‘I Feel the Presence of The Lord’  

"I Feel The Presence of The Lord" is a personal collection of devotions intended to encourage the reader to seek and see the Lord in every aspect of their life.
The enemy of our souls would have us subscribe to the mentality of being endlessly busy, and therefore it being excusable to relegate God to a Sunday morning church service, if that. Thus, many in our churches today are powerless Christians and/or Christians in whom faith and fellowship with God is sorely wanting.
I Feel The Presence of The Lord is not just a book to be read as part of our daily devotions. It is a collection of thoughts and instructions to inspire the reader to meditate upon the Lord and His Word.

SPECIAL EDITION FRIDAY: Covid19, 99% Survival Rate, Vaccination, 100% Irreversible!

The following was written by my friend Rich Kozlovich for his blog Paradigms and Demographics (P&D).  It first appeared on P&D Saturday, April 2, 2022.  The power and truth of this piece speaks for itself.  It is a must read.  After reading this stunning presentation only someone who believes in fantasyland will fail to realize Covid19 is one of the greatest hoaxes perpetrated upon the American people and indeed the world, in history.  This is very useful information.  I strongly recommend referring back to it.


Covid 19, 99% Survival Rate. Vaccination, 100% Irreversible!

I’ve borrowed the headline from a piece that ran some time ago, and I’ve used it because I think it’s profound, and it is.

For those old enough to remember the Asian flu of 1957 and 1958, you know that was most likely far worse than this fake pandemic.  The big difference was people expected to get the flu and get sick and some would die.  Just as it happens every year with some flu variant, and no one was tested.  If you test everyone in the nation you will probably find vast numbers of completely healthy people with antibodies resulting from have been exposed to this virus.  Well, that’s always been true.  This isn’t some new and novel understanding.   But so what?  Here are twenty truths about this fraudulent pandemic.

  1. Cloth masks are ineffective against these viruses.
  2. Lockdowns don’t work.
  3. Social distancing doesn’t work.
  4. These treatments are not vaccines, they’re experimental genetic manipulation drugs.
  5. The vaccinated are not immune from this virus, or it’s variants.
  6. There’s evidence the vaccinated are now less resistant to future infection.
  7. The vaccinated can transmit this virus to others.
  8. The mortality rate is comparable to the flu.
  9. Many people are entering hospitals with covid, not from covid.
  10. Many people listed as dying from covid are dying with covid, not from covid.
  11. The data on the mortality rate is faked.
  12. Natural immunity is far more effective than these false vaccines.
  13. Natural Immunity works against all variants.
  14. There is no need to test those who are asymptomatic.
  15. The asymptomatic shouldn’t be tested as that gives false impressions about what’s happening.
  16. Children are not at risk and schools should remain open.
  17. Covid is predominantly an illness affecting those with other serious medical conditions, are immunocompromised and elderly.
  18. We should not shut down society.
  19. There are alternatives that are more effective than these false vaccines.
  20. These vaccines can be deadly, and will have serious long term negative effects on humanity.

As I’ve said, I’m purging my draft files, and have published long lists of links to articles on this pandemic fraud.  It’s a story of corruption, fraud and the consequences of that corruption to the people of the world, and that’s been massive.  And this shows how far back they’re known and suppressed the truth about all this, and the alternative treatments, also included below.

These is my Ivermectin files!

They’re not in exact chronological order, and this first one certainly isn’t, but I think the first one by Monica Showalter sets the tone for viewing all the others.  Corruption, fraud, lies, deceit at the highest levels of government, as a result people have died unnecessarily, suffered unnecessarily, are continuing to suffer unnecessarily because these are criminal acts.  Criminal acts they continue to pursue.  The first rule of crime?  Never give up the con, and they’re not.

And because of their corrupt criminal actions people will continue to suffer the consequences of this con for decades because their government imposed treatments are causing serious adverse reactions that have killed untold numbers and impacted the health of even more, some of them will most likely be negatively impacted for the rest of their lives, and the criminal efforts by government to hide that information.  

