Starting The New Year By Dismantling Old Lies – The Fraud of Kwanzaa

Rabid black Marxists/Communists, class warfare, racialism, black bigotry, blackdom-mongering, and both the practice of and the encouragement to self-segregate did not start with Obama or his wife, Eric Holder or Jeremiah Wright or Al Sharpton – although the encouragement to practice same has as one of its most ambitious supporters – Michelle Obama. Contempt for all things not black and Communism is the viscous substance that lubricates their beings.
Poison oak, poison ivy, and rag weed can at a glance have a natural beauty, but to those susceptible to the toxins of the two poison vines – that beauty can inflict cruel, painful, and in the severest of cases scaring of the skin. Rag weed in it’s natural setting is not unpleasant to look at – but even if we dismiss the allergic discomfort of rag weed, the costs to homeowners to rid their properties of it cannot be ignored.
Such is the same with lies that are born to divide based on skin color – and one of the greatest lies is kwanzaa. Like poison oak and poison ivy from a distance it can have an esthetic beauty, but there is a harsh price to be paid for those who being ignorant of the danger it poses, come in contact with it. Kwanzaa also has a rag weed effect, because if it’s not contained or localized – it spreads its’ poisonous presence to the corner of every community. To the extent that even those not susceptible to it, are at risk to the harm and cost of its toxins.
Following is a syndicated piece I wrote in 2003, titled “Fleecing the FLock.” I think it is even more germane today, than when I originally penned it. It shows the impact that the lies and evil machinations of one man, can have on an entire nation and its culture. To that end, I use it to once again sound the alarm to be cautious of who you believe, and that specifically includes snake-charmers masquerading as ministers. I’m starting the new year with a reminder of a lie that has been used to divide us by skin color. If we start the new year embracing the heretical lies of Satan from the previous year, we begin the new year being led down the path of destruction because of old lies.
“Fleecing the Flock”
There was a time in the recent near past that all one needed to do to bilk a church or Christian organization was to say “praise the Lord, the Lord told me …” or “the Lord has revealed to me …”
Those words, or any combination thereof, were enough to get the snake charmer the keys to the treasury. And many a church’s treasury has been pillaged through the use of such cunning.
But stealing the church’s money and attempting to steal the very souls of the congregants through subversion of the truth and distortion of facts are not synonymous.
One is stealing, the latter is heresy; and it is the latter that Ron N. Everett, Paul Scott and their votaries are guilty of.
Ron Everett, also known as Maulana Karenga, is the creator of Kwanzaa. Scott is a minister and founder of the New Righteous Movement.
Scott’s ignominious claim to fame is his perspective of Jesus. He has been quoted as saying, “The image of a white man portraying the Messiah is more dangerous to black children than gangsta’ rap.” The fact that Christ is/was a Jew notwithstanding.
Forgetting skin-color for a moment, how can a man who says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised” (Luke 4:18 KJV), be more dangerous to black children than “gangsta’ rap”?
Snoop Dogg, whose lyrics include oral sex, pimps and whores; R. Kelly arrested for allegedly having sex with underage girls and videotaping the same, including reported footage of his using a minor for bathroom practices; Ice-T, the pimp-gangster turned rapper turned actor-rapper, whose lyrics included killing cops; Suge Knight, gangster, convicted felon and murderer – these people are less dangerous than a “white” read Jewish Jesus?
Black illegitimacy is at 70 percent and black-on-black crime numbers are frightening. In black urban neighborhoods drugs, guns, illiteracy, abortion and HIV are at staggering levels, and this so-called “minister” is worried about the color of Jesus?
Everett invented Kwanzaa in 1966, as a black alternative to Christmas. His idea was to celebrate the end of what he considered Christmas-season exploitation of blacks. Note his satanic creation had nothing to do with the birth of a Savior. It was based upon his hatred for whites.
Al Sharpton said it performs the valuable service of “de-whitizing” Christmas.
Were his racist sensibilities offended because blacks participated in yuletide cheer or was it that he saw an opportunity to capitalize on a bogus holiday? Kwanzaa not only has no roots in Africa, it is not celebrated anywhere in Africa. It’s a complete fabrication from the mind of Everett.
Everett said, “I came up with Kwanzaa because black people in this country wouldn’t celebrate it if they knew it was American. Also, I put it around Christmas because I knew that’s when a lot of bloods would be partying.” “Bloods” is a ’60s California slang term for black people. (Paul Mulshine – Happy Kwanzaa, Dec. 24, 1999).
Businesses in America, however, celebrated it to the tune of mega-millions of dollars in Kwanzaa sales each year. So much so, that the International Black Buyers and Manufacturers Expo and Conference, sent a scathing letter to firms like Hallmark Cards and Giant Food telling them to stop selling Kwanzaa-related products. The organization found the sale of Kwanzaa products by non-black enterprises “arrogantly exploitative of the culture of African people.” They found “it insulting and disrespectful to the actual spirit of Kwanzaa.”
How do they justify their actions against Everett’s words?
While I may wonder how Italians feel about black-owned stores selling spaghetti, the bigger question is Everett himself; and how a he landed in the position he now holds.
In 1971, Everett was sentenced to one to 10 years for brutally assaulting two of his (black) female followers. After forcing the women to strip naked, they were beaten with an electrical cord and a karate baton. He put a hot soldering iron in the mouth and against the face of one of the women and crushed the big toe of the other woman in a vice. He then put detergent and hoses with running water in their mouths.
Not surprisingly, Al Sharpton, and the skin color pimps of today see nothing wrong with that behavior.
Imagine how these children of satan would be reacting if a white person had done this to black women. Imagine if television/radio stations, schools, stores, politicians, ad nauseum made a show of celebrating a lie masquerading as a holiday, if a white person had done this to black women. Jim Jones is looked upon with condemnation many years after his heretical act, but the black monster who viciously assaulted and tortured vulnerable black women, was rewarded with a college professorship.
Many blacks today have the nerve to boo-hoo about slavery but with smiling faces proudly celebrate a false holiday that’s origin is more vile than the origins of slavery.
Christmas is singularly a Christian celebration commemorating the birth of Christ. All other aspects are purely perfunctory. Self-segregation – whether the work of heretical minister Paul Scott or Ron Everett now a Marxist and a professor at California State University at Long Beach and the chairman of the Black Studies Department – serves only that master with that doctrinal whip.
About the Author
Mychal Massie
Mychal S. Massie is an ordained minister who spent 13 years in full-time Christian Ministry. Today he serves as founder and Chairman of the Racial Policy Center (RPC), a think tank he officially founded in September 2015. RPC advocates for a colorblind society. He was founder and president of the non-profit “In His Name Ministries.” He is the former National Chairman of a conservative Capitol Hill think tank; and a former member of the think tank National Center for Public Policy Research. Read entire bio here