More Deceit By Biden and Democrats

You can always tell when the scions descended from the earliest humanoid manifestations of Satan have a socio-political albatross around their collective necks. They turn to their tried and true defense weapons, i.e., the damnable heresy of melanin being synonymous with a human sub-group and the pretense of concern for women. In brief they play the victim card.
Both women and the human sub-group erroneously misidentified as a crayon color people based upon their melanin being more visible, have sworn fealty to the group that has historically abused and subjugated them.
The Democrat Party has been the Party of Satan from its inception. It simply transmogrified from “a likeness” of Satan to a full-blown fully public no longer hidden image of Marxism, neo-Leninism and Fabianism, which are the triad of Satan.
Women and crayon people have value only if they follow the prescribed mantra. For women that means any women who dares not subscribe to the industrialized murder of children, are viewed as traitors to women’s rights and women.
For the sub-group people identified by melanin content, it means living the entirety of their lives filled with self-inflicted immiseration and neverending complaint of socio-inequality based upon the fallacious construct of skin color.
The increasing inability to portray Biden as anything other than a slobbering, cognitively diminished, pathetic excuse for a human being, forced the Marxian Democrats to do what they do best, i.e., create a diversion based upon melanin content.
To that end, first Biden signed a bill making lynching a federal hate crime. The bill is called “The Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act.” The question sane persons should be asking after drying the tears streaming down their faces from laughing so hard, is when was the last time one of these people was lynched? Till was lynched in a Democrat State controlled by a Democrat governor. The State was a Democrat stronghold; as was nearly 100 percent of the South in 1955. I’m willing to bet every one of the 3,446 Americans with high melanin lynched over an 86-year period spanning from 1882 to 1968 were at the hands of pale skin Democrats.
This is anti-conservative caucasian Christian legislation that will be used to demagogue police and increase the value of the currency used to brand those the Marxists disagree with as racist.
The eponymous progeny of Satan are too blind to grasp that fact. They’re asphyxiatingly unconscious to the fact that while they’re celebrating this bill as if it had any value whatsoever, Biden and those controlling him are wholly committed to the extermination of those with melanin content identical to them.
- 1 out of 3 black babies – 800 every day – are aborted;
- 34% of black babies were aborted in 2017;
- 61.3 million babies have died by abortion in the U.S.A. since 1973, 19.4 million were conceived in black American women;
- 78% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in black or other minority communities.
The greatest value is derived by doubling down on just how unfair life is for the melanin people: enter the low hanging fruit, which in this case is professional football.
Grant Atkinson writing for The Western Journal, reported: “The NFL announced Monday [past] that all 32 teams must hire a minority offensive assistant coach for the upcoming season.”
“This is supposedly part of an expansion to the Rooney Rule, an NFL policy with a goal ‘to foster and provide opportunity to diverse leadership throughout the NFL,’ according to the league’s website.”
Permit me to say that’s garbage. Roger Goodell the commissioner of the NFL is a rabid neo-Leninist who would suck blood from a corpse if it furthered the socio-political agenda he views as deity.
Once again those who foolishly view the amount of melanin in a person as summum bonum are blind to the fact that affirmative action and mandated employment is just a reverse form of bigotry and social prejudice. It guarantees mediocrity; because it’s not about choosing or employing the best, it’s about selecting the right showpiece and/or the right sex.
I’ve argued since President Nixon introduced so-called skin-color affirmative action that it was wrong. I had friends who cashed in on melanin content affirmative action who vehemently opposed my not attending the prominent private university they were admitted to, based upon the abundance of melanin they had. I refused the offer, walked out, and never looked back and I certainly never regretted my decision. It was a God-guided decision that benefited me the rest of my academic life, especially many years later when I returned to campus life to pursue theological degrees in preparation for ordination after being called into ministry.
These neo-Leninists aren’t pro-women. They only pretend to be pro-women. If they were pro-women, they would be pro-life. If they were pro-women, they wouldn’t classify women as minorities when mathematically women are the majority in America. If they were pro-women, they would defend Title IX.
But then what do I know? After all, I’m their worst nightmare. I am a born-again Christian male who knows the truth and refuses to retreat one inch in my defense of same. Thus, the reason for their cowardice to debate me on their lies about melanin.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here