Now there’s only eight questions to be answered.

  1. Who will answer for these crimes?
  2. When will they answer for these crimes?
  3. Will anyone ever be brought to justice for these crimes?
  4. How high up the ladder of corporate America will these crimes be pursued?
  5. How far up the ladder of the American government will these crimes be pursued?
  6. Will all these international agencies who supported all these lies will be charged with these crimes?
  7. Will this lack of scientific integrity be punished?
  8. And finally – Who will have the guts to do it?

Normally I would end with…Enjoy. I can insure you, there’s nothing here to enjoy except knowing the truth.  The reward is knowing.  The punishment is knowing.  Knowing creates a sense of satisfaction.  That’s the reward.  Knowing denotes responsibility.  That’s the punishment.

Now you will know!

Fake News: The strange campaign against ivermectin escalates – By Monica Showalter September 5, 2021-  What’s with the bizarre campaign against Ivermectin?  It’s not just that the FDA has put out a quackish tweet (shown here by AT contributor Dr. Brian Joondeph, M.D.) scolding viewers that they are not horses or cows. That’s in reference to the fact that in some high-dose forms, ivermectin is used as a horse dewormer, begging the question about its effectiveness when it is dosed and formulated properly as a human medical treatment for COVID, prescribed off-label. The news reports repeatedly call ivermectin a dangerous drug, inferring that all uses of the drug are dangerous, even when taken properly. It’s now a lot of nonsense about mass injuries from people who take the horse dewormer form of the drug on their own to beat COVID, as if there is anyone out there advocating such an improper use of the medicine. Here are a few of the screaming headlines from multiple news outlets:

(Funny that similarity, almost like the same guy wrote those headlines?)

One problem: The story is fake………..


If rat poison and mold can save lives, why not a ‘horse de-wormer’? September 12, 2021 – If ivermectin is in the same company as penicillin, that’s good company. More
Head of Tokyo Medical Association recommends ivermectin for COVID treatment September 12, 2021 Even as Australia bans doctors from prescribing it against COVID. More
Ivermectin, ‘Noble Lies,’ and Whom Do We Trust? Keith Jackson, MD The left’s pursuit of the “Noble Lie” is judged more important than honest debate. More

‘Bombshell’ ivermectin story takes astonishing turn as truth emerges – By Jack Davis, The Western Journal September 5, 2021 – When an Oklahoma doctor told the media horror stories about hospitals jammed with patients who self-medicated themselves with ivermectin right into the emergency room, it was a hit. Rolling Stone ran with choice bits of the story, which appears to have originated with Oklahoma TV station KFOR-TV. “The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated,” Dr. Jason McElyea said.  But the bombshell report soon went bust. The doctor who offered a graphic depiction of chaos had not been on the job for a while, and the hospital where he worked said there was no truth to the claim that ivermectin patients were crowding out everyone else…..

Joe Rogan weighs suing CNN, Jim Acosta over ivermectin ‘horse dewormer’ claims: ‘They’re making s**t up!’ –  Joe Rogan slammed CNN on Tuesday over the network’s repeated claims that ivermectin — a controversial anti-parasite drug that the popular podcaster used after being diagnosed with COVID-19 — is a “horse dewormer,” even floating the idea that he may sue the network for defamation.  “Well, well well, if it isn’t old ‘horse worm Rogan,'” guest host Tom Segura quipped Tuesday during an episode of Rogan’s show, referencing the negative coverageRogan received over his decision to use the drug.  “Bro, do I have to sue CNN?” Rogan responded while laughing. “They’re making s**t up!”………

Family: War vet died after hospital ignored court order for ivermectin – By Art Moore  September 7, 2021 – Amid a flood of media reports conflating a veterinary version of the drug ivermectin with one for human use that is touted worldwide by physicians and in more than 100 scientific studies as a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19, a 74-year-old Vietnam War veteran died in Texas after a hospital refused to administer the drug in defiance of a court order, according to the family………..

