‘I Feel the Presence of The Lord’  

"I Feel The Presence of The Lord" is a personal collection of devotions intended to encourage the reader to seek and see the Lord in every aspect of their life.
The enemy of our souls would have us subscribe to the mentality of being endlessly busy, and therefore it being excusable to relegate God to a Sunday morning church service, if that. Thus, many in our churches today are powerless Christians and/or Christians in whom faith and fellowship with God is sorely wanting.
I Feel The Presence of The Lord is not just a book to be read as part of our daily devotions. It is a collection of thoughts and instructions to inspire the reader to meditate upon the Lord and His Word.

Natural Family Is Not Homosexuality and Transgenderism by Robert Socha

The news cycle, replete with terrible plane crashes, Chinese AI, Israeli hostages, DOGE, Ukraine, and President Trump’s Cabinet and executive orders shaking up the establishment, there is another subtle acknowledgment that will, over time and with consistency, help the country and the culture return to reality where gender and family are concerned.

President Trump and Vice-President Vance surround themselves with their families, praise their wives, and show off their children. President Trump was surrounded by his children during the inauguration. Vice President Vance was surrounded by his beautiful family too. The President has also permitted Musk to walk into important meetings, holding his son on his shoulders and allowing the lad to partake in the pomp and circumstance. Please do not take the mention of Musk’s child as an endorsement of his prolific lifestyle, fathering children with many different women. Such behavior is anathema to traditional families sanctioned by Scripture and not encouraged by this author.

Segue: My children have all heard they should not awaken love before its time. I told them if they maintain their sexual integrity and can tell their spouse on their wedding night that they can give the gift of their virginity only once, then it is lost forever, and that they saved that gift for the wedding bed, it will have enduring qualities that will be a foundation for a healthy and lasting marriage. “Therefore, what God has joined together let not man separate.” (Mark 10:9)

Nor is this piece an endorsement of the President’s speckled marital history, although congratulations are appropriate for the recent celebration of President Trump and Melania’s 20th anniversary this past January 22nd. In our culture, 20 years is quite a milestone. The aim is to show that the current administration displays that “children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is His reward” (Psalm 127:3) by including them.

The cultural attack on the natural family has been a scorn on our culture for decades, from the free love movement of the 1960s that encouraged debauchery to the homosexual lifestyles taking prominence in the 1980s to the evil maiming of children in a twisted demonic confusion that we have been witnessing for the past decade believing surgery can change what natural design intends from the child’s conception. “However, from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.'” (Mark 10:6) Here, the apostle Mark records Jesus referencing Genesis 1:27, and he continues quoting Genesis 2:24, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” (Mark 10:7-8)

Hopefully, these images will sear the American consciousness and remind us that the family unit is the foundation of a civil society. Hopefully, it will steel the resolve of husband and wife to honor and respect one another, working through life’s challenges to forge one of creation’s most beautiful accomplishments “till death do us part.”

A movement called Natural Family Strong started a few years ago to restore the natural family and proudly declare it as necessary to a free and thriving society. It postulates acknowledging and celebrating Natural Family Month from Mother’s Day through Father’s Day annually. Let us use the White House’s emphasis on family as a catalyst to embrace and defend the family unit boldly. Let us declare the happiness a quiver of children brings. Maybe we could join the movement in our communities and swing the pendulum back to sanity, celebrating the beauty of life and love constrained by the wedding vows because “Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept undefiled.” (Hebrews 13:4)

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Robert Socha

About the Author

Robert Socha

Robert Socha, BIO Robert Socha (so-ha), was born in southern California. He served 5 years 3 months active duty in the United States Air Force; honorably. After his service he took an Associate’s Degree in Practical Theology, where, through his studies, developed a deep love of God and Country and sincere appreciation of the value of Liberty. Robert and his beloved wife of 21-plus years are raising 4 beautiful Texan children. They moved to Hillsdale, Michigan, in 2013, to put their children in Hillsdale Academy. Robert is a sales professional. He and his wife consider Michigan a hidden gem, and absolutely love this city and state (current political environment notwithstanding) they’ve adopted.

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