Negro Con Artists and The Re-Segregating of America

Suffice it to say there exists within the population of those who boast of their ancestral heritage as being that of slaves, there’s unchecked zeitgeist of incongruous parallactic.
It’s a social dysmorphic that demands a Vatican trained team of exorcists to dislodge the grotesquely asphyxiating mentality that subscribes to one-sided blind hatred for the people and country they truthfully owe their all.
I’ve asked many of their persuasion, but have yet to receive an answer: Where would they be if their ancestors hadn’t allegedly come here as slaves from the jungles? When I think of early Africans, Caribbean and West Indian settlers to America – before Democrats commercialized slavery and/or former slaves – I think Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglas, George Washington Carver, Percy L. Julian, James Durham, Daniel Hale Williams, Norbert Rillieux, St. Elmo Brady, Garrett Morgan et al.
One of the most grievous consequences of the successful inculcation of the Erebusic inclusion of pernicious lies and the recension of factual history into a political construct of baseless heterodoxies was successfully introduced into classrooms, has been a multi-year plan of occlusion to modernity.
Schools across the nation are preparing to reseat another year of students who are functionally many years behind the grade level they’ve been promoted to. The lack of a comprehensive education upon entering the college/university quagmires of those only marginally academically functional is now on full display.
Had the Democrats known that public school systems would have accomplished such quantifiable ignorance, which ultimately leads to stagnation, malaise and a retreat to standards where failure is rewarded, and despiteous stupidity is applauded; they wouldn’t have fought to keep the schools segregated.
Most of the urbanites are kept in the darkness regarding the truth of their history.
The parallax is that everything that’s good and emblematic of the embracement of modernity, they curse and condemn. Rigid commonality and anti-societal behavior is acceptable and encouraged.
Paraphrasing the late Daniel Patrick P. Moynihan: The social alienation among the [so-called] black lower classes is matched and probably enhanced, by a virulent form of anti-white feeling among portions of the large and prospering melanin identified of their middle class. His words were prescient.
But by the 1970s the trend of civility had changed. Moynihan wrote: “The incidence of anti-social behavior among young black males continues to be extraordinarily high.” This trend continues unabated today, the difference being it’s rewarded as culturally acceptable and rebranded as hip-hop culture.
Outside of the South, young husband-wife families identified by skin pigmentation had 99 percent of the income as those with a recognizable absence of pigmentation. And most stunning: Families headed by a male age 25 to 34 the proportion was 87 percent. This was 1964-1968 referencing married homes.
During the same period of time this demographic saw occupations improve dramatically. The number of professional and technical employees doubled in the period of 1960-1968. This was two and a half times [more] the increase for so-called whites.
Those people were proud of their work ethic and placed a high premium upon social propriety. But, with the introduction of pigment based affirmative action and the fashionable acceptance of welfare and husbandless/fatherless homes the organized deconstruction of the Negro family was fully underway. Add to that, the push to have children as a means of receiving more government money, i.e., welfare.
The payback for the initial payout has increased in return by untold hundreds of percent thanks to abortion and the industrialized systematic extermination of Negro children.
This has wrought a culture where self-segregation is also applauded and encouraged by universities, colleges and public schools across America.
Appleton East High School in Wisconsin, is only one of an exponential increase in the demand for designated exclusionary school events, in this case a freshman open house, be exclusive based upon skin pigment. This is a national trend and it’s being pushed by those who would scream to high heaven, if all of the students with fair skin and blue eyes were invited to a back to school private bash at a private home. The media would be passing out tissues for those inconsolable promoters of division who are currently prostituting segregated school functions including graduations, proms, lunchrooms, lounges, ad nauseum.
Is this what Dr. Martin Luther King and company suffered imprisonment, beatings, attack dogs, fire hoses and the like to attend segregated schools in the South? Or was the push to desegregate public schools one of the first steps to bring about the long list of manufactured complaints that have followed uninterrupted since then? If not, why are these uneducated domestic subversionists and Soros-funded anarchists intent on creating such and environment today?
These people and their neo-Leninist Democrat masters carry on dramatic jeremiads, faux receptions and school events every years to memorialize Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James Chaney who were murdered by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) of Mississippi as they fought to end segregation. It’s beyond heinous that these same antagonistic Democrat pretend-to-be Africans, like Stacy Abrams, former mobbed up dope-dealer turned rat and snitch Al Sharpton, who now hustles as minister, and the likes of Georgia district attorney, Fani Willis, Joy(less) Reid et al frequently opine this proof racism exists? Is this what those young men died to gain? Where’s the shame people of integrity would exhibit?
These people are fakes and charades. The public school in Wisconsin and every school that permits and/or promotes open segregation should be stripped of taxpayer support.
What I walk away with is: there never was a need to fight for civil rights. There was a need to uphold the Constitution. And these people who are today promoting segregation, are the progeny of the same socio-political philosophy that Democrats embraced when they co-opted and weaponized the KKK.
It shouldn’t take a court ruling to end the reprobate behavior of these negro con-artists and liars; if they had any decency they would never engineer such racist barbarism nor allow themselves to be exploited in such a way.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here