Amid a flood of media reports conflating a veterinary version of the drug ivermectin with one for human use that is touted worldwide by physicians and in more than 100 scientific studies as a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19, a 74-year-old Vietnam War veteran died in Texas after a hospital refused to administer the drug in defiance of a court order, according to the family.

Pete Lopez was put on a ventilator Aug. 19 at Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital near Houston after testing positive for COVID-19, reported the local Fox affiliate. The hospital issued a statement explaining it could not comment on specific cases but said in part: “It is important to note that physicians diagnose and treat patients consistent with best medical practices. … The FDA has not authorized or approved Ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. Data currently available does not demonstrate that Ivermectin is safe or effective against COVID-19 infection.”

The Government and CDC Are Lying About COVID-19 Vaccine and Ivermectin. The question is, why? – Wayne Allyn Root Sep 8, 2021 – It’s been quite a week. I’ve been in the media business for decades and I’ve never before witnessed such lies, exaggeration and outright fraud. All with the intent to force everyone to be vaccinated. The question is why? Let’s start with the vaccine itself. The results in Israel prove what a sham, charade and fraud this all is. The U.S. government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention argue that the vaccine is our only chance to survive. And that people are hospitalized and dying with COVID-19 because they are unvaccinated.  Both arguments are pure fraud…..

The AMA’s Misinformation Media Campaign on Ivermectin is Harming Americans – by Sep 8, 2021 – NIH officials and mainstream media are recklessly harming Americans with misinformation on ivermectin. Americans take prescription ivermectin every day in sequence multidrug therapy for early ambulatory COVID-19. Misleading statements by the media over the medicine which is safe and effective in COVID-19 and supported by dozens of studies is costing American lives as early treatment is the only way to reduce the composite of hospitalizations and death. After Dr. McCullough’s public statement with Dan Ball, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons came out with a letter directly to the American Medical Association calling out their irresponsible statements to Americans.

AMA claims that ivermectin is dangerous and ineffective despite the safe prescription of billions of doses since 1981, and the mostly favorable results of 63 controlled studies in COVID-19. AMA does not specify any recommended early treatments, but simply urges face masks, distancing, and vaccination.

The AMA does not produce evidence reviews of guidelines panels, and thus is far beyond the guardrails of their mission in trying to harm Americans with misinformation on ivermectin…….

The Story Of Ivermectin And COVID-19 – By September 6, 2021 – Do you have the Delta Variant? It’s illegal for you to know. The latest piece of sheer insanity from the US government  A my long-time readers know, I’ve spent the past year demonstrating that the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist. Therefore, the Delta Variant is a fantasy based on a fantasy. However, I make forays into the official bubble where, of course, millions of people believe the virus and the Variant are real. I show that within the bubble, all sorts of internal contradictions and absurdities abound. Recently, I quoted official sources who stated that the current PCR test can‘t differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and the Delta Variant. Only through deeper genetic sequencing of patients’ swab samples ”-a procedure that isn’t routinely done”-can testers tell whether a person has the original SARS-CoV-2 or the Delta Variant……

There Are Now 365 Studies that Prove the Efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in Treating COVID-19 — Will Anyone Confront Fauci and The Medical Elites on Their Deception? – By Jim Hoft November 25, 2021 –  There have now been 67 Ivermectin COVID-19 controlled studies that show a 67% improvement in COVID patients. There have been 298 Hydroxychloroquine studies that show a 64% improvement in patients for COVID-19 patients.  Despite the science, Dr. Fauci and the medical elites have blocked the use of these effective treatments for coronavirus patients. Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines, accused Dr. Fauci and others of lying and causing the death of over 500,000 Americans by preventing HCQ and Ivermectin, and other treatments from COVID-19 patients

New Peer-Reviewed Study Shows Ivermectin ‘Significantly’ Reduces COVID Infections, Hospitalization, and Mortality Rates – By Debra HeineA newly released study from Brazil of over 150 thousand subjects found that regular prophylactic use of ivermectin “was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.” The largest ivermectin study to date was conducted in Itajaí, Brazil, between July 2020 and December 2020. It recently passed rigorous peer-review and was published this week, Dr. Pierre Kory noted on Twitter.

