Soccer World Cup Was Not About Groveling To Terrorist Muslims

I am a huge European football, i.e., European soccer, fan – and while I like the Chelsea and Liverpool clubs, Manchester United is my favorite team. Specific to same, I was beyond thrilled seeing Belgium, France, and England in the semi-finals and finals of the World Cup, because the three teams were stacked with Manchester United players.
However, I do not like Manchester United’s manager Jose Mourinho. Manchester United arguably has the best talent in the Premiere League and instead of allowing his players to play; Mourinho restrains them, and uses fear and public ridicule of his players to get them to tow his managerial style. And no Manchester United team player is more so treated than Paul Pogba.
While I would have been pleased with Belgium or England winning the World Cup, my sentimental favorite was France, because Pogba played such a pivotal role in France capturing the World Cup, which was a slap in the face of Mourinho.
But what I want to address now are the people who, in the aftermath of France’s win, took to social media to make political and social statements about the French team’s composition. None stirred that mixture of substance typically found in trucks referred to as “honey dippers,” than the Washington Post.
Rachel Podnar, immediately following the July 15, Final match, wrote an article on what was supposedly trending on line, titled: “After World Cup Win, Social Media Calls On France To Treat Immigrants Better.” Suffice it to say, the article proved why that rag of a newspaper isn’t fit to cover the floor of a pissoir.
Dismissing all of the pageantry and the “Bonapartean” conquest, Podner invested what masquerades as ability into pimping the divisive heterodoxy of her kind. She wrote a column that amounted to nothing more than a political statement calling for France to rollover with bottoms-up and allow illegal Muslim entrants to overrun France.
She quoted Khaled Beydoun (@KhaledBeydoun) who opined that: France had a team that was comprised of 80 percent African and 50 percent Muslim players. That with same being the case it was time for France to: “cut out the racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia. And now that: “Africans and Muslims delivered you a second World Cup, now deliver them justice.”
She also quoted Clint Smith (@ClintSmithIII) who tweeted: “Good morning to everyone except people in France, Belgium, and England who don’t like immigrants when they move into your neighborhood but love them when they’re scoring goals for you at the World Cup.”
The rest of her “copy and paste” exemplifies why newspapers are dying off from lack of readership. But like those of her kind, she chose what should have been a singular moment of national pride and tried to sully same with the Erebusic obfuscation of people whom I very much doubt are serious fans.
If these blemishes on the fabric of a national moment of pride were fans, they would have cheered and applauded the play of the team. But they weren’t, aren’t, and did not. Podnar gave these pustules a forum and thus gave credibility to their ignorance. These people are not to be applauded as the consciousness of activism; they are hemorrhagic ulcers attempting to leave indelible stains on the fabric of a country that should be buoyed by national accomplishment.
The glaring proof of my words that Podnar and those she conveniently omitted is that Muslims are the single greatest threat to the security and national well-being of the people of France.
If counted correctly there have been no fewer than 15 significant terrorist attacks in France carried out by Muslims from 2015 to today. Those attacks include the 2015 Bataclan Theatre terrorist attack during a rock concert. In that attack Muslims were responsible for the taking of 100 hostages and for 89 French citizens being murdered in the name of the Islamic fake god allah. How convenient for Podnar and the people she quoted, not to mention that at the very time her article was published, French police feared the threat of a terrorist attack based upon credible threats for areas where more than 100,000 French fans were celebrating.
I find it interesting that Podnar didn’t include that part of the narrative. Many of the French players she and those she quoted called Africans, were born in France, which is unimpeachable evidence of who the true bigots and xenophobes she referenced really are.
If these people were truly fans and champions of national accomplishment, they would be cheering and applauding the pride afforded the country via the World Cup.
But unlike the late Nelson Mandela, who following his epiphany, realized that unity couldn’t be brought about by internal bigotry and reverse apartheid, but that it could be accomplished by utilizing the unique opportunity presented him by a rugby team that was a symbol of subjugation. Mandela rallied the team to use them as a positive force to bring about national unity.
But these people are only interested in using the historic accomplishment of the French soccer team to cause acrimony and division. How like the children of Satan.
How convenient for Podnar and those she quoted to omit the great number of terrorist attacks by Muslims the world over. It’s troubling that these Muslim troublemakers did not say thank you to France and the other countries for even allowing them into their countries after the satanic attacks by Muslims at the 1972 Munich Olympic games and the 2013 Boston Marathon Muslim terrorist attack.
Lest we forget, Muslims murdered 17 Olympic athletes at the Munich Games, and Muslims murdered three people, while wounding 264 innocent bystanders during the Boston Marathon. I find it particularly offensive that Muslims expect us to forget that they are global terrorists; a migratory swarm of locusts that destroys whatever area they are permitted to infest. Don’t take my word for it. Ask those who have left the cult of Islam what the false religion is really dedicated to.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here