humiliated them for months or years, before engaging in mass slaughter of their victims in ritualized cannibalistic feasts. In Africa, slavery also represented a timeless norm long before any intrusion by Europeans. Moreover, the Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch or British slave traders rarely penetrated far beyond the coasts: the actual capture and kidnapping of the millions of victims always occurred at the hands of neighboring tribes. As the great African-American historian Nathan Huggins pointed out, “virtually all of the enslavement of Africans was carried out by other Africans” but the concept of an African “race” was the invention of Western colonists, and most African traders “saw themselves as selling people other than their own.” (Six Inconvenient Truths About The U.S. and Slavery; Michael Medved; Townhall.com; 9/26/2007)
The myth that America became wealthy because of slave labor is just that – a myth. America became wealthy despite slave labor. The most prosperous states in the country were those that first freed their slaves. As Medved states: “Pennsylvania passed an emancipation law in 1780; Connecticut and Rhode Island followed four years later (all before the Constitution). New York approved emancipation in 1799. These states (with dynamic banking centers in Philadelphia and Manhattan) quickly emerged as robust centers of commerce and manufacturing, greatly enriching themselves while the slave-based economies in the South languished by comparison…All analyses of Northern victory in the great sectional struggle highlights the vast advantages in terms of wealth and productivity in New England, the Mid-Atlantic States and the Midwest, compared to the relatively backward and impoverished states of the Confederacy.”
Devin Foley, co founder and president of the Intellectual Takeout wrote: “Turning back to ‘Warfare In The Western World,’ we find statistics that show just how dramatic the differences in populations and economic power were between the free North and the slave South. … “But in a longer struggle the North’s advantages were substantial. With a population of 20 million, the Northern states obviously possessed a much larger military manpower base, but their industrial capacity was far greater as well. In 1860 the North had over 110,000 manufacturing establishments, the South just 18,000. The North produced 94 percent of the country’s iron, 97 percent of is coal and – not incidentally – 97 percent of its firearms. It contained 22,000 miles of railroad to the South’s 8,500. The North outperformed the South agriculturally as well. Northerners held 75 percent of the country’s farm acreage, produced 60 percent of its livestock, 67 percent of its corn, and 81 percent of its wheat. All in all, they held 75 percent of the nation’s total wealth.” (No, Slavery Didn’t Build America: It’s A Popular Narrative, But History Doesn’t Support It; 3/2/2016)
Foley also notes: “That final statistic combined with the North’s victory in the Civil War should be sufficient to dispel the idea that America was built on slavery. Keep in mind, too, that not all of the wealth in the South was generated by slaves. Free men in the South also worked their own fields and industries.”
Medved further points out that: “Yale historian David Brion Davis in his definitive 2006 history ‘Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall Of Slavery In The New World’ notes that colonial North America…surprisingly received only 5 to 6 percent of the African slaves shipped across the Atlantic. Meanwhile, the Arab slave trade (primarily from East Africa) lasted longer and enslaved more human beings than the European slavers working the other side of the continent… when taking the prodigious and unspeakably cruel Islamic enslavements into the equation, at least 97 percent of all African men, women and children who were kidnapped, sold, and taken from their homes, were sent somewhere other than the British colonies of North America. In this context there is no historical basis to claim that the United States bears primary, or even prominent guilt for the depredations of centuries of African slavery.”
Armed with these facts it would be nice to enlighten “The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America” to factual reality. Said Reparationists are in the midst of attempting to shake down and extort money from University of Chicago; because supposedly: “Like so many other venerable American institutions, the University of Chicago is built on slavery…Hundreds of enslaved people lived and died on [the Douglas] plantation to make the University of Chicago and its $7 billion endowment, possible. [Ergo,] reparations are long overdue.” This is based upon a published paper by four University of Chicago graduate students from the history department. The paper detailed the University of Chicago’s founding with profits from enslavements.
The very idea of this extortion attempt should be subjected to harshest rebuke. It’s time for blacks that bathe in the immiseration of lies and blackmail, to cease and desist. In the absence of that I say we should counter their arguments by holding them financially accountable for the cities and personal property they have destroyed by rioting, violent protest, and the looting that accompanies same.
Instead of allowing institutions and businesses to be blackmailed under the guise of being held accountable, I say we teach blacks what accountability is, by holding them financially responsible for the murder and mayhem they commit.
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About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here