Background: Ivermectin has demonstrated different mechanisms of action that potentially protect from both coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection and COVID-19-related comorbidities. Based on the studies suggesting efficacy in prophylaxis combined with the known safety profile of ivermectin, a citywide prevention program using ivermectin for COVID-19 was implemented in Itajaí, a southern city in Brazil in the state of Santa Catarina. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of regular ivermectin use on subsequent COVID-19 infection and mortality rates.

Researchers invited the entire population of Itajaí to enroll in the program and compiled baseline, personal, demographic, and medical information on participants…………

Dr. Robert Malone Posts Irrefutable Proof on Ivermectin and the Uttar Pradesh India Success Story – By Jim Hoft January 17, 2022 –  The Gateway Pundit was one of the first to report on the massive success in the Uttar Pradesh province in India in treating the COVID-19 virus with Ivermectin. Our first post that went viral was back in September. The government announced that the 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India have now become COVID free. The recovery rate has increased up to 98.7% proving the effectiveness of IVERMECTIN as part of the “Uttar Pradesh Covid Control Model.” Of course, the media won’t mention that Ivermectin is being used for the treatment of COVID-19. This state has an estimated population of 241 million people in 2021 and has the highest population in India.  This is almost two-thirds of the United States population in 2021 and yet it is now a COVID-19 free nation.

Medical board suspends license of doc, asks for psych evaluation for prescribing ivermectin and HCQ for COVID and for public dissent from orthodoxy January 17, 2022 – Shades of the darkest days of the Stalinist Soviet Union, where dissent from the lethal incorrect pseudo-scientific doctrines of Lysenkoism could result in imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital! …….

WHO chief gives New Year speech: ‘If we end inequity, we end the pandemic’ – by Brad Dress – 12/31/21 – The World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Friday he was confident the pandemic will end in 2022 “if we end inequity” and spread vaccine wealth, urging nations to better cooperate on battling the coronavirus. In a New Year’s address, Tedros said the tools were available to end the pandemic as the world enters its third year of the pandemic. But he argued that “narrow nationalism” and “vaccine hoarding” was preventing the pandemic from coming to an end, and led to the emergence of the highly transmissible omicron variant….

Biden Cuts Off Successful COVID Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to States Because They’re Not Fauci Shots –  By Victoria Taft Dec 31, 2021 – In addition to black-balling Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, it appears that the Lefties and their president have now stopped another medication meant to keep COVID sufferers out of hospitals: monoclonal antibodies, which have FDA approval.  The Biden administration says it’s cutting off the states because the Omicron variant is dominant and monoclonal antibodies don’t work as well with the weaker variant.  Drs. Scott Atlas and Peter McCullough believe that gross incompetence, politics, and failure to keep pace with the pandemic treatments in other parts of the world have led us to unnecessary shutdowns, mask mandates, and traveling papers. And deaths. Hundreds of thousands of them. Dr. Fauci’s incessant and tunnel-visioned vaccine-at-all-cost mentality instead of keeping people out of hospitals with treatment has indisputably caused a half-million American deaths, according to mRNA founder Dr. Robert Malone in a recent interview.  Malone was just permanently banned from Twitter for quoting COVID research conclusions.

Natural Immunity Works Better Than COVID Vaccines: New England Journal of Medici – By Stephen Green Nov 29, 2021 – Natural immunity works, oftentimes better than vaccines do, according to a massive new study published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine. If you missed the news, you’re not alone. The news broke during the busy Thanksgiving holiday, allowing outlets like CNN to publish on Thanksgiving Day when many people (including Yours Truly!) don’t bother reading the news.
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Mychal Massie

About the Author

Mychal Massie

Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here

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