Melanin Pimps Silent On Marie Strumolo Burke
I have been in no way ambiguous pursuant to my support of Donald Sterling having the Constitutional right to think and say what he wants (sans crying fire in a crowded theater). That right specifically exists in what was understood to be a private conversation.
I would further be inclined to argue that no few of those attacking Mr. Sterling are doing so because they believe his comments provide them the means to extort money from the NBA and their sponsors. Which brings me to the duplicitous and selective outrage of those whom I define as the true racists.
Donald Sterling was in a no-win situation. He has the absolute right to complain about the men the woman taking his money was running around with. Even had he said only that he didn’t want V. Stiviano with men and made no mention of color, the race-mongers and melanin pimps, encouraged by a media that long ago shed any vestige of professional credibility, would have still claimed he was a racist. They would have claimed the racism was implied even though he didn’t say black.
The moral failing of America is that most people know this to be true, but they are feckless booboisies who for a plethora of reasons (not least of which is political expediency) refuse to defend Constitutional fairness. There is no clearer example of this than that of Belleville, New Jersey Democrat councilwoman and candidate for mayor, Marie Strumolo Burke.

Leroy Jones the Democrat leader and Chairman of the Essex County, New Jersey Council. And also a racist.
Burke was captured on tape shouting and screaming that the proposed changes to the town’s tax rates would turn Belleville into a “F*****g niggertown.” You would think that this would have risen to at least a level of national outrage consistent with Mr. Sterling’s private comments.
Placed side by side there is no question in my mind who the true racists are; they are the people like Leroy Jones the Democrat leader and Chairman of the Essex County, New Jersey Council.
Jones refused to speak to me on May 6 when I called his office seeking his input. I gave him the courtesy of calling in the middle of the day allowing plenty of time for him to address his Democrat colleague’s comments. But as we have come to see and understand white Democrats can say and do anything without fear of reprisal except speak out against abortion, homosexuality, and support a conservative cause. In a show of solidarity with Burke, Democrat Councilman Kevin Kennedy accused those of asking him to address Burke’s vile words as doing so because he, i.e., Kennedy is black.
Burke’s heinous outburst was made in October 2013, but there was little to nothing said of it until April 2014. Those who should have spoken up refused to do so for reasons of political expediency and fear. I spoke with two of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s constituent aides. One named Lisa who passed me off to another named John when she found my questions more than she could handle. The aide named John tried to address my question of why there had been no condemnation of Burke’s comments by Christie with a flaccid attempt of redirecting my question back to me, asking why it was Christie’s “job to say something since she was a Democrat?” When I replied his response was like saying we should have ignored Hitler because he was in Germany; he turned me over to Christie’s press office at which time I was mysteriously disconnected from the call.
I also spoke with Belleville’s current mayor, Raymond Kimble, whom I found to be a decent man with no backbone, whose allegiance was to being re-elected. As Mayor Kimble explained to me, it was a Democrat issue and he feared being ostracized as a political opportunist.
[adsanity id=8405 align=alignleft /]Therein lies the demonstrable difference between those who are the personification of Erebus and decent people who operate out of fear and positional expediency. As Dr. Martin Luther King said: “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the vitriolic words and the violent actions of the bad people, but the appalling silence and indifference of the good people. … Our generation will have to repent not only for the words and acts of the children of darkness but also for the fears and apathy of the children of light.” (1/27/1965; Dinkler Plaza Hotel)It’s not just white guilt that allows race-mongers and melanin pimps to abuse free speech; it is the transpicuous act of cowardice by those unwilling to do what they intrinsically know to be right. Defending a person’s Constitutional right to free speech doesn’t mean I have to agree with what they say but it does mean I will defend with my last breath their right to say it.[adsanity id=11817 align=alignleft /]
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here