More Denied Facts About Democrats and Their Negros

Those who subscribe to my website are familiar with my weekly video called “The Video Rant.” A recent such Video was titled: “It’s Time We Tell The Truth About Negroes.” In it I said: “It’s time to stop pretending that Negros aren’t the source of the problems that plague so many of them. We must speak the truth to their dysfunction.”
The one truth I have repeated time and again is that there’s no demographic of people on earth who are subject to lower expectations and less culpability regarding personal responsibility than those I herein reference.
Nowhere is this exampled more transpicuously than in their emotional, mental and psychological Pavlovian allegiance to the Democrat Party that is describable as the Stockholm Syndrome on steroids.
The Democrat Party has treated these people with the disrespect and indecency that Bill Clinton has subjected Hillary. They are publicly humiliated and of value only when acting in subordinate positions that support Democrat malfeasance.
The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) is the equivalent of a toothless old dog that is kept around because it can still bark. The CBC does nothing; in fact its existence would be ostensibly unknown if the members of same didn’t show up every so often at the command of Democrat leadership when it was/is necessary and/or convenient to add accusations of “the white man is out to get them.” Or when adding accusations of racism, benefits Democrat fears of losing an election.
The latter is what we just witnessed when Biden wheeled out another failed initiative that is intended to reduce the harm caused by the record inflation he is singularly responsible for creating.
If what Biden is doing to the economy and if his style of so-called leadership appears more destructive than corrective, that’s because they are. Denying that this is his plan doesn’t make it not his plan. As my late grandmother used to say: “Just because you don’t see the devil, doesn’t mean he’s not there.”
As Art Moore wrote: “Amid crushing inflation fueled by an accelerated push for ‘renewable’ energy, record-high government spending and foreigh0policy failures, Biden announced a major initiative to cut down on ‘junk fees’ from banks, airlines, cable companies and other industries that he emphasized will especially help ‘people of color.’”
Among the “junk fees” Biden referenced were the ancillary fees associated with air-travel. Right on cue, Biden called such fees unfair and racist because they were most harmful to the “marginalized…especially low-income folks and people of color.”
Of course, he will be hailed as sensitive and showing compassion for the least of these just as the bible instructs. Funny, how people like these godless infidels are quick to quote from the Word of God they refuse to recognize and obey; but I digress.
This is the Hegelian Dialectic approach at it unequivocal best. They either create a problem or seize upon one, then pretend to react, i.e., respond to the problem by instituting a solution that they have already predetermined.
Biden destroyed the economy across the board in approximately 18 months. Unemployment, inflation, fuel costs are at all-time highs. And his idea to correct things is to do away with ancillary fees for air-travel and banking.
The irony is that he claims to be doing for the ‘po-colored folks’ who can afford $400 Air Jordan sneakers but cannot figure out how to obtain photo identification for voter identification.
Notwithstanding, just how many of these he is calling marginalized low-income people of color care about the ancillary pricing in air-travel? Let’s be real here! I don’t see these people making a run on airports even for the holidays.
This is typical of his kind. Food is at record highs and he is going to make airlines charge less for legroom. That’s a so-called leader who is in touch with the people.
This is an example of the absence of respect for their house-pets. And pets are all these people are to Democrats. They come when they are called and riot on cue. And yet these people are refuse to see the truth. It is as if being treated like sub-humans makes their day.
But that’s what Democrats expect of them. When Biden isn’t calling for his colored house pets “predators” as he did in his speech on the 1994 Crime Bill. Hillary called these people “super predators.” Biden was generous if not outright impressed with Obama for being a clean articulate colored boy.
The amount of documented evidence with respect to the contempt Democrats have for the Negro is undeniable. The fact that these people refuse to turn award from a party who singular purpose since its inception has been to destroy and subjugate Negros, proves how effective and thorough a job has done upon the psyche of their subjects.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here