Is Mitch McConnell A Skunk, Rotten, Or A Rotten Skunk?

Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, R-KY, told a Rotary Club gathering that: “Our new president, of course, has not been in this line of work before, I think he had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic process.”
I submit that it’s to President Trump’s credit to not have been a career fraud, err, I mean career politician. This gives President Trump the unique perspective of actually knowing how to accomplish things, ahead of schedule and under budget.
What McConnell was really saying in thinly veiled nuances was that President Trump doesn’t know what he is doing and that President Trump isn’t qualified for the position he holds because he’s never been a politician and he isn’t one of “them.”
The claims McConnell made that day factually underscore the problem with Republican Congressional leadership, which is an oxymoron. Republicans own both sides of Congress and the White House with majorities that enable them to pass whatever legislation they need. How difficult can it possibly be to get things done if they are all working in the interest of America?
Therein lies the problem. Republicans are not working for Americans and they are determined to prevent President Trump from doing same. The roll McConnell plays in an effort to derail President Trump’s agenda cannot be overstated.Republicans are not working for Americans and they are determined to prevent President Trump from doing same.
Mychal Massie
McConnell is committed to undermining conservative issues and to preventing all true conservative candidates from being elected. We can point to McConnell’s effort to prevent Judge Roy Moore from winning the August 15, Alabama Republican Primary.
Republican Candidate for Senate, Judge Roy Moore recently shared: “According to a recent CNN report, Mitch McConnell is ‘alarmed’ about me leading in the polls heading into the final [days] before the August 15, Republican Primary…In fact, when recently asked what he thought about the possibility of U.S. Senator Roy Moore, Mitch McConnell “’made it clear he does not want a conservative rebel in a GOP conference already difficult to manage.’”
Roy Moore is exactly the type of Senator America needs. He is exactly the type of wisdom and balance who would work well in implementing President Trump’s agenda for the American people.
The problem is that isn’t what Republicans like McConnell, et al want, because a Senator Roy Moore would severely threaten the ability of Republicans to cut self-benefiting deals with the enemies of America both domestic and foreign.
This is not a new phenomenon; this is the way Republicans conduct business. Many may not recall that Republican leadership at the time fought all out to prevent Ronald Reagan from winning the Presidency.
In my January 13, 2014, nationally syndicated op-ed column, titled “Will Conservatives Continue Being Their Own Worst Enemy” I wrote: “The Republican establishment is not only not our friend, but they are intent and committed to ensuring that not one tea-party conservative or any true conservative ever wins again.”
Karl Rove, Reince Priebus, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Orin Hatch, ad nauseum have mapped out a plan that does not include what is best for you and me.
I’ve said many times “that Karl Rove has made it clear the only Republican candidates who will receive campaign financing and support are those the Republican hierarchy has vetted and approved. Rove hates the tea party as much as, if not more than, he dislikes Obama. Mitch McConnell boasted of tea-party losses in Alabama. McConnell called tea-party people bullies and said we should be punched in the face. (See: Tell Rove and Mitch McConnell To Get Used To Us; 11/25/2013) McConnell also issued an edict to boycott any company that raises money or helps tea-party candidates in any way. He blacklisted The Jamestown Group – one of the most successful money-raising companies the GOP had at its disposal – because they raised money for a tea-party candidate. McConnell has declared war on Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz. Karl Rove told a billionaire fundraiser gathering that Republican candidate Todd Akin from Missouri should be murdered.
The Republican Party is spending huge sums of money to defeat tea-party candidates, even going as far as secretly supporting a Democrat in New Jersey because they feared the tea-party candidate winning.
Nothing has changed pursuant to the goal of McConnell and company since that time. McConnell doesn’t want to accomplish anything. He and his lobbyist-owned Republican counterparts remain committed to derailing any restrictions on immigration; they are still opposed to the arrest and deportation of illegals. They are still opposed to ending sanctuary city protection for illegal alien rapists, murderers, and drug dealers. And despite all of the bluff and bluster their lies were exposed for all to see when they refused to repeal obamacare.
President Trump realizes the longer it takes to get things done the longer it will be before things change. McConnell, et al realize the longer it takes them to get anything done the longer they can milk the lobbyists and orchestrate draconian machinations that result in their staying in office for life.
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About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here