President Trump Wouldn’t Have Been Lying If He Had Called Haiti A ‘Sh**hole’

Once again we are witness to a panoply of feigned insult typically associated with morally opprobrious Democrats who are enjoined by those Republicans who are eager not to be “out stupided” by liberals.
I’m speaking of the ridiculous outcries over President Trump, allegedly calling Haiti a “S***hole.” I’ll get to my reasons for not believing the President said it later. Permit me to first focus upon the truth of the statement if in fact he had said it.
Most of the people caterwauling it was racist, blah-blah cannot find Haiti on a map and the elected officials who can find it on a map can do so because of payoffs in the form of junkets to exotic getaways.
Haiti may be beautiful in certain specific tourist areas but don’t be fooled by that; it is still a third world country with all of the attributes of same. An analogy would be black friends I had as a young adult who would tell me that their family had a home or a farm in some are of the south. Until I actually saw for myself what they were calling a home and/or a farm I envisioned the properties to be like the properties I was familiar with in the North East. Those thoughts were immediately put aside when I saw first saw what many of them were calling homes and farms.Crime, child sex trafficking, disease, poverty, lack of clean water, ad nauseum is a way of life in Haiti. Ergo, even if President Trump did reference the country as alleged, how was he wrong? Just because a place has nice weather and a luxury hotel doesn’t means it’s not a crap pit.
Mychal Massie
A friend forwarded me the following a few days prior to publication of this commentary. He wrote: “[My wife] and I have been on short term mission trips to Haiti from 2010 to 2016. We were with one of the first relief teams to arrive in Haiti shortly after the earthquake. We then went six consecutive years eventually leading other teams to Haiti until I hurt my back in 2016. One of the comments on our first arrival to Haiti was that it didn’t look much different before the earthquake.” Does that sound like an idyllic wonderland even before the massive earthquake?
Another longtime friend who was in a senior agency position in one of America’s alphabet agencies shared the following (portions redacted by me): In 2***-2*** I sent three of my workers to Haiti for official ****** **** work. All three, upon return, not only described Haiti as a sh-thole but stated (one of all):1) The conditions were awful;2) Violence by Haitians on Haitians (or others) was common;3) Child prostitution was made readily available at hotels in which non-Haitians stayed, and;4) It was common to see Haitians take a bowel-movement in public and in public places (one of my workers was so offended at the complete lack of hygienic awareness that they almost threw up while asking me not to send them back – they witnessed a man take a bowel-movement right on the hotels steps).
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Does that sound like an idyllic paradise?
Moreover, while those more akin to orthoptera found in Dante’s Inferno feign insult accusing President Trump of being a racist, an African social scientist weighed in and made it abundantly clear that Haiti is a “S***hole.” Mamady Traore, a sociologist from the West African nation of Guinea said: “President Donald Trump is absolutely right; When you have heads of state who mess with the constitutions to perpetuate their power, when you have rebel factions that kill children, disembowel women as saints, who mutilate civilians.” (See: Libs Freak Over Trump “S***hole” Comment, African Sociologist Says He’s Right; V Saxena; Conservative Tribune; 1/13/2018)
The Conservative Tribune article also quotes conservative commentator Ben Domenech, who reportedly visited Haiti twice, called it a “hellish place that suffers from both a cholera epidemic and rampant sex trafficking.” Does that sound like idyllic paradise?
Dr. Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, maintained order and power by utilizing the “Tontons,” an indigenous Haitian terrorist group to terrorize political opponents and the Haitian citizenry. Duvalier destroyed Haiti’s emerging tourism boom. Following his barbaric rule, his son Jean-Claude “Baby-Doc” Duvalier appointed himself “President for Life.” Under Baby Doc, tourism began a tenuous revitalization. He was ousted in 1986. He was followed by a succession of corrupt barbarians who established themselves as leaders who looted and pillaged the country’s resources and who mistreated the people with cruel efficiency.
It took U.S. intervention to restore the former Catholic priest, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, to power in 1994, following the military coup that ousted him in 1991.
Crime, child sex trafficking, disease, poverty, lack of clean water, ad nauseum is a way of life in Haiti. Ergo, even if President Trump did reference the country as alleged, how was he wrong? Just because a place has nice weather and a luxury hotel doesn’t means it’s not a crap pit.
As promised, here is my primary reason for not believing President Trump said what he is alleged to have said, is because the accusations were made by Dick Durbin, D-IL. Durbin is a pernicious liar who has lied about our military, used anti-Semitic characterizations, and savagely disparaged our military serving in GITMO calling them Nazi’s and accusing our military of running a gulag at GITMO.
Adding to my assertion that Durbin is a pernicious liar are the rebukes of Senators David Perdue, R-GA, and Tom Cotton, R-AR. Both men were in the meeting and both men were in close proximity to President Trump; and both men steadfastly argued that the President never said what Durbin alleges. Additionally both men also pointed out that Durbin has a history of inventing lies for reasons of raw partisanism. (See: Senators Perdue and Cotton Say “Sh**hole” Comment a Lie; Onan Coca;; 1/15/2018)
As for Mia Love, R-Utah; her parents are from Haiti, thus she of all people should know firsthand what Haitian life is like. For her to jump on the band wagon and attack President Trump for telling the truth even if he did call Haiti a “S***hole” is nothing short of opportunistic. It also changes my mind about her moving forward, because her actions show her to be just another opportunistic hack willing to seize the opportunity to make gain at the expense of integrity. We do not need more of her kind.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here