More Treasonous Acts By Biden by Robert Socha

The man who usurped his way into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has committed two treacherous acts this week that are both nauseating and infuriating.
First, after making multiple promises to the contrary, he pardons his guilty son from past and future prosecutions. This unjust act of narcissistic criminality directly validates the claim that the corruption in Hunter’s past flows directly to the Big Man in the White House. This pardon is an insult to the country who watched as Leftist bloviators from Whoopi to Kimmel frightened their viewers into thinking that Trump 45 would use his Presidential powers to pardon his family from wrongdoing. They echoed the sentiment that nobody is above the law, insinuating Trump must be guilty. The only caveat is that there is no prosecutable wrongdoing from which he needs to be pardoned, and Trump’s New York conviction is a gross miscarriage of justice.
Second, the White House’s chief resident recently took a farewell tour of Africa and is recorded as having pledged $1B to help relieve and rebuild after devastating floods. This charitable act should infuriate every American in the aftermath of two catastrophic hurricanes whose victims have been offered little to no help from their federal bureaucracy to put food on the table, let alone rebuild. It is an affront to common sense and a gross misappropriation of funds.
Justice is supposed to be blind because the equality we have from birth only survives under equal protection of the law. If the executive arbitrarily enforces the law, the entire system is in danger of collapse, anarchy, and ruin. Lax enforcement of immigration law is a classic example of the slippery slope into lawlessness and presidential pardons of guilty men after promising not to do so shames the Office and its occupant and casts a long shadow on the country’s integrity. The ripple effect of the open borders is murder and mayhem conducted by illegal aliens from coast to coast, and an unsustainable cash cow for housing these people at taxpayers’ expense. What will be the ripple effect this pardon achieves?
Benjamin Franklin warned us that once people started voting themselves money from the public treasury, they would never stop doing so. The expectation that public funds are necessary to rescue civilians from catastrophe has grown annually in my 52 years and become a right of sorts. Unfortunately, the Constitution affords no place for federal funds to be used in such fashion domestically, let alone on foreign shores. With President Washington’s stark warning to avoid foreign entanglements, we should never have given money to any entity, foreign or domestic. The proliferation of these funds may offer a reprieve from a horrific situation, but it is no lasting solution and unsustainable. True and enduring comfort and rebuilding come only through private philanthropy, not public policy. But it is a hard sell these days to ask the populace to voluntarily open their pocketbooks in such an effort when Uncle Sam has been on the front lines of disaster relief for decades, although the private magnanimity these United States display when faced with unmitigated loss is a staggering statement of generosity in spite of the government’s largesse.
This last presidential pardon has exacerbated the Justice Department’s corruption, and a presidential visit to Africa with the promise of American financial relief upends FEMA’s disaster response. Maybe 47’s cabinet, the DOGE team, and an invested electorate can help make these two governmental institutions accountable and focused on America first, the nonpartisan rule of law, and fiscal responsibility.
About the Author
Robert Socha
Robert Socha, BIO Robert Socha (so-ha), was born in southern California. He served 5 years 3 months active duty in the United States Air Force; honorably. After his service he took an Associate’s Degree in Practical Theology, where, through his studies, developed a deep love of God and Country and sincere appreciation of the value of Liberty. Robert and his beloved wife of 21-plus years are raising 4 beautiful Texan children. They moved to Hillsdale, Michigan, in 2013, to put their children in Hillsdale Academy. Robert is a sales professional. He and his wife consider Michigan a hidden gem, and absolutely love this city and state (current political environment notwithstanding) they’ve adopted.