SPECIAL EDITION FRIDAY: I Won’t Be Threatened Into Believing Lies

I am not anti-medicine as such. I am however, universally anti-vaccine and anti-injections when I have no idea what the injections consist of; especially when the proven dishonest federal government and proven untrustworthy so-called medical and pharmaceutical monstrosities that are guilty of nothing less than repeated medical jihad against countless trusting individuals insist I take same; simply because they say do it.
Consider the exponential explosion of autism. Vaccine pushers can deny it all they want, but the evidence of injections being the primary causal factors of same exist, despite the denials and outright lies from those pushing same. We have an epidemic of opioid addiction because pharmaceutical companies encouraged doctors to pass out oxycontin and other so-called pain pills like peanuts at the zoo. Now, I’m supposed to believe despite clear undeniable evidence to the contrary that allowing myself to be injected with a deadly toxin is the wise thing to do? I think not!!
The drugs, ointments ad nauseum that have gone through vigorous long-term testing and group studies have a list of very real side effects that are as severe as one can imagine. Remember the wire-mesh that has resulted in mega-class-action settlements and untold pain and suffering? What about Zantac, and countless other “this will make you all better drugs” being prescribed like sugar cookies and jellybeans?
Having said that, I am unwaveringly anti-government dictates. It is my body and my choice regarding what I put into it. Never in the history of America have we, a free people, been mandated to ingest life-threatening toxins, under threat of loss of job, loss of retirement benefits, arrest, denial of services, and the complete and I might add illegal revocation of our God-given unalienable rights, i.e., Natural Law.
I reject these actions and I refuse to obey and/or comply. No mask, no social distancing, and heck no to being injected with poison. If a person can blow smoke through the best of masks, how on earth are they supposed to stop a germ?
Wednesday October 20, 2021, I received the “Better Days Ahead” email below, from Lehigh Valley Hospital Network. It in no uncertain words tells me/us not take Ivermectin for treating the Chinese-flu. It makes the clear statement by “some” doctor that Ivermectin doesn’t work. Buried at the very end, after videos and a few few hundred words of fear mongering, it reverses and instructs to not take Ivermectin without a clinician’s recommendation.
Well duh!! You’re told not to take Tylenol in certain situations without first consulting a physician.
The problem with this scare tactic is that it is pure crap on a stick. I personally know two people who within the last three weeks have had the Chinese-flu and taken Ivermectin and they recovered in literally days. I personally know other people who have had the China-flu and using Ivermectin experienced rapid recovery. These people range in age up to my age group and older. They experienced no side effects and unlike has been the case in numerous instances with the “jab,” no one dropped dead minutes after taking Ivermectin such as we have witnessed medical persons receiving the “jab” and dying on camera, while boasting of being the first to be injected with the deadly toxin.
If Ivermectin is so dangerous and this toxic elixir is so safe why is the only thing we evidence with Ivermectin is people getting over the China-flu quickly and when Ivermectin is used as a prophylactic people not getting the China-flu or only very mild symptoms? If the poisonous toxic misrepresented as a vaccine is so safe why are people developing cancer, life-threatening cardiac issues, blood clots, swelling of the brain, bell’s palsy, and a host of other life-altering side effects including death, not to mention what those who have received the toxin may well experience within the next two to five years?
There have been many reports of individuals taking ivermectin, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medication used to treat certain parasitic infections, for COVID-19.
While this medication is generally safe when prescribed for specific conditions, it is not authorized or approved by the FDA for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.
Alex Benjamin, MD, Chief Infection Control Officer with Lehigh Valley Physician Group (LVPG) Infectious Diseases, discusses ivermectin and why it shouldn’t be taken without a clinician’s recommendation in our latest COVID-19 myth buster:
Add to the above the following information received from “We the People.” These are questions that sane people should be demanding answers to, before allowing themselves to be frightened, threatened, bullied or coerced into destroying their lives. Don’t you owe it to yousrself to be informed? Or is “frightened into compliance the new definition for informed?”
- Prescribing information
- Frequently asked questions
Three COVID-19 vaccines are authorized for emergency use. The vaccines are:
- Fact sheet for recipients
- Frequently asked questions
- Fact sheet for recipients
- Frequently asked questions
- Fact sheet for recipients
- Frequently asked questions
AUTION…………………… .CAUTION…………………. ……CAUTION…………….. ….CAUTION!!!! -
…….***AMERICANS, PASS THIS INFORMATION ON TO ALL WHO WISH TO REMAIN FREE AND REMAIN AMERICANS!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Experts warn against mix-and-match of Covid vaccine Ikram Junaidi Published September 27, 2021. … (HSA) have warned that mix-and-match of Covid-19 vaccine can be
dangerous. … -
Based on CDC guidance, you should get a COVID-19 booster from the same brand you received your initial vaccine. There is not enough data to conclude that it’s safe to mix COVID-19 boosters with different branded COVID-19 doses. Because Pfizer and Moderna vaccines share the same safety and efficacy profiles, infectious disease experts do not …
Chief scientist says organisation is awaiting data on studies combining vaccines but that health agencies can make decision to mix shots … mix Covid vaccines. … of a dangerous trend here …
A chief scientist at the World Health Organisation has warned against an emerging practice of mixing Covid-19 vaccines. Speaking during an online briefing, Soumya Swaminathan described the practice of combining vaccines from different manufacturers as a, “dangerous trend”.
…….***AMERICANS, PASS THIS INFORMATION ON TO ALL WHO WISH TO REMAIN FREE AND REMAIN AMERICANS!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here