Politicians and Progressives Responsible For Mollie Tibbetts Murder

The murder of Mollie Tibbetts is a loss of such magnitude that I have no reference points. As a parent I cannot imagine the pain that the Tibbetts and the friends of the late young lady must be feeling.
I cannot imagine the asphyxiating fear and dread her family and friends must have felt even as they fought to believe she would be found alive. I would think that a gut-wrenching realization slowly crept in the minds of her family with each passing day, even as they fought to believe she would return safe.
I know that it was not any easier for the law enforcement members who were tasked with finding the missing young lady. It is a fact that they realized the heartbreaking reality long before Mollie’s family and friends. In brief, they realized the unimaginable weight of reality that they were looking for a corpse long before the family and friends were able to even consider such a thing.
Mollie Tibbetts and those she left behind now joins the fraternity of stolen lives that could have been saved. Unbeknownst to the public this fraternity is comprised of thousands upon thousands of stolen lives.
A very close personal friend spoke with Congressman Jim Jordan, R-OH, following is a direct quote: “When I met Jim Jordan (probably the next Speaker of the House) a few months ago, I asked him if he’d seen Steve King’s report on the murder of American citizens by illegal aliens in this country. He said he had. I said “How can they cover up the fact that on average 25 Americans are killed every single day by illegals, how can that not be public knowledge? How is it hidden?” Jim looked at me and said “It’s closer to 40. The report will show it.”
That number is the dirty secret that we the public are not supposed to know. It is the dirty secret that the mainstream “fake news” media will not report. It is the dirty secret that should hang like a millstone around the necks of those in Congress who refuse to take action.
Just like Kate Steinle, Mollie Tibbetts did not have to die. It goes without saying that both of these young women and the thousands of other men, women, and children who have been murdered by illegal aliens could have lost their lives by falling off a ladder, in a car accident or by choking on a kernel of corn. But they did not!! They lost their lives in a way that could have been prevented.
Even if as the CNN crowd was quick to point out the evening Mollie Tibbetts’ body was found, this illegal alien doesn’t represent all of the illegals who haven’t committed such heinous crimes, they are still here illegally and should be deported for that reason alone.
It is past time that something be done. Our people should be as safe around their towns as they are in their homes, all things notwithstanding.
The blood of Mollie Tibbetts, Kate Steinle, Kayla Cuevas, Nisa Mickens, and Jamiel Shaw, Jr. is on the hands of every single politician, person, group and church that flaunts the law in support of illegals and sanctuary cities. The blood of American murdered or killed by an illegal is on the hands of these people.
This is a tragic breach of fiduciary responsibility by politicians and lawmakers. They have a contract with us to protect us and ensure our safety and they continue to fail miserably at both.
They are guilty of placing the well-being of illegal alien criminals over the safety and serenity of legal American citizens. It is even more egregious when we witness Republican politicians fight against President Trump and the American people to defend illegals. Not to mention provide entitlements for them with our tax dollars.
They pass laws banning drinking straws and prohibiting restaurants from serving anything but milk or water to children with their meals. And yet these same politicians support sanctuary cities for illegal alien criminals.
We have a former president whose wife was renown for doing jumping jacks, pushups, and failed school lunch programs, but together they did nothing to protect the American citizenry. And Congressional members on both sides of the aisle followed their example.
How many more Mollie Tibbetts, Kate Steinle’s, and tens of thousands of others will have to be robbed of lives before Congress and State lawmakers do something?
Any lawmaker on the local or federal levels who have in any way not worked to end this travesty should be targeted and voted out of office. Judges who fail to protect us by engaging in judicial activism that adversely affects the citizenry should be subjected to recall and voted out.
Mollie Tibbetts, Kate Steinle and tens of thousands of others were our dreamers. They were our dreams. They were the dreams of their families and friends. Those dreams have been denied. But Democrats and Republicans alike lecture you and I about the need to accommodate the damnable DACA statutes.
President Trump is fighting to protect us from the incursion of illegal aliens who are sucking the life’s blood out of communities, draining our entitlement budgets dry, murdering our young people, raping our wives and grandmothers, causing an unparalleled addiction crises, and terrorizing the heretofore most docile neighborhoods and communities with the worst gangs in the world.
America is not some third world country that we should accommodate the murder of our children by animalistic pagans coming here illegally. We cannot let Mollie Tibbetts, Kate Steinle, et al have died in vain. We need their names to be our rallying cry going into the elections in the fall.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here