Purity Tests Do Matter

Why is it that purity tests, as Haley Barbour once derisively called them, are wrong for us to consider? Why are we as Christian conservatives and those who believe in morality, sanctity of life, family, and the constitution, always called upon to abandon our principles? Why doesn’t the Republican Party take the stance that they are about these things? When will they admit that it is the abandonment of these principles that has led us to where we are? They invoke God’s name when it’s convenient, but they deny Him in the public square. Having morals and standing for morality would make it much less likely the Republican hierarchy would lie and obfuscate when it comes to their base. It is time for us to reject what they stand for and espouse. For them it is about control and retaining power – it has nothing to do with us or what is important to us. They don’t give a rat’s tail about what’s important to us. Their actions are “gotcha politics” between themselves and Democrats. Count the number of times we have been shafted by so-called leadership – start counting backwards from their their lack of support for the President We the People chose and elected.
Our support for President Trump keeps the ghoulish wraiths of the Republican party who meet in secreted places to choose among themselves who will be the candidate we will be demanded to vote for, awake at night.
They do not fear Democrats, because the only difference between the two groups is that one has a pachyderm for a mascot and the other has an ass.
With President Trump leading, if Republicans were remotely interested in real change and recovery it would be done by now. Consider what President Trump has done without the help of the Republican led Congress and despite the fierce resistance to the very things they claimed they wanted for America until Donald Trump became the “People’s President.” The question that begs an answer is: Are the Republicans refusing to fight for those things because they oppose President Trump, because they were lying to us all the time, or both?
Our responsibility as patriotic citizens who care about our country is to make sure that those like Kevin McCarthy, John McCain, and those RINOs who just won primaries that we are watching; and that we will go on a scorched earth mission in support of President Trump.
It is not enough for us to have elected him, it is equally as important that purity issues matter to us. It is important for anti-Trumpers to know that no seat is safe despite their underhandedness and backroom tricks to betray us and pretend they have not.
The bottom line is that Republican led Congress has betrayed us or else we would have seen more sweeping changes and we would not see President Trump having to fight the Democrats, the mainstream media, and those of his own party to get things done.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here