Republicans Who Oppose President Trump’s Picks Oppose Us

Despite some of the most draconian efforts I’ve ever witnessed in my life to thwart Donald Trump being elected President, We the People prevailed and for the first time since President Reagan we had an outsider elected President for two terms; A man who genuinely loved America and who was wholly committed to “Making America Great Again.”
Only Satan himself, his demonic minions and/or the progeny of same would argue that Biden has been anything other than an unprecedented failure on every quantifiable level; and even then Satan’s acknowledgement would be boasting that his control of Biden has been been so thoroughly successful.
Biden may be a mindless, failure of a human being, who is barely able to walk across a room, but Satan used him to create a zeitgeist of dystopia and unparalleled immiseration that if he were allowed to stay in office would drag America to the lowest estate in our history.
Biden makes a bunch of dandelion appear pedantic. He is unable to form words into a coherent sentence. He’s an absolute embarrassment who has used his political career to amass a family fortune by means that should have him imprisoned for the rest of his natural life.
The cacophony of amoral and pernicious calumniators, i.e., the charlatans masquerading as media and journalists are those the late Arnaud de Borchgrave referenced when he warned that the so-called news industry in America was patterning itself after Stalinist Communist TASS and Pravda, which produced and disseminated the rawest forms of political and cultural agitprop.
But, with that said, the Republican elites and RINOs in the Senate, who by definition and example are the country club set of the Democrat party are prepared to once again do their very best to oppose President Trump and obstruct his efforts to “Make America Great Again.”
Trey Gowdy squandered $7.1 million as chairman of the Benghazi Hearings and accomplished nothing, apart from allowing Hillary to make a fool out of him, is now the rabid dog FoxNews encourages to attack President Trump’s Cabinet selections. Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Thom Tillis, Joni Ernst, Bill Cassidy, John Thune and others are on record that they will support Democrat opposition rather support several of President Trump’s nominees.
Whether you like President Trump or hate him, his accomplishments as President are second to none. The same can be said of Biden as well, albeit in his case he’s second to none regarding the rapidness with which he has destroyed the well being of the American fabric.
The following hyperlink is a comprehensive list of President Trump’s accomplishments while in office, compiled by Ben Armstrong of WSAU, January 16, 2020.
As Steve Cortes wrote for RealClearPolitics: At home and abroad, President Trump proved that there is, indeed, method to his madness. Though his unorthodox and sometimes frenetic approach confounds his critics, Trump’s disruptive leadership remained highly effective in 2020, even as our country and his administration faced many unwelcome challenges. Whatever the future holds for him, the 45th U.S. President compiled a record of achievement over these last four years that is impressive and historic.
The enemies of We the People are no longer Democrats and members of the Socialist party elected to congressional office. Our enemies are also the Republican elites who oppose President Trump because he threatens the hundreds of millions of dollars they collectively pilfer and pocket.
We cannot allow these rats and traitors to deceive We the People who prayed and worked to ensure President Trump would return to the White House. Our opposition is righteous and just. We stand for the America our Founding Fathers envisioned.
President Ronald Reagan and President Donald Trump are two unlikely outsiders who loved and loves America and her people. The country club Republicans I mentioned above love the money they can privily pocket, and they love lauding over you and I. We must determine that we will oppose them at every turn. If they oppose President Trump’s picks we must primary them. If they oppose President Trump’s picks they are even worst than Liz Cheney. At least she didn’t pretend to love America and We the People.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here