“Poe-Black Folks” Propagandized To Fear White Teachers

I don’t know whether to pity “poe-blacks folks” or to swallow a handful of Prevacid with an Alka-Seltzer chaser for the sour stomach and indigestion their Erebusic jeremiads give me. Their latest being a maudlin treatise written by Sherrilyn Ifill who claims: “Make no mistake: Although the perpetrators of mass school shootings have been almost exclusively white, there’s little doubt that arming teachers will lead disproportionately to the killing – by teachers – of children of color.” (Black Children Will Be the Victims of Armed Teachers; Time; 3/5/2018)
The inculcation of such propaganda into the malleable minds of children should be an indictable offense; but what else can possibly be expected from the scandal-ridden relic Ifill represents.
Ifill is the current President and Director-Counsel of the disgraced NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc (LDF). And it is worth noting that her fallacious assertion that teachers will gun down black students is as morally bankrupt as was her predecessor, Elaine Jones.
Jones, some will recall, was forced to resign in disgrace as head of NAACP LDF when it was exposed that she had allegedly instructed the late Senator Ted Kennedy to have the Senate Judiciary Committee delay the confirmation of Julia Smith Gibbons, nominated by President Bush to serve on the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. (See: Memogate)
Speaking at that time in my capacity as Chairman of Project 21, the conservative Capitol Hill Think Tank that shared in the honor of forcing Jones to resign in disgrace, I said: “It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that Elaine Jones cast herself on her sword in the light of the ethics complaint against her.”
As I have often said, “the NAACP is a relic that exists for two reasons: 1) to foment discord based upon skin color; and 2) to monetize the discord.
Ifill, with a skill honed from decades of blaming others for the ills of black children, erroneously alleges that a disproportionate number of black children are punished in public schools, but she conspicuously avoids pointing out that the numbers were disproportionate because black children misbehave in disproportionate numbers.
I submit that the last thing Ifill needs to fear is that the arming of teachers will lead to black children being killed by “white” teachers. Ifill is deceitful and dishonest in failing to point out that no one kills blacks in consistently greater numbers than other blacks and Planned Parenthood.
Let’s revisit a few facts I have shared in the past that prove my point:
• Between 1882 and 1968, there were approximately 3,446 blacks lynched in the Untied States. Today in the United States thanks to Planned Parenthood and their participants in the “murder your child” industry, approximately 1,876 black babies are murdered every day. That means the total number of blacks lynched in an 86-year period is surpassed approximately every 45 hours.
• Between 1976 and 2011, 279,384 blacks were killed; 262,621 of them were killed by another black person. That factors out to 94 percent of blacks being murdered by another black person in a 35-year period.
• 17.3 million black babies have been murdered by their black mothers because it is easier to murder the result of immorality than comport themselves morally.
• Thanks to abortion black women are responsible for reducing blacks as a demographic by 30 percent since 1973.
• As Dr. Walter E. Williams has noted: The aggregate number of black soldiers killed in military combat in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and every war since 1980 totals 18,515. That means black males are safer on the battlegrounds of Iraq and Afghanistan than they are in the womb of their mother.
These are only a small profile of the rate blacks kill other blacks. The question I proffer to Ifill is: “In what scenario does she remotely envision armed “white” public school teachers coming anywhere near equaling the number of blacks killed by black mothers every day?” Not overlooking the number of blacks killed by other blacks every day.
Ifill shows her bigoted jaundice toward whites and she unambiguously shows her intentions to monetize her unsubstantiated assertions. She is proof that the NAACP must invent scenarios that are as unlikely to ever take place as her kind are to stop funding Planned Parenthood through the murder of black babies. Inventing lies about white people is the viscous substance Ifill and the NAACP use to fuel their flim-flam machine.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here