Martha’s Vineyard and The ‘Fake’ Humanitarian Crisis vs. The Truth

During the ‘humanitarian crisis’ that immediately developed when 50 illegal aliens showed up in the exclusive enclave of multi-million dollar seasonal mansions of the uber wealthy, mostly Democrat denizens of Martha’s Vineyard, MA – my insight is needed to set the record straight – chiefly because, I’m not afraid to offend people with the truth.
The question, in my opinion, that begs an answer is: why would anyone be surprised that the exclusivists “our other home is a multi-million dollar residence in the Tribeca or Upper East Side or Battery Park section of New York,” would get upset when illegal aliens without DEWALT 20V MAX* XR Leaf Blowers or household staff uniforms would show up in their neighborhoods? They’re not welcome as pool cleaners; after all can’t have illegals looking at the mothers and daughters wearing bikinis.
Why else do their kind live in the areas they do? Why else do they artificially inflate the property values? It’s to keep out those they deem undesirable. There’s no Section 8 Housing in the neighborhoods they live in.
This brings me to a few truths that should be pointed out.
Let’s start with Margaret Sanger, the patron saint of Planned Parenthood. Sanger wasn’t advocating the systematic extermination of the children of families living in the zip codes of the upper crust, e.g., the Daisy Buchanan types who looked down upon Jay Gatsby. And Gatsby had money.
Sanger and her eugenicist Marxists followers were interested exclusively in ridding the neighborhoods of Negros and poor whites, both of who were by definition ‘niggers’ to she and her kind.
Democrats wrest the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) from the control of Nathan Bedford Forrest and weaponized it into a terrorist group to subjugate the former slaves. This was accomplished by the efforts of inbred single toothed farmers who craved the applause, notoriety and the attention it afforded them from those they sought to impress.
The greatest lie of the Democrats is that they’re for the people.
Democrats from their inception have been demonic caricatures feigning sincerity and propriety when in reality they’re home to Socialists, Fabian Democratic Socialists, Nazis, Communists, Neo-Leninists and Marxists. Albeit, it is Marxism that has secured the souls of the majority of Democrats, with Neo-Leninism running a close second.
Thus, pursuant to my question of why would anyone be surprised that these epsilons of humanity would view 50 illegal aliens in Martha’s Vineyard, MA, a town of 17,000 as a humanitarian crisis; but view approximately 50,000 illegal aliens in a town like Del Rio, Texas with 34,584 legal citizens not a crisis.
Illegal aliens, unsafe neighborhoods, failed school systems, ad nauseum don’t exist in their sphere of society. These things exist where the sub-humans and workers live. They’re the sky dwellers, living in comfort with the cave dwelling surface peoples toiling at their feet.
The schools their children attend aren’t failing nor are they subject to the lies of the 1619 Project, critical race theory, etc. In the schools they attend math requires exact answers not credit, based upon melanin if you’re close. The teachers at the schools their children attend don’t go on strikes nor do they hold entire tax districts hostage for raises.
They allow those such as Joy Reid, the pompous spawn of Satan who is the anthropomorphism of soiled bathroom tissue to appear on television for pay as long as he spreads lies and hatred.
Reid is not alone in knowingly speaking lies to ingratiate herself for a few crumbs gathered without pride or dignity. She and all those like her from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and the rest of her coven of Halloween congressional sisterhood are not free, they’re slaves to the whims and directives of those they bark and rollover for what amounts to a pittance. But, even a pittance seems like a lot when one has sold their souls and given their bodies for the usage of their handlers.
This is how Marxism works and very few grasp that truth, not least of which is because the mediums of information the majority of people view and/or listen to don’t share the simple truths I’ve just stated.
That which I’ve shared is the key tenet of Marxism: All history is the history of class struggle. That is to say that everyday life is shaped, changed, and maintained by classes who attempt to exert control over the whole of society. What’s failed to be recognized and understood in this most basic tenet of Marxism is that it’s the elitists such as those who view 50 illegals as a humanitarian crisis when it’s their town, but they don’t give a rat’s tail what filth shows up on our doorsteps who are inciters of acrimony.
Especially, when the destabilization of our neighborhoods works to their advantage, because it allows them to with wraithlike obfuscation to pit us one against another while they’re wholly obscured in the shadows.
This is yet one more reason true Christendom is a threat to them, as it was to Marx. It’s because as true, born again Christians we’re free. We’re not subject to their lies and manipulations, and when obedient we share our message to proselytize others with the truth of Christ.
This is also why President Trump poses such a threat to their minions. It’s because from the Clintons to the Obamas to Karl Rove and everything in between they’re owned and indebted to those exclusivists who own the Democrat Party; President Trump is not.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here